Released 2025-03-14
0006616: [Improvement] Save column references as numeric values for faster look-up in AbstractDatabaseWriter.getRowData() (pbelov)
0006687: [New Feature] Ready queues for more efficient push/pulls (elong)
0006734: [Improvement] Multi-threaded routing by channel enabled by default (elong)
0006244: [Improvement] Upgrade H2 library to 2.2 (emiller)
0006351: [Bug] Text and icons disappear in SQL Explorer TreeGrid when switching nodes (emiller)
0006429: [Improvement] Upgrade dependencies to latest versions (emiller)
0006537: [Improvement] Data gap detector should refresh cluster lock (elong)
0006538: [New Feature] Use source staging for incoming batch when engines are hosted together (elong)
0006577: [Improvement] Enable acceptance of cookies by default for compatibility with load balancers (elong)
0006663: [Bug] Logging of exceptions on data load can show values used in the wrong order when conflict resolution is in play (pmarzullo)
0006691: [Improvement] Skip querying of self-referencing foreign key child levels if constraints are deferred (elong)
0006692: [Improvement] Prevent logging of secrets in symadmin and wrapper (elong)
0006695: [Improvement] Increase the default max batch size for the reload channel (emiller)
0006703: [New Feature] System channel and queue for responsive data sync (elong)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2025-03-11
0006729: [Bug] Sync triggers with $(targetExternalId) usage fails to avoid duplicate trigger names (pmarzullo)
0006730: [Bug] Sync triggers with $(targetExternalId) usage fails to avoid duplicate trigger names (pmarzullo)
0006735: [Bug] When cluster.lock.enabled is set to false, the unrouted data count is incorrect before the route job runs for the first time (emiller)
0006737: [Improvement] SQL Explorer DB Fill should allow specification of how many rows to commit at one time (pmarzullo)
0006741: [Bug] Change log level to WARN in DefaultDatabaseWriter.logFailureDetails (pbelov)
0006744: [Improvement] Mock DB classes and re-tool MsSql2000 and MsSql2008DdlReaderTest (pbelov)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2025-02-14
0006716: [Improvement] Deadlocks on Sybase due to default table locking scheme being overly restrictive (pbelov)
0006637: [Improvement] Add support for Derby boolean data types (pbelov)
0006677: [Improvement] Support include column for SQL Server indexes (covering index) (pmarzullo)
0006690: [New Feature] Send Trigger DDL when sending table schema (pmarzullo)
0006702: [Bug] Failed to update sym_table_reload_request (elong)
0006704: [Task] unable to deploy WAR file in Tomcat 10 (elong)
0006706: [Bug] Error in DataService, not closing transaction object (pmarzullo)
0006708: [Bug] DDL Builder always sees a size difference for columns that are types without size when platform column exists (pmarzullo)
0006709: [Improvement] Support UUID column types (including DDL) directly for MySQL and MariaDB (pmarzullo)
0006710: [Improvement] Create parameter to keep bulk load files (for testing and development) (pmarzullo)
0006717: [Improvement] Improve logging of batch without batch ID (elong)
0006718: [Bug] Only default queue can push registration (elong)
0006721: [Bug] Data loader incorrect SQL error when no columns on target table match (elong)
0006722: [Bug] Purge of batches before data causes appearance of stranded data (elong)
0006725: [Improvement] Allow IClientReloadListener to be used on H2 and SQLite (elong)
0006728: [Bug] NullPointerException in JdbcSqlTransaction attempting to remove markers from a bulk insert with an exception (pmarzullo)
16 issues View Issues
Released 2025-01-03
0006626: [Bug] Security review of springframework (pmarzullo)
0006661: [Bug] Logging of exceptions on data load can show values used in the wrong order when conflict resolution is in play (pmarzullo)
0006665: [Bug] New "Initial Load" not cancelling previous initial loads (emiller)
0006666: [Improvement] Initial load request should cancel outstanding load requests (emiller)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2025-01-03
0006671: [Improvement] When SymmetricDS has to add a new column to a sym_ table in a Sybase ASE database, it can recreate the table unnecessarily (emiller)
0006676: [Improvement] Preserve comments on stored procedures when loading DDL changes (new parameter dataloader.sql.event.strip.comments) (cquamme)
0006689: [Bug] Postgres negative default values always show as changed (pmarzullo)
0006684: [Improvement] Switch recapture transaction ID to ISO timestamp to help diagnose stranded data issues (pbelov)
0006685: [Bug] Purge Service recaptures an Insert for stranded data after record had been deleted (pbelov)
0006686: [Bug] AppUtils static initialization of needs to try a different way to find file when running in containers (pmarzullo)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2024-12-03
0006620: [Improvement] Turn on UNLOGGED table mode during initial load into an empty PostgreSQL table (pbelov)
0002298: [Bug] DDL detection of a default value for real/float column type on the Interbase is wrong (elong)
0006647: [New Feature] Pause/Resume Nodes (josh-a-hicks)
0006654: [Improvement] Info URL handler to use channel cache (elong)
0006655: [Improvement] Add REST API to clear node host entries (elong)
0006657: [Bug] Data reload events with reload where clause should not be routed in common mode (pmarzullo)
0006659: [Bug] Custom data types causing sizing detection issues on table comparisons (josh-a-hicks)
0006662: [Bug] Logging of exceptions on data load can show values used in the wrong order when conflict resolution is in play (pmarzullo)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2024-11-13
0006621: [Bug] NVARCHAR(MAX) and VARCHAR(MAX) columns get modified when another column is updated (SQLServer-specific) (pbelov)
0006608: [Improvement] Performance bottleneck in file change detection for >1M files (pbelov)
0006540: [Task] database.dtd could be updated to reflect support for NVARCHAR (and other n-types) (elong)
0006593: [Bug] DDL change cannot alter column to nullable on H2 (elong)
0006610: [Improvement] Move Tibero support to Pro (josh-a-hicks)
0006611: [New Feature] Auto resolve conflict of delete of missing rows by capturing delete (elong)
0006612: [Bug] MySQL 5.1 query error because generated columns not supported (elong)
0006617: [Bug] Update trigger to accommodate NULLs for unique index with NULLable columns (pbelov)
0006618: [New Feature] Group link flag to control syncing of SQL/DDL events (elong)
0006622: [Bug] Conflict detection for log miners need to use the correct database connection (pmarzullo)
0006623: [Bug] The isNull transform converts an empty string to NULL (pbelov)
0006624: [Improvement] Faster snapshot exports and more checkpoint progression (elong)
0006627: [Bug] DDL replication stuck from reader on another connection (elong)
0006630: [Bug] Initial load with delete first captures the deletes when source and target are log mining nodes (pmarzullo)
0006631: [Improvement] Deployment of WAR on Tomcat 10 (elong)
0006641: [Improvement] BasicDataSourceFactory should not set user and password if they are empty (pmarzullo)
0006645: [Improvement] Update jetty server dependency to 11.0.24 (elong)
0006646: [Bug] Setting node.offline parameter to true or false disables all communication (pmarzullo)
18 issues View Issues
Released 2024-10-01
0006597: [Bug] Registration batch fails with foreign key error (elong)
0006592: [Improvement] Added currentRowCount to process info. Updated DataService (mdrouard)
0006600: [Bug] DDL replication of create table with insert in same transaction (elong)
0006603: [Bug] NULL-able trait is not preserved, when column referenced by a unique index (pbelov)
0006598: [New Feature] IPurgeListener needs to have the capability to run functionality before the purge outgoing/incoming is run (pmarzullo)
0006604: [Bug] Upgrade Spring libraries (elong)
0006594: [Improvement] Support DDL for automatic update of timestamp by database (elong)
0006602: [Bug] MySQL/MariaDB treat bit type with size greater than 1 as integer (elong)
0006590: [Bug] Empty LOB loads as null on Oracle (elong)
0006586: [Bug] StackOverflow on startup with DB2 LUW (elong)
0006578: [Improvement] SQL Server support for datetime and datetime2 column types when the paramter is true (josh-a-hicks)
0006575: [Improvement] Service wrapper should warn if incompatible Java version (elong)
0006576: [Improvement] Disallow HTTP methods not needed for data sync (elong)
0006572: [Bug] SQL Server updates create duplicate rows with datetime2 in primary key (elong)
0006571: [Bug] Database trigger is left on table after removing configuration for it (elong)
0006569: [Improvement] Symadmin option to drop SymmetricDS triggers (elong)
0006567: [Bug] Outgoing and incoming error tables sync to wrong targets (elong)
0006566: [Bug] Load cancellation not working from client node (mdrouard)
0006565: [Bug] Java Load Filter compilation error when some categories are blank. (mdrouard)
0006562: [Bug] Stream LOB when row is deleted can get exception ColumnNotFoundException (elong)
0006559: [Improvement] Purge and recapture can cause exception in routing (elong)
21 issues View Issues
Released 2024-08-16
0006521: [Improvement] Initial load request should cancel outstanding load requests (elong)
0006475: [Bug] New "Initial Load" not cancelling previous initial loads (elong)
0006545: [Improvement] MSSQL create table support for user defined types (josh-a-hicks)
0006529: [Improvement] Do not data load columns that are generated (computed) (josh-a-hicks)
0006557: [Improvement] Filter extension point during extraction (elong)
0006552: [Bug] SQL Anywhere fails to call DatabaseMetaData.getSchemas() (pmarzullo)
0006535: [Improvement] Support for MySQL 5.1 with latest 3.15.x versions (josh-a-hicks)
0004000: [Bug] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$1, even though the class exists in the jar file
0006526: [Bug] Triggers aren't synced after schema changes. (elong)
0006482: [Bug] Could not find trigger history causes error of wrong number of columns data validation in wrong column (elong)
0006485: [Bug] Do not issue foreign key correction for non-DML events (elong)
0006510: [Bug] SQLite with initial load in background can hang (elong)
0006547: [Bug] Prevent registration of registration server or empty node group (elong)
0006524: [Bug] Symadmin sync-triggers command does not update triggers (emiller)
0006539: [Bug] FileSyncDataRouter should handle initial load that uses an initialloadselect like other routers (pmarzullo)
0006528: [Improvement] Upgrade sybase JDBC driver to jconn4 version 16.0 build 27538 (pmarzullo)
0006533: [Bug] mssql-jdbc 12.6.1 SocketTimeoutException (elong)
0006531: [Bug] 0006530: Conflict resolution needs to set source node ID when executing conflict resolution for a SQL Server log mining node (pmarzullo)
0006520: [Bug] Trigger template replacement for SQL Server and Sybase not replacing channel id variables correctlly (pmarzullo)
0006513: [Bug] File Sync Tracker changes to improve performance and to collect completely the set of files (pmarzullo)
0006517: [Bug] Multi primary incorrectly detected when group link is routes only (elong)
0006516: [Improvement] Routing process status and lock improvements (elong)
0006515: [Bug] Incoming batch from reload missing table summary when 0 rows (elong)
0006219: [Improvement] Make Sybase ASE triggers use an "insert ... select" statement instead of a cursor (pmarzullo)
0006514: [Bug] H2 always reconfiguring sym_node table when schema XML changes most_recent_active_table column from varchar to varchar(255) (pmarzullo)
0006507: [Bug] Values can be matched with the wrong columns during extraction when using targetExternalId variable and table definitions differ (emiller)
0006508: [Bug] SQL-Server DDL table alterations when change not needed (elong)
0006503: [Bug] Sync on incoming batch setting does not get applied if a group link exists with the same source and target group ID (emiller)
0006505: [Bug] Service error and bad request are using same 601 http error code (elong)
0006488: [Bug] org.hsqldb.HsqlException: length must be specified in type definition: VARCHAR (pmarzullo)
0006487: [Bug] Wildcard trigger definitions do not remove existing triggers when adding a NOT table name to wild carded definition (pmarzullo)
31 issues View Issues
Released 2024-08-16
0006555: [Bug] CPU monitor is inaccurate for systems with a Mac or Linux OS and more than 1 core (emiller)
0006477: [Bug] If auto resolve missing foreign key fails, try again (elong)
0006484: [Bug] Do not issue foreign key correction for non-DML events (elong)
0006530: [Bug] Conflict resolution needs to set source node ID when executing conflict resolution for a SQL Server log mining node (pmarzullo)
0006506: [Bug] Values can be matched with the wrong columns during extraction when using targetExternalId variable and table definitions differ (emiller)
0006502: [Bug] Sync on incoming batch setting does not get applied if a group link exists with the same source and target group ID (emiller)
0006489: [Bug] CPU monitor should use Java routine if native command not available (pmarzullo)
0006486: [Bug] Wildcard trigger definitions do not remove existing triggers when adding a NOT table name to wild carded definition (pmarzullo)
0006483: [Bug] Could not find trigger history causes error of wrong number of columns data validation in wrong column (elong)
