Error while creating table SYM trigger 2023-06-07 00:00:08,712 INFO [CBFP_LN_BTD] [AseSymmetricDialect] [cbfp_ln_btd-sync-triggers-1] Creating SYM_ON_I_FOR_TRD_CBFP_LN_BTD trigger for 2023-06-07 00:00:08,752 INFO [CBFP_LN_BTD] [AseSymmetricDialect] [cbfp_ln_btd-sync-triggers-1] Failed to create trigger: create trigger SYM_ON_I_FOR_TRD_CBFP_LN_BTD on for insert order 1 as begin set nocount on declare @txid varchar(50) if (@@TRANCOUNT > 0) begin select @txid = bintostr(xactkey) from master.dbo.systransactions where spid = @@spid end declare @clientapplname varchar(50) declare @clientname varchar(50) select @clientapplname = clientapplname, @clientname = case when clientapplname = 'SymmetricDS' then clientname else null end from master.dbo.sysprocesses where spid = @@spid declare @DataRow varchar(16384) declare @ChannelId varchar(128) declare @newpk0 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk1 varchar(1000) declare @newpk2 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk3 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk4 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk5 datetime declare @newpk6 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk7 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk8 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk9 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk10 datetime declare @newpk11 datetime declare @newpk12 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk13 varchar(1000) declare @newpk14 varchar(1000) declare @newpk15 varchar(1000) declare @newpk16 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk17 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk18 varchar(1000) declare @newpk19 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk20 varchar(1000) declare @newpk21 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk22 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk23 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk24 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk25 varchar(1000) declare @newpk26 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk27 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk28 varbinary(32767) declare @newpk29 varchar(1000) declare @newpk30 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk31 datetime declare @newpk32 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk33 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk34 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk35 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk36 NUMERIC(18,0) declare @newpk37 varchar(1000) if (@clientapplname <> 'SymmetricDS') begin declare DataCursor cursor for select case when is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar, + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.contract is null then null else '"' + str_replace(str_replace(inserted.contract,'\','\\'),'"','\"') + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.revno is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.revno) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.state is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.state) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.spn is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.spn) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.time_entered is null then null else ('"' + str_replace(convert(varchar,inserted.time_entered,102),'.','-') + ' ' + right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(HOUR,inserted.time_entered)),2)+':'+right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(MINUTE,inserted.time_entered)),2)+':'+right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(SECOND,inserted.time_entered)),2)+'.'+right('000'+convert(varchar,datepart(MILLISECOND,inserted.time_entered)),3) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.user_entered is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.user_entered) + '"') end+','+ case when is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar, + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.cparty is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.cparty) + '"') end+','+ case when is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar, + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.trade_time is null then null else ('"' + str_replace(convert(varchar,inserted.trade_time,102),'.','-') + ' ' + right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(HOUR,inserted.trade_time)),2)+':'+right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(MINUTE,inserted.trade_time)),2)+':'+right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(SECOND,inserted.trade_time)),2)+'.'+right('000'+convert(varchar,datepart(MILLISECOND,inserted.trade_time)),3) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.value_date is null then null else ('"' + str_replace(convert(varchar,inserted.value_date,102),'.','-') + ' ' + right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(HOUR,inserted.value_date)),2)+':'+right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(MINUTE,inserted.value_date)),2)+':'+right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(SECOND,inserted.value_date)),2)+'.'+right('000'+convert(varchar,datepart(MILLISECOND,inserted.value_date)),3) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.initiate is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.initiate) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.fees is null then null else '"' + str_replace(str_replace(inserted.fees,'\','\\'),'"','\"') + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.instructions is null then null else '"' + str_replace(str_replace(inserted.instructions,'\','\\'),'"','\"') + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.comment is null then null else '"' + str_replace(str_replace(inserted.comment,'\','\\'),'"','\"') + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.entity is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.entity) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.agent is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.agent) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.execution_id is null then null else '"' + str_replace(str_replace(inserted.execution_id,'\','\\'),'"','\"') + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.executor_entity is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.executor_entity) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.fx_cur is null then null else '"' + str_replace(str_replace(inserted.fx_cur,'\','\\'),'"','\"') + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.exchange_id is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.exchange_id) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.trader_id