View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006760SymmetricDS ProBugpublic2025-03-25 11:22
Reporteremiller Assigned Toemiller  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.16.0 
Target Version3.16.1Fixed in Version3.16.1 
Summary0006760: Postgres binary bulk loader fails to parse times with 4+ digits of precision and timestamps with 4, 5, or 7+ digits of precision
DescriptionThe Postgres binary bulk loader throws an exception when parsing times with 4+ digits of precision and timestamps with with 4, 5, or 7+ digits of precision. If this occurs when parsing data from the first row, the bulk loader falls back to text mode. Otherwise, SymmetricDS falls back to the default loader. Make sure that the Postgres binary bulk loader can parse times and timestamps with 0-12 digits of precision so that it does not have to fall back.
Tagsbulk, dialect: postgresql, initial/partial load


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-17 12:25 emiller New Issue
2025-03-17 12:25 emiller Tag Attached: bulk
2025-03-17 12:25 emiller Tag Attached: dialect: postgresql
2025-03-17 12:25 emiller Tag Attached: initial/partial load
2025-03-17 12:31 emiller Summary Fix how Postgres binary bulk loader handles timestamps with varying precision => Postgres binary bulk loader fails to parse timestamps with 4, 5, or 7+ digits of precision
2025-03-24 12:05 emiller Assigned To => emiller
2025-03-24 12:05 emiller Status new => assigned
2025-03-24 14:15 emiller Summary Postgres binary bulk loader fails to parse timestamps with 4, 5, or 7+ digits of precision => Postgres binary bulk loader fails to parse times with 4+ digits of precision and timestamps with 4, 5, or 7+ digits of precision
2025-03-24 14:15 emiller Description Updated View Revisions
2025-03-25 11:22 emiller Status assigned => resolved
2025-03-25 11:22 emiller Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-25 11:22 emiller Fixed in Version => 3.16.1