0006467: [Bug] Symadmin export-sym-tables subcommand doubles the table prefix when called without the --alters option (emiller)
0006446: [Improvement] Provide the ability to specify a no lock hint when reading DDL (pmarzullo)
0006441: [Bug] NullPointerException when searching for a matching trigger history and row_data or pk_data is null (emiller)
0006400: [Bug] Issue with file sync when successful, retry is tried even when bean shell script is successful (pmarzullo)
0006393: [Bug] When building DDL for SQL Server, default values of 'true' or null for bit columns get changed to 0 (emiller)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-07
0006460: [New Feature] Add symadmin export-sym-objects subcommand (emiller)
0006459: [Bug] Unitext Columns fail during initial load (jvanmeter)
0006424: [Bug] Statistics for synchronization should not be saved when batch is in error (pmarzullo)
0006478: [Improvement] Column match router expression for has, starts with, and ends with (elong)
0006476: [Bug] If auto resolve missing foreign key fails, try again (elong)
0006473: [New Feature] Add a --use-sym-db option to the DbImport and DbSql commands (emiller)
0006469: [Improvement] Add a section to the user guide that explains how to add a new node without having SymmetricDS run any DDL (emiller)
0006468: [Bug] Symadmin export-sym-tables subcommand doubles the table prefix when called without the --alters option (emiller)
0006465: [Improvement] Prevent sync triggers from running the trigger DDL when it's called to export a SQL script (emiller)
0006458: [Bug] DB Compare unable to process Unitypes in both directions. (jvanmeter)
0006453: [Bug] SQL Explorer tree displays schemas incorrectly when using Postgres JDBC driver version 42.7.0 or later (emiller)
0006452: [Bug] Newer wins conflict detection table case when cross platform (elong)
0006449: [Improvement] Add a "Show Triggers" option to SQL Explorer (emiller)
0006448: [Improvement] Provide the ability to specify a no lock hint when reading DDL (pmarzullo)
0006447: [Bug] Stack overflow when inserting last gap (elong)
0006442: [Bug] NullPointerException when searching for a matching trigger history and row_data or pk_data is null (emiller)
0006433: [Bug] Exception when auto resolver tries to lock row in conflict (elong)
0006434: [Improvement] Logging of mismatch primary key that causes auto resolver action (elong)
0006435: [Improvement] Avoid checking newer capture time if table isn't being captured (elong)
0006406: [Bug] Trigger Sync do not capture updates on included_column_names or excluded_column_names (elong)
0006420: [Bug] SQL Server money data type error with commas (elong)
0006419: [Bug] Stopping an engine from JMX sets the auto.start.engine false for ALL engines. (jvanmeter)
0006415: [Bug] Recapture data for stranded data and for expired data gaps should keep the old data values to allow subselect routing to work (pmarzullo)
0006414: [Bug] Stream Lobs setting does not work with Sybase ASE Unitypes (jvanmeter)
0006413: [Improvement] DBImport should have option to adjust param (cquamme)
0006401: [Bug] Issue with file sync when successful, retry is tried even when bean shell script is successful (pmarzullo)
0006394: [Bug] When building DDL for SQL Server, default values of 'true' or null for bit columns get changed to 0 (emiller)
27 issues View Issues
Released 2024-05-03
0006373: [Bug] SQLite purge fails with unrecognized token: "{" (elong)
0006362: [Bug] Upgrade Jetty libraries (elong)
0006383: [Bug] DB Compare fails to work bidirectionally when using Unitypes (jvanmeter)
0006385: [Bug] Error on registration batch or import of config from newer 3.14 or 3.15 (elong)
0006375: [Improvement] File Sync exceptions thrown by bsh script should be retried for transient errors (pmarzullo)
0006363: [Bug] Auto resolve delete of blocking rows when binary type in primary key (elong)
0006365: [Improvement] Add logging when instance ID changes (emiller)
0006370: [Bug] MySQL 5.5 and earlier don't allow timestamp precision (elong)
0006369: [Improvement] REV_INITIAL_LOAD_TIME should be set in the NODE_SECURITY table if a reverse initial load is made (cquamme)
0006361: [Bug] NullPointerException when sending a load with file sync enabled and without a valid sym_trigger_hist row for sym_file_snapshot (emiller)
0006359: [Bug] Purge of stranded data fails on Sybase ASE (elong)
0006357: [Bug] Initial load with overridden symmetric table trigger definition should skip symmetric tables when creating create table events (pmarzullo)
0006347: [Bug] Support SQLServer float positive negative infinity value (elong)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2024-05-03
0006374: [Improvement] File Sync exceptions thrown by bsh script should be retried for transient errors (pmarzullo)
0006384: [Bug] Error on registration batch or import of config from newer 3.14 or 3.15 (elong)
0006364: [Improvement] Add logging when instance ID changes (emiller)
0006367: [Bug] Auto resolve delete of blocking rows when binary type in primary key (elong)
0006360: [Bug] NullPointerException when sending a load with file sync enabled and without a valid sym_trigger_hist row for sym_file_snapshot (emiller)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2024-04-23
0006311: [Bug] Failed to decrypt password counter measure if node registration is already open (elong)
0006323: [Bug] Routing file deletes causes null pointer exception when capturing statistics (pmarzullo)
0006326: [Bug] Spring Framework URL Parsing with Host Validation (part 2) (elong)
0006327: [Bug] Specifying a reload channel ID for the channel_id in sym_table_reload_request results in the load getting stuck (emiller)
0006331: [Improvement] Allow specification of initial load select for initial load of filesync channel (pmarzullo)
0006334: [Bug] File sync batches get synchronized when there is an error during extraction (emiller)
0006341: [Bug] Index out of bounds routing change to sym_node_group_link (elong)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2024-04-23
0006350: [Bug] H2 version 2 LONGVARCHAR implementation uses VARCHAR(1000000000) (pmarzullo)
0006321: [Bug] Issues using DB Compare with Unitypes (jvanmeter)
0006356: [Bug] Creating a table in a load was not checking if platform column existed (jvanmeter)
0006355: [Bug] Support autosave=always mode on PostgreSQL (elong)
0006310: [Bug] Sybase ASE 12 can only quote column names 28 characters or less (elong)
0006313: [Bug] Sync triggers for table should treat null or blank catalog/schema as default catalog/schema (elong)
0006315: [Bug] MySQL and MariaDB create table support for UNSIGNED columns (josh-a-hicks)
0006318: [Bug] NullPointerException while extracting data on SQLite as the typeName is not being set by driver (jvanmeter)
0006320: [Improvement] Parameter for file sync compression of ZIP archive (elong)
0006325: [Bug] Spring Framework URL Parsing with Host Validation (part 2) (elong)
0006328: [Bug] Specifying a reload channel ID for the channel_id in sym_table_reload_request results in the load getting stuck (emiller)
0006333: [Improvement] File sync BeanShell script should place files in a separate error directory if any error occurs when they are copied (emiller)
0006335: [Bug] File sync batches get synchronized when there is an error during extraction (emiller)
0006343: [Bug] DbCompare on Postgres not using cursor with fetch size (elong)
0006346: [Improvement] Use read uncommitted for checking heartbeats and offline nodes (elong)
0006352: [Improvement] Improve logging when a problem occurs during repair of unrouted data (elong)
0006353: [Bug] Recapture data in purge service should not handle pre-routed data records (pmarzullo)
0006342: [Bug] Index out of bounds routing change to sym_node_group_link (elong)
0006332: [Improvement] Allow specification of initial load select for initial load of filesync channel (pmarzullo)
0006324: [Bug] Routing file deletes causes null pointer exception when capturing statistics (pmarzullo)
0006312: [Bug] Failed to decrypt password counter measure if node registration is already open (elong)
21 issues View Issues
Released 2024-03-19
0006170: [Bug] DB Compare incorrectly comparing values (jvanmeter)
0006252: [Bug] ASE large column types for primary keys need to limit max size based on page size (pmarzullo)
0006253: [Bug] Issue with Initial loads when using Sybase ASE Unitypes while using JTDS driver (jvanmeter)
0006256: [Improvement] Add virtual column to sym_file_snapshot for easier routing by column match and bean shell routers (pmarzullo)
0006259: [Bug] Sync triggers is mis-detecting last update time on sym triggers (elong)
0006264: [Bug] Include source_node_id in the where clause when updating or deleting from sym_table_reload_status (emiller)
0006267: [Bug] Prevent columns from being created with a size of 0 (emiller)
0006270: [Bug] Prevent OracleSymmetricDialect from underestimating the current value of a sequence (emiller)
0006271: [Bug] Finding trigger histories should treat null or blank as default catalog/schema (elong)
0006272: [Improvement] Startup logging for specific node securities that can't decrypt (elong)
0006275: [Bug] FileSyncDataRouter gets FileTriggerRouters from database instead of cache (pmarzullo)
0006278: [Improvement] Change file sync processing to make immediate request when batches are received or sent (pmarzullo)
0006279: [Improvement] Make File Sync Tracker transactions smaller to minimize locking collision problems (pmarzullo)
0006283: [Bug] Spring Framework URL Parsing with Host Validation (elong)
0006285: [Bug] Memory leak in MSSQL JDBC driver 10.2.0 (elong)
0006292: [Improvement] File sync BeanShell script should place files in a separate error directory if they are not writable (emiller)
0006296: [Bug] DefaultDatabaseWriter sql(...) method parsing sql statement during exception needs changed (pmarzullo)
0006297: [Bug] Upgrade mysql, postgres, vaadin, jetty libraries (elong)
0006301: [Improvement] Update Rest Keys docs to reflect correct error code (cquamme)
0006302: [Bug] Unable to set web context path with symmetric.server.web.home (elong)
0006300: [Bug] Hot spot removing old node sessions in mixed environment with versions < 3.11 (elong)
0006201: [Improvement] Add support for NTypes in XML (cquamme)
0006288: [Bug] Writing table definitions from xml for indexes that do not have a corresponding platform index (josh-a-hicks)
0006217: [Bug] Schema information missing from drop index query generated by DDL on PostgreSQL
0006229: [Bug] Old stage files used after node is rebuilt (elong)
0006240: [Improvement] Failed to update a table_reload_request as processed for loadId (elong)
0006243: [New Feature] Support H2 version 2.2 (emiller)
0006251: [Bug] BSH column transform column names can conflict with built-in variable names (elong)
0006246: [Bug] Cancel Load needs to make sure processes threads shut down before updating outstanding load request records (pmarzullo)
0006226: [Bug] H2 DDL Builder incorrectly adds size information to "UUID" data type (cquamme)
30 issues View Issues
Released 2024-03-19
0006263: [Bug] Include source_node_id in the where clause when updating or deleting from sym_table_reload_status (emiller)
0006266: [Bug] Prevent columns from being created with a size of 0 (emiller)
0006269: [Bug] Prevent OracleSymmetricDialect from underestimating the current value of a sequence (emiller)
0006274: [Bug] FileSyncDataRouter gets FileTriggerRouters from database instead of cache (pmarzullo)
0006282: [Bug] Spring Framework URL Parsing with Host Validation (elong)
0006298: [Bug] Upgrade mysql, postgres libraries (elong)
0006299: [Bug] Hot spot removing old node sessions in mixed environment with versions < 3.11 (elong)
0006273: [Improvement] Startup logging for specific node securities that can't decrypt (elong)
0006245: [Bug] Cancel Load needs to make sure processes threads shut down before updating outstanding load request records (pmarzullo)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2024-02-05
0006198: [Improvement] Record failed sync trigger attempts to database in trigger history and stats (elong)
0004617: [Bug] Corrupted row data during extract
0006174: [Improvement] Could not find trigger history, causes error of had X columns but expected Y (elong)
0006188: [New Feature] Add boolean data type support for Oracle 23c (cquamme)
0006189: [Improvement] Issue with syncing BIGINT, INT, TINYINT, SMALLINT, and BIT data types to Oracle and Tibero databases (cquamme)
0006194: [Bug] Postgres XML incorrectly identifies "BOOLEAN" as "BIT" (cquamme)
0006195: [Bug] symadmin module error when file exists without a dot (elong)
0006205: [Bug] Syncing a NCLOB from Oracle to Postgres results in an error (cquamme)
0006206: [Improvement] Add LOB Mapping for SQL Server 2005 and later (cquamme)
0006207: [Bug] Reverse initial load sometimes doesn't start when also using forward initial load (elong)
0006210: [Improvement] "Node failed to authenticate" in server logs after server restarts or client session expires (elong)
0006214: [Bug] SQLite sync error on sym_table_reload_request when (elong)
0006224: [Bug] Imported configuration sometimes gets deleted from sym_data (emiller)
0006212: [Bug] Registration error: sym_parameter changes causing sync triggers need to be limited to DML changes (pmarzullo)
0006193: [Bug] Adjusting unique indexes to non-unique when columns can be null should be able to be turned off by parameter (pmarzullo)
