View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003108SymmetricDSBugpublic2025-02-26 18:57
Reportermarc Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.8.24 
Summary0003108: DbCompare - No source table found for table name demo_db1.*

I would like to make use of the comparedb utility to setup some monitoring of the replication but somehow the comparaison utility complete successfully without detecting the tables to compare as if it didn't understand the wildcard setting I used when configuring the trigger.

Could you confirm if wildcard should work with comparedb utility or if it is not implemented ?

marco@marco-newlap:~/docker/symmetric/symmetric-server-3.8.22/security$ docker exec demohouse_symdb_1 /symmetric/bin/dbcompare -s /symmetric/ -t /symmetric/engines/

Log output will be written to /symmetric/logs/symmetric.log
[] - AbstractCommandLauncher - Option: name=source, value={/symmetric/}
[] - AbstractCommandLauncher - Option: name=target, value={/symmetric/engines/}
[master-000] - AbstractSymmetricEngine - Initializing connection to database
[master-000] - JdbcDatabasePlatformFactory - Detected database 'MySQL', version '5', protocol 'mysql'
[master-000] - JdbcDatabasePlatformFactory - The IDatabasePlatform being used is org.jumpmind.db.platform.mysql.MySqlDatabasePlatform
[master-000] - MySqlSymmetricDialect - The DbDialect being used is org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.mysql.MySqlSymmetricDialect
[master-000] - ExtensionService - Found 0 extension points from the database that will be registered
[master-000] - StagingManager - The staging directory was initialized at the following location: /symmetric/tmp/master-000
[master-000] - ClusterService - This node picked a server id of cc0a58d55ccc
[master-000] - ExtensionService - Found 0 extension points from the database that will be registered
[master-000] - ClientExtensionService - Found 6 extension points from spring that will be registered
[store-001] - AbstractSymmetricEngine - Initializing connection to database
[store-001] - JdbcDatabasePlatformFactory - Detected database 'MySQL', version '5', protocol 'mysql'
[store-001] - JdbcDatabasePlatformFactory - The IDatabasePlatform being used is org.jumpmind.db.platform.mysql.MySqlDatabasePlatform
[store-001] - MySqlSymmetricDialect - The DbDialect being used is org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.mysql.MySqlSymmetricDialect
[store-001] - ExtensionService - Found 0 extension points from the database that will be registered
[store-001] - StagingManager - The staging directory was initialized at the following location: /symmetric/tmp/store-001
[store-001] - ClusterService - This node picked a server id of cc0a58d55ccc
[store-001] - ExtensionService - Found 0 extension points from the database that will be registered
[store-001] - ClientExtensionService - Found 6 extension points from spring that will be registered
[store-001] - DbCompare - No source table found for table name demo_db1.*
[store-001] - DbCompare - No source table found for table name demo_db2.*
+Source Target Source Rows Target Rows Matched Different Missing Extra
[store-001] - DbCompare - dbcompare complete. Total Time: 1 second

Steps To Reproducedefine triggers with wildcard such as the following in target and source dest

insert into sym_trigger
values('tpv', 'demo_tpv', '*','tpv',current_timestamp,current_timestamp);

Launch a command such as /symmetric/bin/dbcompare -s /symmetric/ -t /symmetric/engines/

Additional InformationAs a workaround I tried to switch off the sym-conf by adding --use-sym-config false to the command line but that resulted in the following error, but didn't find any doc when googling for includedTableNames so no idea what to do of this message :

An exception occurred. Please see the following for details:
java.lang.RuntimeException: includedTableNames not provided, includedTableNames must be provided when not comparing using SymmetricDS config.
    at org.jumpmind.symmetric.DbCompareCommand.executeWithOptions(
    at org.jumpmind.symmetric.AbstractCommandLauncher.execute(
    at org.jumpmind.symmetric.DbCompareCommand.main(


has duplicate 0003116 acknowledged dbcompare should support wild-carded triggers 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-05-15 04:51 marc New Issue
2019-04-24 15:07 elong Tag Attached: dbcompare
2019-04-24 15:10 elong Relationship added has duplicate 0003116
2025-02-26 18:57 emiller Priority normal => low
2025-02-26 18:57 emiller Status new => acknowledged