is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.trader_id) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.order_id is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.order_id) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.trade_type is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.trade_type) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.allocated_from is null then null else '"' + str_replace(str_replace(inserted.allocated_from,'\','\\'),'"','\"') + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.organization_id is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.organization_id) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.broker_id is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.broker_id) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.timestamp is null then null else '"' + bintostr(convert(varbinary(16384),inserted.timestamp)) + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.method is null then null else '"' + str_replace(str_replace(inserted.method,'\','\\'),'"','\"') + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.trade_amend_id is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.trade_amend_id) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.time_adjusted is null then null else ('"' + str_replace(convert(varchar,inserted.time_adjusted,102),'.','-') + ' ' + right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(HOUR,inserted.time_adjusted)),2)+':'+right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(MINUTE,inserted.time_adjusted)),2)+':'+right('00'+convert(varchar,datepart(SECOND,inserted.time_adjusted)),2)+'.'+right('000'+convert(varchar,datepart(MILLISECOND,inserted.time_adjusted)),3) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.inst_currency_spn is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.inst_currency_spn) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.value_currency_spn is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.value_currency_spn) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.priceType is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.priceType) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.strategy_id is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.strategy_id) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.b2b_id is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.b2b_id) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.b2b_parent is null then null else '"' + str_replace(str_replace(inserted.b2b_parent,'\','\\'),'"','\"') + '"' end+','+ case when inserted.quantity is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.quantity) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.price is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.price) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.fx_rate is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.fx_rate) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.priceMult is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.priceMult) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.quantMult is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.quantMult) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.tickunit is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.tickunit) + '"') end+','+ case when inserted.value is null then null else ('"' + convert(varchar,inserted.value) + '"') end ,,inserted.contract,inserted.revno,inserted.state,inserted.spn,inserted.time_entered,inserted.user_entered,,inserted.cparty,,inserted.trade_time,inserted.value_date,inserted.initiate,inserted.fees,inserted.instructions,inserted.comment,inserted.entity,inserted.agent,inserted.execution_id,inserted.executor_entity,inserted.fx_cur,inserted.exchange_id,inserted.trader_id,inserted.order_id,inserted.trade_type,inserted.allocated_from,inserted.organization_id,inserted.broker_id,inserted.timestamp,inserted.method,inserted.trade_amend_id,inserted.time_adjusted,inserted.inst_currency_spn,inserted.value_currency_spn,inserted.priceType,inserted.strategy_id,inserted.b2b_id,inserted.b2b_parent, 'bd_trading_data' from inserted where 1=1 open DataCursor fetch DataCursor into @DataRow ,@newpk0, @newpk1, @newpk2, @newpk3, @newpk4, @newpk5, @newpk6, @newpk7, @newpk8, @newpk9, @newpk10, @newpk11, @newpk12, @newpk13, @newpk14, @newpk15, @newpk16, @newpk17, @newpk18, @newpk19, @newpk20, @newpk21, @newpk22, @newpk23, @newpk24, @newpk25, @newpk26, @newpk27, @newpk28, @newpk29, @newpk30, @newpk31, @newpk32, @newpk33, @newpk34, @newpk35, @newpk36, @newpk37, @ChannelId while @@sqlstatus = 0 begin insert into bd_trading_data.dbo.sym_data (table_name, event_type, trigger_hist_id, row_data, channel_id, transaction_id, source_node_id, external_data, create_time) values('trade','I', 41, @DataRow, @ChannelId, @txid, @clientname, null, getdate()) fetch DataCursor into @DataRow ,@newpk0, @newpk1, @newpk2, @newpk3, @newpk4, @newpk5, @newpk6, @newpk7, @newpk8, @newpk9, @newpk10, @newpk11, @newpk12, @newpk13, @newpk14, @newpk15, @newpk16, @newpk17, @newpk18, @newpk19, @newpk20, @newpk21, @newpk22, @newpk23, @newpk24, @newpk25, @newpk26, @newpk27, @newpk28, @newpk29, @newpk30, @newpk31, @newpk32, @newpk33, @newpk34, @newpk35, @newpk36, @newpk37, @ChannelId end close DataCursor deallocate cursor DataCursor end set nocount off end 2023-06-07 00:00:08,753 INFO [CBFP_LN_BTD] [TriggerRouterService] [cbfp_ln_btd-sync-triggers-1] Cleaning up trigger hist row of 41 after failing to create the associated trigger 2023-06-07 00:00:08,775 ERROR [CBFP_LN_BTD] [TriggerRouterService] [cbfp_ln_btd-sync-triggers-1] Failed to create triggers for trade StackTraceKey.init [SqlException:1184073736] org.jumpmind.db.sql.SqlException: Length or precision specification 32767 is not within the range of 1 to 16384. at org.jumpmind.db.sql.AbstractSqlTemplate.translate( at org.jumpmind.db.sql.AbstractSqlTemplate.translate( at org.jumpmind.db.sql.JdbcSqlTransaction.executeCallback( at org.jumpmind.db.sql.JdbcSqlTransaction.execute( at org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.AbstractSymmetricDialect.createTrigger( at org.jumpmind.symmetric.service.impl.TriggerRouterService.rebuildTriggerIfNecessary( at org.jumpmind.symmetric.service.impl.TriggerRouterService.updateOrCreateDatabaseTriggers( at org.jumpmind.symmetric.service.impl.TriggerRouterService.updateOrCreateDatabaseTrigger( at org.jumpmind.symmetric.service.impl.TriggerRouterService$ at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source) Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Length or precision specification 32767 is not within the range of 1 to 16384.