0006165: [Improvement] During an upgrade, log DDL before executing it instead of afterwards (emiller)
0006168: [Bug] File sync push is rejected because of a lack of a reservation (pmarzullo)
0006171: [Bug] Cookies required error when both http and https enabled (elong)
0006176: [Bug] Upgrade Jetty (elong)
0006184: [Improvement] Multi-threaded routing and gap detection (elong)
0006185: [Improvement] Unnecessary unrouted batch appears along with routed batch (elong)
0006178: [Improvement] Snapshot util timeout for taking too long on table definitions (elong)
0006163: [Bug] Snapshot error from database time on Sybase ASE/ASA (elong)
23 issues View Issues
Released 2024-02-05
0006192: [Bug] Adjusting unique indexes to non-unique when columns can be null should be able to be turned off by parameter (pmarzullo)
0006199: [Improvement] Remove securityToken parameter from /outgoingBatchSummary REST API call (emiller)
0006209: [Improvement] "Node failed to authenticate" in server logs after server restarts or client session expires (elong)
0006211: [Bug] Registration error: sym_parameter changes causing sync triggers need to be limited to DML changes (pmarzullo)
0006223: [Bug] Imported configuration sometimes gets deleted from sym_data (emiller)
0006162: [Bug] Snapshot error from database time on Sybase ASE/ASA (elong)
0006164: [Improvement] During an upgrade, log DDL before executing it instead of afterwards (emiller)
0006173: [Improvement] Could not find trigger history, causes error of had X columns but expected Y (elong)
0006175: [Bug] Upgrade Jetty (elong)
0006177: [Improvement] Snapshot util timeout for taking too long on table definitions (elong)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2023-12-16
0006152: [Bug] DDL replication errors on SQL-Server with renaming columns and deadlocks (elong)
0006156: [Bug] Repair of unrouted data should go through routing (elong)
0006159: [Bug] Firebird sym_hex UDF can cause an access violation (emiller)
0006146: [Improvement] Additional trigger template variable to suppor primary key joins without an alias (josh-a-hicks)
0006154: [New Feature] Add parameters that can disable specific types of conflict resolution (emiller)
0006155: [Bug] Conflict resolver does not handle unique index violations correctly when a unique index ignores null values (emiller)
0006148: [Improvement] Remove individual jobs stats for push and pull and uri handlers (elong)
0006145: [Bug] Purge fails with incorrect syntax near 'd' on SQL Server (elong)
0006139: [Bug] Jtds driver does not work with Sybase ASE (jvanmeter)
0006144: [Bug] Postgres timestamp with time zone columns get their values formatted incorrectly when extracted for a load (emiller)
0006140: [Bug] DB compare was incorrectly hex-encoding Unitype columns (jvanmeter)
0006132: [Improvement] Too many "Expected but did not receive an ack for batch" (elong)
0006128: [Bug] Dbfill of nchar/nvarchar and avoid timestamp/rowversion (elong)
0006106: [Improvement] Some Bulk loaders don't process before filters (cquamme)
0006115: [Bug] Cancel of load at target does not clean up everything at the source and still shows active at target (pmarzullo)
15 issues View Issues
Released 2023-12-16
0006076: [Bug] Protect against exceptions in CPU monitor (emiller)
0006080: [Improvement] Improve name and documentation for DBExport's --symmetric option (emiller)
0006150: [Bug] Firebird sym_hex UDF can cause an access violation (emiller)
0006153: [New Feature] Add parameters that can disable specific types of conflict resolution (emiller)
0006143: [Bug] Postgres timestamp with time zone columns get their values formatted incorrectly when extracted for a load (emiller)
0006133: [Bug] DB compare was incorrectly hex-encoding Unitype columns (jvanmeter)
0006131: [Improvement] Too many "Expected but did not receive an ack for batch" (elong)
0006127: [Bug] Dbfill of nchar/nvarchar and avoid timestamp/rowversion (elong)
0006124: [Improvement] Add documentation for PostGIS data types for Postgres (cquamme)
0006112: [Bug] Cancel of load at target does not clean up everything at the source and still shows active at target (pmarzullo)
0006098: [Bug] Many router types attempt to handle non-DML data event types when they do not support them (emiller)
0006032: [Bug] Multiple queues can cause contention when trying to register a node. (jvanmeter)
0006095: [Improvement] Contains big LOB check can be fooled by commas in data (elong)
0006082: [Improvement] SQLite nodes do not insert into sym_context correctly when disabling sync triggers (emiller)
0006073: [Bug] Sync triggers fails when checking for multiple active trigger histories if Sybase ASE page size is 2K (emiller)
0006064: [Improvement] Slow extract and load when using $(targetExternalId) variable (elong)
0006071: [Bug] sym_node gets updated unnecessarily when heartbeat.update.node.with.batch.status parameter is disabled (emiller)
17 issues View Issues
Released 2023-12-16
0006130: [Improvement] Too many "Expected but did not receive an ack for batch" (elong)
0006050: [Bug] Sybase ASE result set has already been closed during trigger exists check (elong)
0005930: [Bug] log.slow.sql.threshold.millis and log.sql.parameters.inline parameters do not work and are not documented (emiller)
0005914: [Bug] Cannot Install swaggerui module by using symadmin ModuleManager (pmarzullo)
0005896: [Bug] ValidatorException while validating self-signed X509 certificate (emiller)
0005870: [Improvement] Improve documentation of sym_node_group_link.sync_config_enabled (emiller)
0005852: [Improvement] sym_monitor_event trigger should capture changes when even if auto.sync.configuration=false (emiller)
0005846: [Improvement] Try again when foreign key correction fails (emiller)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2023-11-14
0006057: [Improvement] Multi-threaded routing by channel (elong)
0006016: [Bug] Missing Kafka dependencies when installing Kafka module (emiller)
0006081: [Improvement] Improve name and documentation for DBExport's --symmetric option (emiller)
0006017: [Improvement] DDL Create Table Oracle with varchar columns that have a size > 4000 (josh-a-hicks)
0006104: [Improvement] Add indexes to sym_outgoing_batch (emiller)
0006087: [Bug] Upgrade from pre-3.15 to 3.15 loses H2 databases (emiller)
0006099: [Bug] Many router types attempt to handle non-DML data event types when they do not support them (emiller)
0006100: [Bug] Engine "filesync" not found (elong)
0006097: [Improvement] Cache trigger template hashcode (elong)
0006096: [Improvement] Contains big LOB check can be fooled by commas in data (elong)
0006094: [New Feature] Add symadmin take-snapshot subcommand (emiller)
0006086: [Improvement] Improve watchdog job and enable it by default (emiller)
0006083: [Improvement] SQLite nodes do not insert into sym_context correctly when disabling sync triggers (emiller)
0006079: [New Feature] Make it possible to use DBCompare's --config option to specify a suffix for each column in the order by clause (emiller)
0006074: [Bug] Sync triggers fails when checking for multiple active trigger histories if Sybase ASE page size is 2K (emiller)
0006072: [Bug] sym_node gets updated unnecessarily when heartbeat.update.node.with.batch.status parameter is disabled (emiller)
0006069: [Improvement] Slow extract and load when using $(targetExternalId) variable (elong)
0006040: [Bug] maxFormContentSize and maxFormKeys are no longer used (elong)
0006052: [Bug] Sybase ASE result set has already been closed during trigger exists check (elong)
0006046: [Bug] The watchdog job should not allow a node to detect itself as offline (emiller)
0006044: [Bug] ConcurrentConnectionManager expects nodeId-channel in the white list, but only the nodeId is put in the white list (pmarzullo)
0006041: [Improvement] Reject node registration request (elong)
0006035: [Improvement] Use the value of as the truststore type if specified (emiller)
0006023: [Bug] SQLException when updating a non-OK outgoing batch on some database platforms (emiller)
0006015: [New Feature] Add :SOURCE_NODE_ID, :SOURCE_EXTERNAL_ID, and :SOURCE_NODE_GROUP_ID variables to column match routers (emiller)
0006012: [Bug] Do not attempt to "create or alter" triggers on SQL Server 2016 RTM (emiller)
0006007: [Improvement] Prevent node from starting up if the sync.url is invalid (emiller)
0006003: [Improvement] Upgrade Gradle Docker Plugin to latest version and get it working (emiller)
0006004: [Bug] SQL Explorer grid editor causes error in browser and "Edit" button is initially invisible (emiller)
29 issues View Issues
Released 2023-10-27
0006055: [Improvement] Multi-threaded routing by channel (elong)
0005992: [Bug] Conflict resolver does not handle unique index violations correctly when a unique index ignores null values (emiller)
0005965: [Bug] Conflict Detection Fixes for Unique Keys (cquamme)
0006051: [Bug] Sybase ASE result set has already been closed during trigger exists check (elong)
0006043: [Bug] ConcurrentConnectionManager expects nodeId-channel in the white list, but only the nodeId is put in the white list (pmarzullo)
0006034: [Improvement] Use the value of as the truststore type if specified (emiller)
0006021: [Bug] SQLException when updating a non-OK outgoing batch on some database platforms (emiller)
0006013: [New Feature] Add :SOURCE_NODE_ID, :SOURCE_EXTERNAL_ID, and :SOURCE_NODE_GROUP_ID variables to column match routers (emiller)
0005788: [Bug] The source_table_name wildcard behavior does not match the documentation on the website (emiller)
0006011: [Bug] Do not attempt to "create or alter" triggers on SQL Server 2016 RTM (emiller)
0006010: [Improvement] Add exception message to logging when bulk loader fails and falls back to default loading (pmarzullo)
0006006: [Improvement] Prevent node from starting up if the sync.url is invalid (emiller)
0005976: [Bug] User is incorrectly warned that table is missing primary key (elong)
0005986: [Bug] Method that selects from sym_node_security is not synchronized (emiller)
0005984: [Bug] Fixed compatibility for other databases to insert/update into Sybase ASE Unitypes (jvanmeter)
0005983: [Improvement] Improve accuracy of CPU monitor (emiller)
0005980: [Improvement] MonitorService should use the dirty SQL template when selecting from sym_monitor_event (emiller)
0005971: [Bug] Loads fail when they include a table with a SQL Server uniqueidentifier column (emiller)
0005966: [Improvement] SQLAnywhere support for stream row (pmarzullo)
19 issues View Issues
Released 2023-09-29
0001132: [Improvement] Support Postgres Special Floating Point Values Infinity, -Infinity, NaN
0005770: [Improvement] Use 600 series HTTP codes to distinguish from network devices (elong)
0006039: [Bug] CVE-2016-1000027 - /opt/symmetric-server/web/WEB-INF/lib/spring-web-5.3.27.jar
0005740: [Improvement] Have file sync make better use of staging (emiller)
0005857: [Bug] Security Vulnerability in Spring Framework and h2 database (elong)
0005840: [Improvement] Purge should use "exists" clause instead of "in" clause for performance (elong)
0002530: [Bug] postgresql infinity timestamp (JishLong)
0004034: [New Feature] Create tables based on target table name and column names set by routers and transforms (emiller)
0005545: [New Feature] Add support for H2 2.x and upgrade the H2 driver to the latest version (emiller)
0005641: [Improvement] Increase default connections to match what is needed for http.concurrent.workers.max (pmarzullo)
0005827: [Improvement] Track expired data gaps and repair any data missed by routing (elong)
0005778: [Improvement] Change timestamp size on sym tables with a timestamp as a primary key (cquamme)
0005784: [Improvement] Cache list of enabled nodes used by routing (elong)
0005792: [Improvement] Better logging when ack fail (elong)
0005835: [Bug] column name containing a "/" causes error (JishLong)
0005842: [Improvement] Purge retention for monitor events and console events (elong)
0005843: [Improvement] Change default push/pull to 10 seconds (elong)
0005860: [Improvement] Increase the statement query timeout (elong)
0005925: [Bug] Ignore Row Count not getting updated in outgoing batch table when a row is ignored (cquamme)
0005926: [New Feature] Adding a corresponding sym_outgoing_error table connected to sym_incoming_error (cquamme)
0005927: [Improvement] Use sym_outgoing_error table to ignore a row in outgoing batch (cquamme)
0002826: [Bug] Monitor event duplicate key when syncing (cquamme)
0003505: [Bug] SYM_TABLE_RELOAD_REQUEST is updated via DateTime which sometimes fails due to precision mismatch (elong)
23 issues View Issues
Released 2023-08-25
0005960: [Improvement] Add support for NTEXT to SQLAnywhere dialect (pmarzullo)
0005961: [Bug] SQL Anywhere long varbit values are inconsistent between change data capture and initial load (pmarzullo)
0005955: [Bug] Sybase Anywhere - channel_id size Problem on auto-create triggers (emiller)
0005921: [Improvement] Adding Uni* type support to Sybase ASE (jvanmeter)
0005944: [Improvement] Adding log info for subselect routers (cquamme)
0005948: [Bug] KafkaDataWriter by ROW method has a trailing comma (jvanmeter)
0005937: [Improvement] SymmetricDS User Guide Incorrectly Referencing Table Column Name Which Dropped From 3.14 Release Already (elong)
0005932: [Improvement] Update docs on using environment variables in engines properties (modified summary) (cquamme)
0005942: [Bug] SQLAnywhere DDL problems with dropping indexes and triggers, and trigger syntax issue for version 11 and earlier (pmarzullo)
