View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006704SymmetricDSTaskpublic2025-01-29 18:21
Reportermaziz8900 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version3.15.12 
Summary0006704: unable to deploy WAR file in Tomcat 10
Descriptioni'm trying to deploy symmetric 3.15.12 as war file into current tomcat 10 on linux
Steps To Reproducefailed to find a suitable driver\
i copied ojdbc.11.23 from symmetric home/lib into WEB-INF/lib for both TOMCAT_HOME/lib and symmetric/WEB-INF/lib ,
Additional Informationsome concerns :
- when creating the war file from symadmin , it asks for rest.proprties file in sceurity folder , however ,it's not exist
- do i have to configure symmetric.proprties or files in engine folder ?
- do i have to use server.xml/web.xml of the tomcat itself?
- do i have to make a specific web.xml of symmetric/WEB-INF ?



2025-01-29 18:19

developer   ~0002597

- when creating the war file from symadmin , it asks for rest.proprties file in sceurity folder , however ,it's not exist

This is a bug that we will address. As a workaround, you could create an empty file in the security folder.

- do i have to configure symmetric.proprties or files in engine folder ?

Yes, you need to either provide or include .properties files in the engine folder. If the engine folder is external, you must set the following system property to its path:


- do i have to use server.xml/web.xml of the tomcat itself?
- do i have to make a specific web.xml of symmetric/WEB-INF ?

As of 3.15, the war file no longer uses web.xml. It uses Spring Boot instead.

Also, here is a link to our documentation on creating a war file:

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-23 15:09 maziz8900 New Issue
2025-01-29 18:19 emiller Note Added: 0002597
2025-01-29 18:21 emiller Tag Attached: install