Scheduled For Release 2025-04-04
0006134: [Improvement] DBCompare excluded/included columns require specified names to be lower case
0006496: [Improvement] Adding Indexes to Sym_ Tables
0006605: [New Feature] Support for cross platform BIT data type size > 1 (bit varying, varbit, bit string, bit array)
0006606: [Improvement] Update SymmetricDS documentation for system requirements and to clarify terminology
0006651: [Improvement] Insight to check if old data is needed during capture
0006678: [Improvement] Support INCLUDE non-key columns for indexes in Postgres (awebb)
0002655: [Improvement] Parameters and/or programmatic way to control type and size for sym_data, sym_trigger fields
0006751: [Task] Consolidate detection of Binary Encoding & Decoding for table in batch (pbelov)
0006779: [Bug] Postgresql DDL trigger fails when sym_trigger_hist is located in another schema (pbelov)
0004951: [Bug] Sybase: drop column needs to add "with no datacopy" clause to succeed (pmarzullo)
0006511: [Bug] Routing can include the same change in multiple batches with the same target node if an exception occurs (elong)
0006639: [New Feature] DuckDB Dialect (josh-a-hicks)
0006705: [Improvement] DataExtractorService.transferFromStaging should delete staged file if fails to decrypt staging file (pmarzullo)
0006752: [Improvement] Capture of DDL changes and delivery to the target should cause sync triggers at the target node after executing the SQL event (pmarzullo)
0 of 14 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-04-04
0005315: [Bug] Row in sym_table_reload_status does not get its data_batch_loaded column updated appropriately
0006660: [Bug] Unique index fails to create because it was adjusted to non-unique
0006778: [Bug] Debug Sybase error Explicit value specified for identity field in table ABC when 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT' is OFF (pbelov)
0006774: [Bug] Sybase ASE unitext error when exceeding 8192 characters (elong)
0006757: [Bug] ExtractDataReader support from target platform (josh-a-hicks)
0006248: [Bug] H2 should check if auto increment will work instead of just always using a sequence for autoincrement implementation (pmarzullo)
0006497: [Bug] Bandwidth request needs authentication info (pmarzullo)
0006512: [Bug] Routing can include the same change in multiple batches with the same target node if an exception occurs (elong)
0 of 8 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-04-04
0006262: [Improvement] Adding a Node Description
0006480: [Bug] New Database Schemas Only Showing up in "Add Table(s) Wizard" After Service Restart
0006763: [Bug] When logging in, opening the Node field and then clicking outside of the dialog results in inability to click things in the UI
0006761: [Bug] Postgres binary bulk loader incorrectly parses timestamps from before October 15, 1582
0002448: [Improvement] When configuring triggers in pro, detect fk dependencies and prompt the user if they want to sync
0006780: [Improvement] Adding a password complexity slider to the Configure Users form (cquamme)
0006116: [Bug] Creating node using import configuration does not keep the non-default values for the default channels (pmarzullo)
0006135: [New Feature] Add Parameters as replacement tokens in Notification templates (pmarzullo)
0006760: [Bug] Postgres binary bulk loader fails to parse times with 4+ digits of precision and timestamps with 4, 5, or 7+ digits of precision (emiller)
0006776: [New Feature] Add functionality to have the purge job automatically rotate the SAML SP x509 certificate when it's near expiration (emiller)
0006748: [Bug] RabbitMQ should make "username" and "password" required fields (cquamme)
0006771: [Bug] RabbitMQ fails to connect when using the Connect Database wizard (emiller)
0006770: [New Feature] Add a parameter to allow specification of OneLogin SAML properties via a properties file (emiller)
0006765: [New Feature] Add functionality to read the SAML IdP certificate from the IdP metadata URL (emiller)
0006759: [New Feature] Add support for timestamp with time zone data type to Postgres binary bulk loader (emiller)
0006767: [Improvement] Sign SAML requests with SHA-256 instead of SHA-1 (emiller)
0006749: [Bug] If user enters RabbitMQ username or password incorrectly RabbitMQ will fail (cquamme)
0005506: [Bug] Remove productionMode context parameter in web.xml
10 of 18 issue(s) resolved. Progress (55%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-04-04
0006768: [Improvement] Compare and Repair, All Repair Statuses, should show whether differences were found and if fixes were applied
0006762: [Bug] When logging in, opening the Node field and then clicking outside of the dialog results in inability to click things in the UI
0006675: [Bug] DBExport with option to create indexes only does not work
0006758: [Bug] Postgres log miner support for large objects that are not present in WAL (josh-a-hicks)
0006471: [New Feature] Allow REST API authorization using JWT (emiller)
0006775: [New Feature] Add functionality to have the purge job automatically rotate the SAML SP x509 certificate when it's near expiration (emiller)
0006773: [Bug] RabbitMQ should make "username" and "password" required fields (cquamme)
0006769: [New Feature] Add a parameter to allow specification of OneLogin SAML properties via a properties file (emiller)
0006764: [New Feature] Add functionality to read the SAML IdP certificate from the IdP metadata URL (emiller)
0006766: [Improvement] Sign SAML requests with SHA-256 instead of SHA-1 (emiller)
0006756: [Bug] Compare request keeps running after cancellation (elong)
0006712: [Bug] The Manage Startup Parameters screen throws a NullPointerException when the contains a variable or BSH script (emiller)
0006713: [Bug] During an upgrade, new monitors and insights do not get inserted if sym_monitor already existed before the upgrade (emiller)
8 of 13 issue(s) resolved. Progress (61%). View Issues