0005935: [Bug] Failed to execute IHeartbeatListener PushHeartbeatListener java.lang.NullPointerException When Starting up SymmetricDS (elong)
0005934: [Bug] Getting null pointer from in new method anyPlatformColumnTypeContains on platformColumns (chenson)
0001180: [New Feature] Add option to symadmin --send-sql to specify a file containing the sql to send. (JishLong)
0005931: [Bug] log.slow.sql.threshold.millis and log.sql.parameters.inline parameters do not work and are not documented (emiller)
0001063: [Improvement] Add export-config and import-config command line options to symadmin (JishLong)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-19
0005916: [New Feature] New parameter to allow automatic loads to be sent based on configuration rather than just to and from registration server (josh-a-hicks)
0005651: [Bug] Row in sym_table_reload_status can have incorrect values for completed, data_batch_loaded and finalize_batch_loaded (pmarzullo)
0005906: [Bug] Non transactional initial load setup can cause load events to be missed ini table_reload_status (pmarzullo)
0005834: [Bug] Unnamed constraint causes alter table error (JishLong)
0005848: [Bug] Security Vulnerbility in Spring Framework (elong)
0005886: [Improvement] Monitor enhancements for centralized support (josh-a-hicks)
0004952: [Bug] Cannot resolve monitors of type log (emiller)
0005893: [Improvement] DbCompare should write to standard error and not continue with an invalid date-time format (cquamme)
0005922: [Improvement] Added debug logging to File Sync Trigger Tracker (jvanmeter)
0005901: [Bug] DBCompare produces output SQL with invalid syntax (cquamme)
0005903: [Bug] Failing to create trigger on table (pmarzullo)
0005913: [Bug] Update postgres documentation on how to give access to schemas for a SymmetricDS user (pmarzullo)
0005915: [Bug] Cannot Install swaggerui module by using symadmin ModuleManager (pmarzullo)
0005865: [Bug] Estimated count from initial load does not work with SqlServer when using different schema than dbo (JishLong)
0005909: [Improvement] Some methods are synchronized unnecessarily in AbstractParameterService (cquamme)
0005907: [Improvement] Postgres support for ddl table creations with a default function on a GUID from MSSQL (josh-a-hicks)
0005885: [New Feature] MSSQL support for hierarchyid data types (josh-a-hicks)
0005904: [Bug] LOB data does not sync when sending a load with use_stream_lobs=1 (emiller)
0005894: [Bug] NotificationTypeEmail's deserializeOfflineNodes method always returns empty collection (cquamme)
0005897: [Bug] ValidatorException while validating self-signed X509 certificate (emiller)
0005892: [Bug] DbCompare fails to write comparison SQL for timestamp with timezone values (cquamme)
0005884: [New Feature] Add job monitor (emiller)
0005880: [Bug] Transform documentation missing Java Column Transform Type (pmarzullo)
0005873: [Improvement] Open Registration in Rest API doesn't allow user to specify node if 2 nodes have the same external ID (cquamme)
0003476: [Improvement] When a node is unregistered cancel all jobs / threads that are actively doing work for that node (JishLong)
0000706: [Improvement] Make sleep time between registration retries configurable (JishLong)
0005869: [Improvement] Improve documentation of sym_node_group_link.sync_config_enabled (emiller)
0005314: [Bug] Infinite synchronization loop when 3 nodes are connected to each other and sync_on_incoming_batch = 1 (emiller)
0005867: [Bug] Prevent file sync from syncing all files when first scanning a directory when initial load is enabled (emiller)
0005863: [New Feature] Add option to send additional batch error notifications when the number of batches in error increases (emiller)
0002260: [Improvement] Also sync the stored procedures with the schema (emiller)
0004151: [Bug] MSSQL DDL ERROR: View / function / stored procedure (emiller)
0005853: [Improvement] sym_monitor_event trigger should capture changes when even if auto.sync.configuration=false (emiller)
0005847: [Improvement] Try again when foreign key correction fails (emiller)
0005836: [Improvement] Specify jaxb api and implementation so that libraries will be available when running in Java 8 through 17 (pmarzullo)
0005565: [Improvement] Adding Character Set to Snapshot (cquamme)
0005812: [Improvement] MathColumnTransform uses Evaluator that is not thread-safe (cquamme)
37 issues View Issues
Released 2023-05-12
0005805: [Improvement] Allow specification of database platform of symmetric when DbDxport execution with load only/extract only/log miner (pmarzullo)
0005782: [Improvement] Unique Index with Multiple Nulls not Properly Handled for Certain Databases (jvanmeter)
0005815: [Improvement] DDL Capture Changes - Three enhancements to DDL trigger capture (josh-a-hicks)
0005780: [Improvement] Slow routing when using $(targetExternalId) variable (elong)
0005790: [Improvement] Failed to decrypt node password from lost secret key in keystore (elong)
0005791: [Bug] Allow registration of other nodes after registration and initial load is complete (elong)
0005817: [Improvement] Snapshot util not returning (elong)
0004310: [Bug] Replicating to postgres to postgres timestamp with default
0005803: [Bug] Interbase fixes: failing to have prepared statement indicators in set and select portion of SQL statements (pmarzullo)
0005831: [Improvement] Sync triggers by $(targetExternalId) and call after registration (elong)
0005781: [Bug] DBCompare --use-sym-config true (cquamme)
0005779: [Improvement] Improve docs on db.init.sql property (emiller)
0005828: [Bug] Class Not Found Exception when connecting to Redshift (cquamme)
0005823: [Improvement] Capture timings when running Sync Triggers (pmarzullo)
0005826: [Bug] Data can become misaligned with column names during extraction after a column gets renamed (emiller)
0005822: [Bug] SQL Server create or alter trigger fails when table is not in default schema (dbo) (pmarzullo)
0005810: [Improvement] Redshift Bulk Loader increased versioning and dependencies (josh-a-hicks)
0005809: [Bug] NullPointerException when writing a delete to Kafka when old data has not been captured (emiller)
0005811: [Bug] When Capture of Old Data is disabled, Deletes get an Index Out Of Bounds Error with Kafka (jvanmeter)
0005766: [Bug] NPE when inserting into sym_incoming_batch on some platforms (emiller)
0005807: [Bug] Sybase ASE gets Misinterpreted as Sybase SQL Anywhere (jvanmeter)
0005799: [Bug] 3 tier deployment, 3rd tier does not get top level tier sym_node* tables (pmarzullo)
0005802: [Bug] SQL Server and Sybase stream row on updates trigger syntax issue (pmarzullo)
0005800: [New Feature] Add a gradle task that generates javadoc and publishes it to the website (emiller)
0005783: [Improvement] SymmetricDS seems to require Postgres 11, but the docs don't reflect that (emiller)
0005774: [New Feature] Support for capturing the row identifier on various platforms if available (default is false) (josh-a-hicks)
0005775: [New Feature] File sync batches to provide file name as the summary in outgoing and incoming batch. (josh-a-hicks)
0005765: [Improvement] Add quotation marks around values in threads-stats.csv file in support snapshot (emiller)
0005757: [New Feature] Add server parameter for setting a server's cookie name (cquamme)
0005753: [Improvement] Reopening registration should reset the failed login count (emiller)
0005752: [Improvement] Add support for H2 2.x (emiller)
31 issues View Issues
Released 2023-05-12
0005825: [Bug] Data can become misaligned with column names during extraction after a column gets renamed (emiller)
0005613: [Bug] When upgrading from a varchar(xxx) to longvarchar the change isn't detected on H2 (emiller)
0005754: [Improvement] Reopening registration should reset the failed login count (emiller)
0005745: [Improvement] Read max-size VARCHAR columns as LONGVARCHAR columns on H2 (emiller)
0005717: [Bug] SQL Server DDL Builder needs to handle objects in different databases (pmarzullo)
0005710: [Bug] When connecting to Azure, set platform version to SQL Server 2016 (pmarzullo)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2023-03-17
0005746: [Bug] When upgrading from a varchar(xxx) to longvarchar the change isn't detected on H2 (emiller)
0005737: [Bug] Serve Time Offsets Causing an Error in Determining if a Node is Offline (jvanmeter)
0005747: [Improvement] Read max-size VARCHAR columns as LONGVARCHAR columns on H2 (emiller)
0005742: [Improvement] Table sorting does not need to include sym tables (josh-a-hicks)
0005657: [Bug] SQLAnywhere CHAR is really a VARCHAR and should be mapped to VARCHAR for other dialects (emiller)
0003952: [Bug] Order table creation by foreign key dependency (pmarzullo)
0005722: [Bug] Tries to create foreign key before creating the referenced table (pmarzullo)
0005723: [Bug] The schema of the table that is being created is used instead of correct one when creating a foreign key (emiller)
0005721: [Bug] Query tries to address mixed-case column without quotes (Postgres) (pmarzullo)
0005731: [Bug] Functional indexes are only supported by Oracle (pmarzullo)
0005728: [Improvement] AbstractSymmetricEngine.isConfigured() should use the cache when querying for sym_node table (pmarzullo)
0005729: [Bug] DBImport- Allow the UI specification of the catalog and schema to override the catalog and schema specs in XML imported file (pmarzullo)
0005724: [Bug] SQL Server timestamp (rowversion) data type can not specify column size (pmarzullo)
0005720: [Improvement] sym_node trigger should capture changes even if auto.sync.configuration is set to false (pmarzullo)
0005718: [Bug] SQL Server DDL Builder needs to handle objects in different databases (pmarzullo)
0005711: [Bug] When connecting to Azure, set platform version to SQL Server 2016 (pmarzullo)
0005698: [Bug] Data truncation error when inserting/updating log event in sym_monitor_event on Interbase (emiller)
0005702: [Bug] Missing image in Manage Incoming Loads (pmarzullo)
0005699: [Bug] Missing image in Manage Nodes Load Data Where Clauses (pmarzullo)
0005700: [Bug] Grammar error (double word) in Manage Logging documentation (pmarzullo)
20 issues View Issues
Released 2023-02-15
0005692: [Bug] Pulling corrupted batch gets null pointer in loop (elong)
0005693: [Bug] Fix multiple active trigger histories before sync triggers is run (pmarzullo)
0005675: [Improvement] Bidirectional sync causes need for trigger to be re-built on target side if table does not exist (cquamme)
0005686: [Bug] MariaDB JDBC Driver version 3 does not support a negative fetch size to indicate the use of streaming (pmarzullo)
0005679: [Bug] Extract fails with durationMillis must not be negative (elong)
0005671: [Improvement] Bring back java routers (emiller)
0005673: [Improvement] Sync triggers fails with deadlock on SQL-Server (elong)
0005593: [Bug] Incorrect Logic in various DDLBuilders for Processing Changes (cquamme)
0005664: [Bug] Tables are altered incorrectly on some platforms when their columns need to be made required or non-required (emiller)
0005663: [Improvement] Add table reload request to REST service (elong)
0005662: [Improvement] Snapshot util too slow for large multi-tenant deployment (elong)
0005636: [Improvement] Only cancel a full load in progress if the reload select is empty (josh-a-hicks)
0005598: [Bug] Sql Anywhere Drop Trigger (josh-a-hicks)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2023-02-15
0005691: [Bug] Pulling corrupted batch gets null pointer in loop (elong)
0005685: [Bug] MariaDB JDBC Driver version 3 does not support a negative fetch size to indicate the use of streaming (pmarzullo)
0005676: [Bug] Initial load sends too many tables when using $(targetExternalId) variable (elong)
0005678: [Bug] Extract fails with durationMillis must not be negative (elong)
0005672: [Improvement] Sync triggers fails with deadlock on SQL-Server (elong)
0005659: [Improvement] Snapshot util too slow for large multi-tenant deployment (elong)
0005654: [Bug] sym_node_host trigger should capture changes even if auto.sync.configuration is set to false (pmarzullo)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2023-01-16
0005652: [New Feature] Improve SQL Server DDL triggers and add DDL triggers for Oracle and Postgres (emiller)
0005655: [Bug] sym_node_host trigger should capture changes even if auto.sync.configuration is set to false (pmarzullo)
0005650: [Improvement] Problems replicating DDL to another node with the same database type but different database version (emiller)
0005648: [Improvement] Add "open registration" call to REST service (elong)
0005645: [Bug] Registration redirect URL does not have query parameters for older versions of SymmetricDS clients (pmarzullo)
0005646: [Bug] DBExport incorrectly formats time data (emiller)
0005640: [Bug] Filtering transactions for snapshot gets stack overflow error and never finishes creating snapshot (pmarzullo)
0005638: [Bug] Flush cache of routers when a router is changed (elong)
0005625: [Bug] Stack overflow while extracting batch containing a table removed from replication (elong)
0005610: [Improvement] SqlAnywhere support for v. 12 and higher (josh-a-hicks)
0005631: [Improvement] Full load request does not support a reload select statement (josh-a-hicks)
0005635: [Bug] Single Store extends MySQL dialect but does not need to check for an "innodb" engine (josh-a-hicks)
0005630: [Improvement] When deleting FK child rows during conflict resolution and old_data is null, query for the parent row on the target (emiller)
