View Revisions: Issue #4630

Summary 0004630: TransportManagerFactory needs to call SelfSignedX509TrustManager constructor with actual trust store used instead of null
Revision 2020-11-06 15:53 by pmarzullo
Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a trust store with a different password than "changeit".
2. Specify the trust store password on the command line (
3. Specify to use https2
4. Start up SymmetricDS.
5. Should fail startup with exception.
Revision 2020-11-06 15:54 by pmarzullo
Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a trust store with a different password than "changeit".
2. Specify the trust store password on the command line (
3. Specify to use https2
4. Start up SymmetricDS.
5. Should fail startup with exception.