engine.name=site-002 db.driver=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver db.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://[MWT-NutLogger-Marquis-LowsCreek-Live];useCursors=true;bufferMaxMemory=10240;lobBuffer=5242880 # The database user that SymmetricDS should use. db.user=sa # The database password db.password=@SA2sa db.validation.query=select 1 # This node will contact the root node's sync.url to register itself. # registration.url= # Sync URL where other nodes can contact this node to push/pull data or register. #sync.url= # Node group this node belongs to, which defines what it will sync with who. # Must match the sym_node_group configuration in database. group.id=site # External ID for this node, which is any unique identifier you want to use. external.id=002 # How to run routing (in millis), which puts changes into batches. job.routing.period.time.ms=5000 # How often to run push (in millis), which sends changes to other nodes. job.push.period.time.ms=10000 # How often to run pull (in millis), which receives changes from other nodes. job.pull.period.time.ms=10000