0005624: [Bug] Deletes get ignored when foreign key children exist but cannot be found (emiller)
0004424: [Improvement] Log monitor fails to insert because of duplicate key when logs are shared across instances of a node (pmarzullo)
0005597: [Bug] SymDS is not syncing specific record during initial load (pmarzullo)
0005619: [Bug] Insert statements generated by DBExport contain question marks when there are null values (emiller)
0005611: [Bug] Check sync URL ends with engine name or "sync" (elong)
18 issues View Issues
Released 2023-01-16
0005644: [Bug] Registration redirect URL does not have query parameters for older versions of SymmetricDS clients (pmarzullo)
0005623: [Bug] Deletes get ignored when foreign key children exist but cannot be found (emiller)
0005629: [Improvement] When deleting FK child rows during conflict resolution and old_data is null, query for the parent row on the target (emiller)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2022-11-30
0004168: [Improvement] SQL-Server capture rows that exceed 4000 characters (pmarzullo)
0005508: [Bug] Multiple active trigger history for same table (elong)
0005517: [Bug] Empty string default values not syncing to target (pmarzullo)
0005521: [Bug] Create trigger hist if routing can't find it (elong)
0005527: [Bug] Cannot set up SQL Server log-based replication without "ALTER ANY DATABASE" permission (emiller)
0005540: [Bug] Apache commons-text version 1.9 security vulnerability (pmarzullo)
0005573: [Bug] Unique index on function causes error when resolving a conflict (elong)
0005578: [Bug] Script error from newer wins conflict resolution with old nodes (elong)
0005584: [Bug] Trigger creation fails when 2 new triggers have trigger IDs that are identical when shortened (pmarzullo)
0005594: [Bug] Failure to Flush when using ConvertToReload router. (jvanmeter)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2022-11-30
0005509: [Bug] Multiple active trigger history for same table (elong)
0005522: [Bug] Create trigger hist if routing can't find it (elong)
0005525: [Bug] Unsupported Postgresql data types
0005528: [Bug] Cannot set up SQL Server log-based replication without "ALTER ANY DATABASE" permission (emiller)
0005530: [Bug] Multi-homed clustered nodes stuck in loop of retry and resend of batches (elong)
0005518: [Improvement] Updating KafkaDataWriter to work with Filters (jvanmeter)
0005539: [Improvement] Support for a default value to generate a GUID using built in function on table creation (josh-a-hicks)
0005541: [Bug] Apache commons-text version 1.9 security vulnerability (pmarzullo)
0005543: [Bug] Initial load error on MySQL with parameter (elong)
0005556: [Bug] SQL-Server capture rows that exceed 4000 characters (pmarzullo)
0005574: [Bug] Unique index on function causes error when resolving a conflict (elong)
0005579: [Bug] Script error from newer wins conflict resolution with old nodes (elong)
0005585: [Bug] Trigger creation fails when 2 new triggers have trigger IDs that are identical when shortened (pmarzullo)
0005595: [Bug] Failure to Flush when using ConvertToReload router. (jvanmeter)
0005602: [Bug] Parse exception of batch should remove it from staging (elong)
15 issues View Issues
Released 2022-11-30
0005519: [Improvement] Updating KafkaDataWriter to work with Filters (jvanmeter)
0005463: [Bug] Initial load of a table with a self referencing FK will not load if out of order (josh-a-hicks)
0005604: [Improvement] Check sync URL ends with engine name (elong)
0003313: [New Feature] Propagate default GUID from MSSQL to SQLITE (emiller)
0003545: [Bug] Mapped default values lead to always detecting a model change (emiller)
0005507: [Bug] Postgres LOCALTIMESTAMP function gets surrounded by quotes when imported as a default value (emiller)
0005510: [Bug] Multiple active trigger history for same table (elong)
0005511: [Bug] Error request path not supported for /server/config (elong)
0005512: [Bug] Default values for Oracle RAW columns get surrounded by quotes when exported (emiller)
0005513: [Bug] SQL Server GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() functions get surrounded by quotes when imported as default values (emiller)
0005514: [Bug] SQL Server sysname type should not have its size specified (emiller)
0005515: [Improvement] When installing service for systemd, make sure to specify absolute path to java executable when creating systemd control file (pmarzullo)
0005520: [Improvement] Acknowledgement gets null SQL message (elong)
0005523: [Bug] Create trigger hist if routing can't find it (elong)
0005524: [New Feature] Adding New Monitor Types For OS Load Average and OS Open File Handles (cquamme)
0005526: [Improvement] Default max batch to send as 10 (elong)
0005529: [Bug] Cannot set up SQL Server log-based replication without "ALTER ANY DATABASE" permission (emiller)
0005531: [Bug] Multi-homed clustered nodes stuck in loop of retry and resend of batches (elong)
0005535: [Improvement] Improve how default values are handled when syncing DDL cross-platform (emiller)
0005536: [Improvement] Add support for Postgres' inet, cidr, macaddr and macaddr8 data types (emiller)
0005544: [Bug] Initial load error on MySQL with parameter (elong)
0005547: [Improvement] Treat any default value that contains "()" as a function (emiller)
0005551: [New Feature] Add parameters that specify how to sync default values (emiller)
0005553: [Improvement] Allow spaces in values within value map column transform expression (emiller)
0005554: [Bug] Example 25 in User Guide is missing permissions (emiller)
0005557: [Bug] SQL-Server capture rows that exceed 4000 characters (pmarzullo)
0005558: [Improvement] Create table without defaults if in error (elong)
0005563: [Improvement] Add functionality to symadmin export-sym-tables to export alters when upgrading (pmarzullo)
0005570: [New Feature] Add engine name and server name variables to notification templates (emiller)
0005571: [Bug] Unique index on function causes error when resolving a conflict (elong)
0005580: [Bug] Script error from newer wins conflict resolution with old nodes (elong)
0001960: [Improvement] Service start script always waits for 5s (elong)
0003109: [Bug] File replication routing job fails with error message when channel is not a file sync channel - needs better error message (emiller)
0005542: [Bug] Apache commons-text version 1.9 security vulnerability (pmarzullo)
0005560: [Bug] ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small (elong)
0005582: [Bug] Database Platforms That Don't Support SQL Queries Throw Error with SQL Explorer (cquamme)
0005583: [Improvement] Service wrapper wait for "started" message instead of 5 second timeout (elong)
0005586: [Bug] Trigger creation fails when 2 new triggers have trigger IDs that are identical when shortened (pmarzullo)
0005596: [Bug] Failure to Flush when using ConvertToReload router. (jvanmeter)
0005603: [Bug] Parse exception of batch should remove it from staging (elong)
0005605: [Improvement] Parameter that alters table case should be for cross platform only (elong)
0005606: [Improvement] CPU monitor top threads should ignore threads waiting on I/O (elong)
0005456: [Bug] ORA-24816 when sync varchar2(4000) and long in same table (elong)
43 issues View Issues
Released 2022-10-04
0005452: [Improvement] Backup keystore before saving it (elong)
0005438: [Bug] Conflict resolver fails if there are no primary keys on the target and it is set to not use primary keys from source (jvanmeter)
0005457: [Bug] Cannot write to more than one Kafka instance in a single instance of SymmetricDS (jvanmeter)
0005485: [Improvement] Ignore missing tables on config channel (elong)
0005488: [Improvement] Support snapshot fixes (elong)
0005491: [Improvement] Table reload request with "where" keyword gets error (elong)
0005494: [Bug] Batch error missing method sendMissingForeignKeyRowsForLoad (elong)
0005500: [Bug] Registration left pending when client is 3.12 or newer and server is 3.11 or older (elong)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2022-10-04
0000765: [Improvement] Create table DDL and dbexport / dbimport should support generated / calculated / computed / virtual columns (emiller)
0005433: [Improvement] Sync triggers when parameters change that affect triggers (elong)
0005502: [Bug] Fix json deserialization issue with log summary object (josh-a-hicks)
0000697: [Task] Document the --client option in the User Guide. I've been told it is useful ;-) (elong)
0000922: [Bug] Float used on table without primary causes update to not capture (emiller)
0001753: [Bug] Default values that are functions do not work while creating tables in MySQL (emiller)
0003251: [Bug] Mysql BIGINT UNSIGNED processed as signed and gives error on larger than 63 bits numbers. (emiller)
0004116: [Bug] Syncing from Time to Timestamp (or vice versa) in Postgres produced inaccurate values (emiller)
0005392: [Bug] Unable to write to sym_outgoing_batch when using Postgres (elong)
0004295: [Bug] Detect when the order of a primary key changes in order to regenerate it (elong)
0004335: [Bug] Multiple transform_table rows per source table cause multiplication of rows in outgoing batch (elong)
0004514: [Bug] DbCompare: The output script to fix issues on the target does not support null values. (emiller)
0005427: [New Feature] Creating a Parameter That, Upon Registration, Will Automatically Create A Group Link Between Nodes if None Exist (cquamme)
0005430: [Bug] Android not implemented exception when sym_monitor syncs (elong)
0005431: [Improvement] Install triggers on registration server before configuration is complete (elong)
0005435: [Bug] NumberFormatException when querying for an integer greater than Long.MAX_VALUE in SQL Explorer (emiller)
0005436: [Bug] Sybase ASE issues when upgrading SymmetricDS from an older version to 3.14.* (pmarzullo)
0005439: [Bug] Conflict resolver fails if there are no primary keys on the target and it is set to not use primary keys from source (jvanmeter)
0005440: [Improvement] Change parameter to default to false (elong)
0005441: [Bug] Windows service won't start if tmp dir has trailing slash (elong)
0005449: [Improvement] Add SOURCE_NODE_ID_FROM_DATA to VariableColumnTransform to allow using the source_node_id from the data (pmarzullo)
0005450: [Improvement] Routing default batch algorithm protection against large transactions (elong)
0005453: [Improvement] Backup keystore before saving it (elong)
0005459: [Improvement] Adding Log Info For Queries for Lookup Table Routers (cquamme)
0005460: [Bug] Cannot write to more than one Kafka instance in a single instance of SymmetricDS (jvanmeter)
0005464: [Improvement] Parameter to use old conflict pk detect and fallback (elong)
0005476: [Improvement] Ability to disable sync triggers when sync on incoming is enabled (elong)
0005477: [Bug] Some default values do not sync correctly from Oracle to Oracle (emiller)
0005481: [Improvement] Cast TEXT types in MS SQL to VARCHAR for SymmetricDS tables (elong)
0005483: [Improvement] Cast TEXT to VARCHAR for all tables (elong)
0005486: [Improvement] Ignore missing tables on config channel (elong)
0005487: [Improvement] Support snapshot fixes (elong)
0005492: [Improvement] Table reload request with "where" keyword gets error (elong)
0005495: [Bug] Batch error missing method sendMissingForeignKeyRowsForLoad (elong)
0005472: [Bug] When a load filter changes catalog or schema the DML statement is not recreated with the updated values (josh-a-hicks)
0005496: [Improvement] Cast varchar to nvarchar (elong)
0005497: [Bug] NPE when running DbFill on a table with a foreign key that references a table in another catalog or schema (emiller)
0005501: [Bug] Registration left pending when client is 3.12 or newer and server is 3.11 or older (elong)
0005503: [Bug] New config tables are being routed to old nodes (elong)
0005504: [Bug] Oracle DATE type should not have its size specified (emiller)
0005505: [Bug] Oracle TO_TIMESTAMP() function gets surrounded by quotes when imported as a default value (emiller)
0003845: [Bug] Primary key constraint violation while replicating single table from MSSQL 2017 into PostgreSQL 9.6 (pmarzullo)
42 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-30
0004191: [Bug] dbexport: MSSQL geometry -> PGSQL varchar(2147483647); better would be TEXT (emiller)
0005389: [New Feature] Implement conflict_win_count and conflict_lose_count columns in sym_outgoing_batch and sym_incoming_batch (emiller)
0004001: [Bug] Default value being passed as string for MS Sql Server (emiller)
0004090: [Bug] Firebird ddl/schema problem when creating tables and deferring constraints (emiller)
0001282: [Bug] MySQL outputs schema with DEFAULT '0000-00-00' that is not compatible (emiller)
0005385: [Bug] Snapshots do not contain log files when the files are in a non-default location specified in log4j2.xml (emiller)
0000140: [Improvement] Check to see that the SymmetricDS tables are created to use the Innodb storage engine on MySQL. (emiller)
0005393: [Bug] MySqlDdlReader.getTriggers() throws SQLException when MySQL database name contains special character (emiller)
0005421: [Bug] Initial load won't start if registration_enabled is 1 (elong)
0005395: [Bug] H2 database (or load only database) gets alter timestamp(0) every time starting (elong)
0001421: [Bug] DbFill error arithmetic overflow error with money data type (emiller)
0003961: [Bug] Oracle XMLTYPE incorrectly mapped to invalid SQL Type SQLXML in MariaDB (emiller)
0002821: [Bug] dbcompare attempts to insert null into "not null default ..." field (emiller)
0003960: [Bug] NVARCHAR2() maps incorrectly to VARCHAR() when mapping from Oracle to MariaDB (emiller)
0003419: [Bug] MS SQL -> SQLite, don't translate "NEXT VALUE FOR" default value (emiller)
0003964: [Bug] Oracle's REAL datatype should map to DOUBLE in MariaDB, not FLOAT (emiller)
0003965: [Bug] Oracle's LONG type is incorrectly mapped to MariaDB's MEDIUMTEXT. Should be LONGTEXT (emiller)
0003966: [Bug] Oracle's CLOB (and NCLOB) type incorrectly maps to MariaDB's MEDIUMTEXT (emiller)
0003999: [Bug] Unable to translate default column for (new sequentialid()) (very easy fix) (emiller)
0004134: [Bug] DB Compare does not handle Oracle Timestamp with LOCAL time zone columns properly (emiller)
0004217: [Bug] Does not replicate index with upper function on PostgreSQL (emiller)
0005388: [Bug] Initial load delete or truncate with table transform (elong)
0004567: [Bug] sync.table.prefix parameter ignores for sequence in PostgreSQL (emiller)
0004667: [Bug] dbcompare prints each table multiple times (emiller)
0005106: [Bug] The PostgreSQL database cannot be synchronized under the USE_CHANGED_DATA and manual resolution strategy (emiller)
0005406: [Bug] Deleting a trigger doesn't inactivate its sym_trigger_hist entry when auto.sync.triggers.after.config.change=true (emiller)
0005413: [Bug] Bulk loaded flag is not being read from database for incoming and outgoing services (josh-a-hicks)
0005414: [Bug] JDBC Bulk Transactions Fallback While Using PostgreSQL (cquamme)
0005415: [Improvement] Detection of MSSQL Azure Managed Instance (josh-a-hicks)
0005416: [Improvement] Allow users to disable spatial data type support functions (josh-a-hicks)
0005417: [Bug] Fix NPE for conflict detection when table does not have a PK and all columns used including those with null values (josh-a-hicks)
0005422: [Task] Update IReloadListener example in user guide (emiller)
0005425: [Bug] Tables not created on reverse initial load (elong)
33 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-30
0005381: [Bug] [Postgres Data replication fails] ERROR: column "address" is of type inet but expression is of type character varying
0005386: [Improvement] Change index.html to redirect / to /app/ to minimize redirects through load balancers (pmarzullo)
0005387: [Bug] Initial load delete or truncate with table transform (elong)
0005347: [Bug] Incorrect implement in geometry type (emiller)
0005368: [Bug] DDL detects change in column data type for DATE on Oracle (elong)
0005370: [Bug] Send schema DDL detects widened varchar but does not alter (elong)
0005375: [Bug] Entire batch is ignored in PostgreSQL in case of error (emiller)
0005384: [Bug] Snapshots do not contain log files when the files are in a non-default location specified in log4j2.xml (emiller)
0005405: [Bug] Deleting a trigger doesn't inactivate its sym_trigger_hist entry when auto.sync.triggers.after.config.change=true (emiller)
0005401: [Bug] Since SymmetricDS version 3.13.5 MsSQL sync create tables in uppercase (emiller)
0005418: [Bug] Virtual Trigger Routers created for SymmetricDS tables do not make sure that the router ID is unique (pmarzullo)
0005423: [Bug] JDBC Bulk Transactions Fallback While Using PostgreSQL (elong)
0005424: [Bug] Tables not created on reverse initial load (elong)
0004201: [Bug] Failed to create update trigger for triggers that use and external_select with $(curTriggerValue) (pmarzullo)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2022-07-27
0005269: [Improvement] Variables of source catalog/schema names for use in target catalog/schema fields in routing (elong)
0002254: [Bug] sym_outgoing_batch and sym_incoming_batch should both use the same time for last_update_time and create_time (emiller)
0005157: [Improvement] Sybase and SQL Server update trigger should be made more efficient generating sym_data records when primary keys are changed (pmarzullo)
0005198: [Improvement] Clean up the consistent use of table constants for registration, trigger installation, extract, and export (elong)
0003724: [Bug] Conflict detection with Timestamps between DB2 and Derby (elong)
0005239: [Bug] Conflict resolution doesn't work if timestamp is in PK and different fractional second precision between databases (elong)
0004525: [Bug] Database name with special character like minus sign, fails to create trigger (emiller)
0002180: [Bug] H2 timestamp format creates conflict against ORACLE timestamp format (elong)
0003941: [Improvement] Data gap route reader could use multiple queries when exceeding max gaps (elong)
0005210: [Improvement] Routing reader may use multiple queries for a large number of gaps (elong)
0002972: [Improvement] Registration order of nodes should not matter (elong)
0005138: [Improvement] Build a cache manager to centralize the handling of data caches (pmarzullo)
0002261: [Bug] Schema from Postgres outputs TIMESTAMPTZ that is not compatible with other databases (elong)
0003778: [Bug] Send table fails when sending H2 Timestamp to MySQL (elong)
0003962: [Bug] Oracle's TIMESTAMP with Time Zone doesn't map to MariaDB (elong)
0003963: [Bug] char(n) and nchar(n) where n>255 is valid in oracle but maps to invalid types in MariaDB (elong)
0004298: [Bug] Sycing schemas from MSSQL with column type CHAR(400) to MySQL fails (elong)
0004723: [Improvement] Send column with Oracle DATE type to PostgreSQL (elong)
0004724: [Improvement] Send column with timestamp datatype from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL (elong)
0005122: [Bug] Wrong conversion from mssql datetime(7) to mysql/mariadb (elong)
0005140: [Task] Upgrade to gradle version 7.4.2 (pmarzullo)
0005178: [New Feature] Push registration to nodes when group links indicate push (elong)
0005180: [New Feature] Schedule registration of a node for a window of time (elong)
0005203: [Improvement] Sync incoming load details to target node (table_reload_status, extract_request) (elong)
0005238: [Improvement] Bulk loaders should report missing table (elong)
0005243: [Bug] Change documentation on outgoing batch errors to set the status to 'IG' instead of 'OK' so target will get notified (pmarzullo)
0005265: [Improvement] Update drivers, modules, and libraries (emiller)
0005278: [Improvement] Alphabetize list of tables in user guide (emiller)
0005280: [Improvement] Table DDL with timestamp and fractional second precision (elong)
0005304: [Bug] Snapshot Fails to Find SingleStore Enum (cquamme)
0005305: [Bug] SingleStore Snapshot: Failed to execute SQL Error (cquamme)
0005306: [Bug] SingleStore Snapshot: 'Table 'sym_outgoing_batch' doesn't exist' (cquamme)
0005308: [Bug] Unable to Retrieve Database Time for Load-Only and Log-Based (cquamme)
0005309: [Improvement] Prepare for Gradle upgrade to version 8 (pmarzullo)
0005351: [Improvement] Use PKCS12 for keystore by default (elong)
0005353: [Improvement] Add gpg code signing to jar files (emiller)
0005364: [Improvement] Always execute shutdown hooks, even for embedded and war deployments (pmarzullo)
0005376: [Improvement] Parameter to disable logging of application data from a batch error (elong)
38 issues View Issues
Released 2022-07-12
0005341: [New Feature] Add system property to control use of "on conflict" on Postgres (elong)
0005045: [Task] Errors in "ON CONFLICT " - need a new parameter (elong)
0004975: [Bug] insert with on conflict clause cannot be used with table that has insert or update rules (elong)
0005340: [Bug] Wrong character in document (emiller)
0003295: [Bug] Sync from MySql to MSSql initial load - table create fails on Decimal Precision when MySQL precision is more than 38 (elong)
0005329: [Bug] Sync triggers on selected tables without primary key gets trigger hist without primary key columns (elong)
0005333: [Bug] Oracle log mining throwing exception when finding mismatched LOB record in log mining result set (pmarzullo)
0005334: [Bug] Server not trusted when sending email (elong)
0005343: [Bug] Mathematical transform turns an integer into a decimal when the result has 8 or more digits (emiller)
0005349: [Improvement] Substring Transform support for all spaces (josh-a-hicks)
0005350: [Bug] Conflict resolution based on newer wins with transforms (josh-a-hicks)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-03
0005162: [Bug] Keystore becomes invalid after Generating and adding a new Keypair (elong)
0002423: [Bug] Create table with max varchar supported by target (emiller)
0005272: [Bug] Conflict Resolution of deletes of parent records fail to delete child records when child tables have no primary keys (pmarzullo)
0005273: [Bug] Rebuild trigger does not take into account the target platform (pmarzullo)
0005274: [Bug] Prevent "Failed to get hash code for field delimiter" warning message for SQL Server (emiller)
0005279: [Bug] FK correction for self referencing table. (josh-a-hicks)
0005285: [Bug] Create tables xml needs to escape double quotes on the database type (josh-a-hicks)
0005289: [Bug] Method in AbstractSqlTemplate Causes Recursive Looping with Android (elong)
0005313: [Bug] Null default values become string values when replicating tables from Oracle to MariaDB (elong)
0005318: [Bug] Conflict resolution batch with token parsing error when newlines in data (elong)
0005320: [Improvement] Use unique index for PK column names in trigger hist when table is missing primary key (elong)
0005321: [Bug] SymmetricDS Not Properly Handling Unable to Write Batch to Kafka Error (jvanmeter)
0005327: [Bug] Upgrade spring and okhttp (elong)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2022-04-11
0005200: [Improvement] Allow specification of local user/password for running Windows service (pmarzullo)
0005213: [New Feature] Allow to save startup parameters in local keystore or in Azure Key Vault (pmarzullo)
0005260: [Bug] Sybase ASE with 2k page file fails to create SYM tables (600 is the maximum allowable size of an index.) (elong)
0005194: [Bug] DBCompare support for load only target nodes and log based source nodes. (josh-a-hicks)
0005204: [Improvement] MSSQL support for engine edition (josh-a-hicks)
0005214: [Bug] Column count error when load transform falls back to an insert with a column that is included on insert only (emiller)
0005216: [Bug] Metadata error can skip data when using dataloader.ignore.missing.tables parameter (elong)
0005255: [Bug] Monitor doesn't run when its type requires a cluster lock and it's supposed to run less often than the monitor job (emiller)
0005263: [Bug] CVE-2022-22965: Spring Version needs to use 5.2.20.RELEASE or 5.3.18 in order to not be vulnerable to this security issue (pmarzullo)
0005264: [Bug] Update any driver, module, or library that has a security vulnerability or serious defect (emiller)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2022-01-14
0005160: [Bug] Db2DdlReader - Failed to read table (elong)
0005179: [Improvement] Provide property in sym_service.conf for open source users (pmarzullo)
0005191: [Bug] Upgrade log4j2 again again (elong)
0005171: [Bug] DB2 zOS support for clobs (josh-a-hicks)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-12-20
0005166: [Bug] Initial load stuck in loop with "there is no content to read" error (elong)
0005158: [Bug] Upgrade log4j2 again (elong)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2021-12-11
0005118: [Bug] During a full load do not ok existing batches for the same load id. (josh-a-hicks)
0005145: [Bug] Multiple active trigger histories result when more than one trigger assigned to a table (pmarzullo)
0005150: [Bug] Upgrade log4j2 (elong)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2021-11-17
0004978: [Bug] Binary primary keys will not delete as part of conflict resolution (josh-a-hicks)
0005102: [Bug] Interbase Table SYM_TEMP_CONTEXT (elong)
0005113: [Bug] Data mapping is incorrect on an insert fallback to update potentially when column count on target is not the same as row data (josh-a-hicks)
0002970: [Bug] db connection leaks after engine stop (pmarzullo)
0003119: [Bug] Stopping service breaks connections with error in Interbase logs (pmarzullo)
0003382: [Bug] MV-Store DB corrupt after stopping SymmetricDS replication software (pmarzullo)
0003563: [Improvement] Purging large number of extract requests, query time out (elong)
0003897: [Improvement] Cleanly exit all job threads when engine is stopped (pmarzullo)
0004800: [Improvement] Subselect router expression improvement (elong)
0004955: [Improvement] Ignore batch status is sometimes overwritten (elong)
0004958: [Improvement] Initial load select boolean directly without template (elong)
0004993: [Improvement] Remove "databases" sub-directory (elong)
0004995: [Improvement] Upgrade Gradle to latest possible version (emiller)
0005013: [Bug] Registration server config_version not updating (elong)
0005015: [New Feature] Speed up start up by only checking tables when version changes (elong)
0005059: [Bug] var_row_data is defined as mediumtext (rudiejd)
0005098: [Improvement] Auto sync triggers at startup parameter default off and option to force rebuild (elong)
0005099: [New Feature] Purge trigger history (elong)
0005101: [Improvement] Changing parameters should not restart all jobs (elong)
0005107: [Improvement] Parameter staging.dir should be appended with the engine name (elong)
0005117: [Improvement] Increase size of file_name column in sym_file_snapshot (elong)
21 issues View Issues
0006769: [New Feature] Add a parameter to allow specification of OneLogin SAML properties via a properties file (emiller)
0006764: [New Feature] Add functionality to read the SAML IdP certificate from the IdP metadata URL (emiller)
0006766: [Improvement] Sign SAML requests with SHA-256 instead of SHA-1 (emiller)
0006756: [Bug] Compare request keeps running after cancellation (elong)
0006712: [Bug] The Manage Startup Parameters screen throws a NullPointerException when the contains a variable or BSH script (emiller)
0006713: [Bug] During an upgrade, new monitors and insights do not get inserted if sym_monitor already existed before the upgrade (emiller)
6 issues View Issues
0006770: [New Feature] Add a parameter to allow specification of OneLogin SAML properties via a properties file (emiller)
0006765: [New Feature] Add functionality to read the SAML IdP certificate from the IdP metadata URL (emiller)
0006759: [New Feature] Add support for timestamp with time zone data type to Postgres binary bulk loader (emiller)
0006767: [Improvement] Sign SAML requests with SHA-256 instead of SHA-1 (emiller)
4 issues View Issues
0006543: [New Feature] Add a Configure Canvas to replace the Design tab (emiller)
0006551: [Improvement] Bulk export for SQL Server and Sybase ASE (elong)
0006544: [New Feature] Bulk loader for Sybase ASE (elong)
0006688: [New Feature] Dynamic reload queue to scale initial load (elong)
0002338: [Improvement] Bulk Extract for MSSQL (elong)
0006736: [New Feature] Documentation for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (cquamme)
0006234: [New Feature] Web console logins with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (cquamme)
0006436: [Improvement] Change how bulk loaders determine when to flush their data (emiller)
0006444: [Improvement] Improve how bulk loader flag is set and how bulk loaded percentage is calculated (mdrouard)
0006466: [Improvement] Adding File Sync Service for Azure Blob Storage (mdrouard)
0006549: [Improvement] Process panel able to interrupt if thread is available (elong)
0006650: [New Feature] Add a way to add a prefix or suffix to transforms when doing auto-create (cquamme)
0006696: [Improvement] Max Batch Size insight shouldn't check reload channels (emiller)
0006714: [New Feature] Package Microsoft's bcp utility into setup program (elong)
0006715: [New Feature] Package Oracle's SQL*Loader utility into a module (elong)
0006745: [Bug] RabbitMQ Errors when "data_loader_type" is bulk (cquamme)
0006750: [New Feature] Exasol Support as a Target Platform (josh-a-hicks)
17 issues View Issues
0006747: [Bug] RabbitMQ Errors when "data_loader_type" is bulk (cquamme)
0006743: [Improvement] Add SymmetricDS label as a Client Provided Name for new RabbitMQ connections (pbelov)
0006731: [Bug] Failed to capture change from binary DB2 log because of the 0x00 byte incompatible with runtime tables in Postgres (elong)
0006732: [Bug] Snowflake support for variant data type (josh-a-hicks)
0006733: [Bug] In the Connect Database Wizard, clicking the "Previous" button and switching from log-based capture causes unexpected behavior (emiller)
0006738: [Bug] Compare and Repair has issues requesting more than one node at a time to compare (pmarzullo)
0006740: [Bug] Compare Repair status should indicate when repair is needed but not attempted (pmarzullo)
0006746: [Bug] Compare request when load transform is using variable for target table (elong)
8 issues View Issues
0006679: [Bug] Oracle bulk loader fails to parse database URLs that use TNS format and contain spaces before the equals signs (elong)
0006694: [Bug] Insight count doesn't update when approving or dismissing an insight and then collapsing the insight manager (emiller)
0006698: [Bug] Wizard automatically opens without verifying that the console user has write permission (emiller)
0006699: [Bug] Logging Set Levels Advanced throws exception when running in servlet container (not standalone) (pmarzullo)
0006711: [Bug] MSSql bulk loader using bcp fails to load some special characters when bcp is running on Windows (pmarzullo)
0006719: [Improvement] The database performance test dialog initially displays a rating of 0.0, causing confusion (emiller)
0006720: [Improvement] The connection test dialog's error message should appear at the top of the dialog (emiller)
0006723: [Bug] The Add Tables Wizard allows duplicate triggers to be added when the source database doesn't support both catalog and schema (emiller)
0006724: [Bug] SQL Server windows authentication is missing DLL (elong)
9 issues View Issues
0006635: [Bug] Add Tables Wizard gets info from the wrong database when not using the source node group's web console & metadata is unavailable (emiller)
0006668: [Bug] When resolving data by editing the values on the incoming side, null values are lost and replaced with empty strings (pmarzullo)
2 issues View Issues
0006649: [Bug] Enabling or disabling extension resets the script to template (cquamme)
0006667: [Improvement] Add logging and user notification when exceptions occur on saving the Console User Form (cquamme)
0006669: [Bug] When resolving data by editing the values on the incoming side, null values are lost and replaced with empty strings (pmarzullo)
0006673: [Bug] When saving extension as a copy the copy does not have the same extension script as the original (cquamme)
0006674: [Bug] False conflict change detection on update of Null or Empty values in NVARCHAR(MAX) and VARCHAR(MAX) columns (SQLServer-specific) (pbelov)
0006680: [Bug] Reopening registration for a node that handles registration can orphan nodes from replication (josh-a-hicks)
6 issues View Issues
0006648: [New Feature] Support to Pause/Resume Replication For a Given Node (josh-a-hicks)
0006652: [Improvement] Setup panel on dashboard does not need to display progress bar after reaching 100% (josh-a-hicks)
0006653: [Improvement] For monitor dashboard panels check and use the isPinned boolean setting to determine what to display (josh-a-hicks)
0006656: [Bug] REST service NullPointerException when retrieving node with missing node security (elong)
0006658: [Bug] Job and Log monitors need to only report from the Monitor job when new events occur after the last run of the Monitor job (pmarzullo)
0006664: [Bug] DB2 AS400 log miner can lose precision when reading numeric values (emiller)
6 issues View Issues
0006634: [Improvement] Added LoadDataWizard Warning Dialogs when sync Triggers is running, has an error, or is out of date (mdrouard)
0006638: [Bug] Panel on the Outgoing Loads screen (Workflow) has error indicator not cleared after an error was resolved. (mdrouard)
0006615: [Bug] Grid on Manage -> Processes screen is not displayed because of IllegalArgumentException (emiller)
0006607: [Bug] Check processInfo.getCurrentTableName() is not null in Load Detail (mdrouard)
0006609: [Improvement] Tibero 6 support (josh-a-hicks)
0006614: [Improvement] Checking to see if sync triggers has run. Display "?" instead of "-3" (mdrouard)
0006636: [Bug] Add Tables Wizard gets info from the wrong database when not using the source node group's web console & metadata is unavailable (emiller)
0006640: [Bug] Data refesh should exclude disabled trigger routers (elong)
8 issues View Issues
0006558: [Improvement] Add IExtractDataFilter interface to Extension Form screen (pmarzullo)
0006563: [Bug] AS400 log miner support for negative numeric values (josh-a-hicks)
0006564: [Improvement] Various improvements to load detail and loads panel (mdrouard)
0006568: [Bug] Summary 0006563: AS400 log miner support for null numeric values (josh-a-hicks)
0006570: [Improvement] Display max memory on control center (elong)
0006573: [Improvement] SQL Server bulk loader should fail on first error (elong)
0006574: [Improvement] SQL Server bulk loader better row and field terminators (elong)
0006579: [Bug] Clustering does not enable after adding license key or changing from GUI (elong)
0006581: [Bug] Java job validation behaves incorrectly (emiller)
0006583: [Bug] Clicking outside of job script editor causes unexpected behavior (emiller)
0006587: [Improvement] SQL Server bulk loader bcp use quoted identifiers (elong)
0006588: [Bug] Setup program warns of memory available on Linux (elong)
0006589: [Bug] Restart needed after setup wizard downloads of driver (elong)
0006591: [Improvement] Load Detail, Load Panel, and Load Detail Pop up (mdrouard)
0006596: [Improvement] Compare default to chunking for remote and without for local (elong)
0006599: [Improvement] IPurgeListener needs to have the capability to run functionality before the purge outgoing/incoming is run (pmarzullo)
16 issues View Issues
0006580: [Bug] Java job validation behaves incorrectly (emiller)
0006582: [Bug] Clicking outside of job script editor causes unexpected behavior (emiller)
0006601: [Bug] Upgrade chartjs library (elong)
3 issues View Issues
0006550: [Improvement] File Sync to and from S3 bucket storage (mdrouard)
0006546: [Improvement] The add table wizard will not refresh the table list if the database does not support schemas (josh-a-hicks)
0006556: [Bug] CPU monitor is inaccurate for systems with a Mac or Linux OS and more than 1 core (emiller)
0006554: [Bug] Java validation pop-up on extensions screen (elong)
0006553: [Improvement] SQL Explorer privileges for read-only queries (elong)
0006548: [Improvement] Enhancing REST API logging and tracking (jvanmeter)
0006536: [Bug] When importing configuration via the "Connect Database Wizard", sym_console_role does not get populated (cquamme)
0006542: [Improvement] Removed parameter changes associated with Dashboard Layout changes (jvanmeter)
0006534: [New Feature] Added functionality to support Prometheus integration (jvanmeter)
0006527: [Improvement] Added File Sync to Azure Blob Storage (mdrouard)
0006525: [Bug] Creating an extension for IDatabaseWriterFilter prevents batches from loading (elong)
0006523: [Bug] Compare extract table query can fail if initial load select uses table alias (elong)
0006522: [Bug] Failed to compare request with IOException stream closed (elong)
0006519: [Improvement] Split violation screen into tabs. Added ability to delete groups in group violation screen (mdrouard)
0006518: [Bug] Compare missing t alias, cluster lock, support Boolean and LocalDateTime (elong)
0006457: [Bug] Configure -> Table Triggers screen stuck in bulk edit mode (mdrouard)
0006504: [Bug] Compare with CHAR columns with databases using different padding (elong)
0006499: [Improvement] Enhance REST API to allow users to select xml or json for the return type (jvanmeter)
0006501: [Bug] Batch error monitor fails to convert batch details to JSON when they contain a java.sql.Timestamp (emiller)
0006500: [Bug] Kafka throws "Could not find target table" error when "bulk" is used (cquamme)
0006498: [Improvement] Data refresh job defer constraints on table (elong)
0006495: [Improvement] Added on click icon in Node status when node registration is in error (mdrouard)
0006494: [New Feature] License key for jumpmind commerce (jmc) (elong)
0006493: [Improvement] RabbitMQ add content type to header for JSON XML etc (josh-a-hicks)
0006491: [Improvement] Compare support excluded/included column names (elong)
0006490: [Bug] Compare with level 2 statistics gets null pointer exception (elong)
0006479: [Bug] SQL Server log miner replicating bit as true/false instead of 1/0 causing it to load as false (elong)
27 issues View Issues
0006438: [Improvement] Add -b option to SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0006430: [Improvement] Allow disabling the ordering of SQL Server log mining output by transaction ID, allowing ordering by foreign key constraints (pmarzullo)
0006404: [Improvement] On the Manage Nodes screen, move the Sync URL column's copy button to the left of the text (emiller)
0006402: [Bug] Transform column editor on Configure Transforms screen can get into a state where a column cannot be deselected (emiller)
0006397: [Improvement] Auto Create Transforms dialog should notify the user if it fails to auto create column mappings (emiller)
0006395: [Improvement] Move bulk loader parameters from symmetric-ds to symmetric-pro (emiller)
0006391: [Improvement] Add parameter to allow null values to remain null when loading into columns with default values using SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0006389: [Bug] Bi-directional log-based intermittent unrouted batches that should have routed (elong)
8 issues View Issues
0006463: [Improvement] RabbitMQ support for username and password (josh-a-hicks)
0006455: [Improvement] Conflict detection newer wins for log miners (elong)
0006472: [Improvement] Move REST API parameters to Pro (emiller)
0006464: [Bug] SQL-Server bcp error datetime fractional second precision exceeded (elong)
0006451: [Bug] The logminer fails to serialize/deserialize timestamps (jvanmeter)
0006450: [Bug] Oracle log miner stuck on resetting SCN number ORA-01281 (elong)
0006432: [Improvement] Fixed issue causing auto refresh to uncheck on scroll (mdrouard)
0006443: [Bug] Control -> Toggle Priority button on Manage Nodes screen is only enabled if the current node and selected node are multi-homed (emiller)
0006440: [Improvement] Repair script that handles different table case by using batch CSV (elong)
0006439: [Improvement] Add -b option to SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0006426: [Improvement] The batch window should ignore a row in the same way the batch panel ignores a row (cquamme)
0006437: [Improvement] Batch Panels in the UI should show when a batch has rows that were ignored (cquamme)
0006431: [Improvement] Allow disabling the ordering of SQL Server log mining output by transaction ID, allowing ordering by foreign key constraints (pmarzullo)
0006428: [Bug] Compare request may not complete when non-initiating node is the target (elong)
0006427: [Improvement] User feedback on Comparison panel when request is cancelled (elong)
0006425: [Improvement] If a user ignores a row via the "Resolve Data" panel, no console event is logged (cquamme)
0006423: [Bug] Send Table Schema does not list the tables correctly when trigger is defined with wildcard characters for the table name (pmarzullo)
0006422: [Bug] Incorrect console event logging when ignoring a row from Outgoing Batch Panel (cquamme)
0006421: [Improvement] Added auto selection for load data if only one node exists (mdrouard)
0006417: [New Feature] Log miner support for update loop prevention and sync on incoming (elong)
0006418: [Improvement] SQL Server bcp trust server certificate parameter (elong)
0006416: [Bug] MySQL log-based permission check failure can exhaust connection pool (elong)
0006405: [Improvement] On the Manage Nodes screen, move the Sync URL column's copy button to the left of the text (emiller)
0006403: [Bug] Transform column editor on Configure Transforms screen can get into a state where a column cannot be deselected (emiller)
0006399: [Improvement] Auto Create Transforms dialog should notify the user if it fails to auto create column mappings (emiller)
0006396: [Improvement] Move bulk loader parameters from symmetric-ds to symmetric-pro (emiller)
0006398: [Improvement] Allow multi-line editing of delete first parameter (elong)
0006392: [Improvement] Add parameter to allow null values to remain null when loading into columns with default values using SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0006390: [Bug] Bi-directional log-based intermittent unrouted batches that should have routed (elong)
29 issues View Issues
0006388: [Bug] SQL Server bcp bulk loader converts zero-length binary values to null values (emiller)
0006379: [Bug] Fixed Use Windows Authentication option not showing in the Runtime Database Settings screen (jvanmeter)
0006382: [Bug] SQL Server log miner should use table cache (elong)
0006378: [Bug] NullPointerException in bcp bulk loader when a batch's row count exceeds the mssql.bulk.load.max.rows.before.flush (emiller)
0006376: [Improvement] Added functionality to support Elasticsearch 8 (jvanmeter)
0006372: [Bug] Source Table field can appear to be blank when editing an existing transform (emiller)
0006368: [Bug] License validation fails when the registration server's sym_node_host row is missing and there are unsent heartbeat batches (emiller)
0006358: [Bug] Filter on Configure Table Triggers screen doesn't work correctly (emiller)
0006348: [Bug] Issue using DbCompare on SQLServer with table names using reserved keywords (elong)
9 issues View Issues
0006387: [Bug] SQL Server bcp bulk loader converts zero-length binary values to null values (emiller)
0006381: [Bug] SQL Server log miner should use table cache (elong)
0006377: [Bug] NullPointerException in bcp bulk loader when a batch's row count exceeds the mssql.bulk.load.max.rows.before.flush (emiller)
0006371: [Bug] Source Table field can appear to be blank when editing an existing transform (emiller)
0006366: [Bug] License validation fails when the registration server's sym_node_host row is missing and there are unsent heartbeat batches (emiller)
5 issues View Issues
0006344: [Improvement] Update user guide to explain how to capture old data for updates when using DB2 for IBM i journaling (emiller)
0006339: [Bug] Debug logging for Db2As400LogMiner doesn't work (emiller)
0005969: [Bug] When using SQL Server Log based, you cannot select two different SQL Server Database instances (jvanmeter)
0006337: [Bug] SQL Server bcp bulk loader can't handle database URLs that specify the server name or port number via connection properties (emiller)
0006336: [Bug] Fix SQL Server bcp bulk loader when instance is unnamed and improve logging (emiller)
0006329: [Bug] When editing an email-type notification, the email address does not display (cquamme)
0006316: [Bug] Add Tables Wizard reads table from wrong database when opened from target node with *.auto.create.trigger.options enabled (emiller)
7 issues View Issues
0006160: [New Feature] Add documentation for RabbitMQ (cquamme)
0006291: [Improvement] Enhance logging surrounding a failure to decrypt node password (elong)
0006345: [Improvement] Update user guide to explain how to capture old data for updates when using DB2 for IBM i journaling (emiller)
0006349: [Improvement] Log when refresh of screen runs longer than a threshold (elong)
0006354: [Improvement] Reduce time to login to web console and access important screens (elong)
0006340: [Bug] Debug logging for Db2As400LogMiner doesn't work (emiller)
0006261: [Improvement] Table group support with log based and time based captures (josh-a-hicks)
0006287: [Improvement] Add table wizard checks configured tables based on trigger id rather than table name (josh-a-hicks)
0006338: [Bug] SQL Server bcp bulk loader can't handle database URLs that specify the server name or port number via connection properties (emiller)
0006330: [Bug] When editing an email-type notification, the email address does not display (cquamme)
0006322: [Improvement] Console event for cancelling a load request (elong)
0006319: [Improvement] Replace deprecated vaadin.whitelisted-packages property (emiller)
0006317: [Bug] Add Tables Wizard reads table from wrong database when opened from target node with *.auto.create.trigger.options enabled (emiller)
0006314: [New Feature] Add symconsole subcommand to generate a REST API key (emiller)
14 issues View Issues
0006249: [Improvement] CPU monitor should use Java routine if native command not available (elong)
0006231: [New Feature] Time-Based Capture Feature (josh-a-hicks)
0006254: [Improvement] Blocked transaction monitor continuously logs error if missing permissions (elong)
0006258: [Bug] Lookup table router with log mining (elong)
0006284: [Bug] Remote status with websockets broken after Spring Boot transition (elong)
0006290: [Improvement] MSSQL Bulk Loader (BCP) parameter to allow the instance value to be omitted from the command (josh-a-hicks)
0006305: [Improvement] Compare repair snapshot and logging (elong)
0006307: [Bug] Syntax error when updating sym_table_reload_status using a Progress OpenEdge database (emiller)
0006239: [Improvement] Deleting items on a Configure screen should not create the UI for the form (emiller)
0006309: [Bug] LOBs should not be included in where clauses when using a Progress OpenEdge database (emiller)
0006304: [Improvement] Progress OpenEdge platform should have a dirty SQL template (emiller)
0006232: [Bug] Node group summary database icons sometimes broken (cquamme)
0006295: [Bug] Compare repair table request gets stuck in inconsistent state (elong)
0006286: [Bug] IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when trying to access incoming batch data in error via the UI (cquamme)
0006294: [Improvement] Compare repair allow tables without PK if user sets sync key names (elong)
0006293: [Improvement] Compare repair UI improvements (elong)
0006289: [Bug] Compare request can't update status, loops creating new request IDs (elong)
0006183: [Bug] Terminal on Manage Nodes screen does not work
0006137: [Bug] take snapshot from license violation screen does not show the snapshots to download them (pmarzullo)
0006268: [Bug] Registration failing when registering node is remote and SMTP password is set to null in sym_parameter (emiller)
0006250: [Bug] Registration failing when registering node is remote and SMTP Mail Server authentication is configured (pmarzullo)
0006230: [Bug] DB2 AS400 iSeries failed to mine log for numeric data types that had a scale. (josh-a-hicks)
0006260: [Bug] Comparison screen views repair script as garbage binary when encrypted staging is enabled (elong)
0006257: [Bug] Design wizard creates lookup table router with unknown type (elong)
0006255: [Improvement] Snowflake default connection to continue to use JSON instead of Apache Arrow (josh-a-hicks)
0006247: [Improvement] Unknown monitor type with older nodes causes excessive logging (elong)
0006238: [Bug] When the Process Builder returns non-zero for the Bulk Loader Screen, an UnknownFormatException can occur (cquamme)
0006236: [Improvement] Add logging for if the Bulk Loader Screen has a failure (cquamme)
0006242: [Improvement] Improve performance of table selection in Add Tables Wizard (emiller)
0006241: [Bug] Switching engine not taking effect on Manage Comparison panel (elong)
0006237: [Bug] Health panel should not count insights (emiller)
0006233: [Bug] SAML authentication does not work with a load balancer (emiller)
0006228: [Improvement] Prevent empty identifier on configure screens (elong)
0006227: [Bug] If import config during first setup contains license, don't prompt for license (elong)
34 issues View Issues
0006306: [Bug] Syntax error when updating sym_table_reload_status using a Progress OpenEdge database (emiller)
0006308: [Bug] LOBs should not be included in where clauses when using a Progress OpenEdge database (emiller)
0006303: [Improvement] Progress OpenEdge platform should have a dirty SQL template (emiller)
0006265: [Bug] Registration failing when registering node is remote and SMTP password is set to null in sym_parameter (emiller)
4 issues View Issues
0006005: [Bug] "Enter" keyboard shortcut in wizards does not consistently work when using Chrome or Edge (emiller)
0006204: [Bug] Selection on Manage Installed Triggers screen does not behave correctly when filtering the grid (emiller)
0006213: [Bug] Encrypted parameter values need to be decrypted before saving into the batch file when synchronizing (pmarzullo)
0006216: [Bug] MySQL Bulk Loading documentation in appendix missing images (pmarzullo)
0006218: [New Feature] Subselect router support for SOURCE_NODE_ID variable (josh-a-hicks)
0006220: [Bug] Incoming Panel on dashboard does not show bulk loading correctly (pmarzullo)
0006136: [Improvement] Look into using Launch4j to start java on Windows (pmarzullo)
0006172: [Improvement] Windows service executable that launches Java (elong)
0006225: [Improvement] Compare and repair subsets, also fixes for scale, sort column names, viewing scripts (elong)
0006215: [Bug] Violation Edit Panel throws exceptions when parsing JSON text for reset of statistics dates and when generating JSON strings (pmarzullo)
0006202: [Improvement] Make "Active Errors" dialog display all severe monitor events (emiller)
0006200: [Improvement] Remove securityToken parameter from /outgoingBatchSummary REST API call (emiller)
0006033: [Bug] Work queued via BackgroundRefresherService sometimes does not get done (elong)
0006197: [Bug] Failed to queue work because the background refresher service has been shut down (elong)
0006169: [Improvement] Improving and Re-evaluating the Email Verification Process (jvanmeter)
0006191: [Improvement] SQL-Server log mining should not require snapshot isolation (elong)
0006187: [Bug] Enabling change tracking on MSSQL should not use brackets (josh-a-hicks)
0006186: [Bug] Configure -> Table Routing screen stuck in bulk edit mode (elong)
0006182: [Bug] Table name filter in Load Data Wizard doesn't work (emiller)
0006180: [Bug] "Allow changes from SQL to be captured" checkbox doesn't work when sending SQL (emiller)
0006167: [Bug] Checking for root user during installation fails even when user is root (pmarzullo)
0006161: [Bug] Mail Server checked wrong class for encryption type and password (jvanmeter)
22 issues View Issues
0006190: [Improvement] SQL-Server log mining should not require snapshot isolation (elong)
0006203: [Bug] Selection on Manage Installed Triggers screen does not behave correctly when filtering the grid (emiller)
0006208: [Bug] Encrypted parameter values need to be decrypted before saving into the batch file when synchronizing (pmarzullo)
0006221: [Bug] Incoming Panel on dashboard does not show bulk loading correctly (pmarzullo)
0006030: [Bug] Work queued via BackgroundRefresherService sometimes does not get done (elong)
0006196: [Bug] Failed to queue work because the background refresher service has been shut down (elong)
0006181: [Bug] Table name filter in Load Data Wizard doesn't work (emiller)
0006179: [Bug] "Allow changes from SQL to be captured" checkbox doesn't work when sending SQL (emiller)
8 issues View Issues
0006063: [New Feature] Add support for RabbitMQ (cquamme)
0006147: [Bug] SQL-Server bulk load bcp integrated security (elong)
0006121: [Bug] Save As Copy in GUI always keeps saved object as selected (pmarzullo)
0006158: [Bug] Upgrade of module can fail on Windows because files are locked (elong)
0006125: [Improvement] Ensure subset data wizard does not create a router id that exceeds max length of table (josh-a-hicks)
0006157: [Bug] Getting logged out after returning to SymmetricDS with 'Session Limit Exceeded' (elong)
0006149: [Improvement] Set query time out for log based support to match trigger based (josh-a-hicks)
0006126: [Improvement] Prevent users from creating triggers for a load-only node group via the Add Tables Wizard (emiller)
0006142: [Bug] Postgres log miner parsing exception with NULL value (elong)
0006138: [Bug] Refresh loop after hitting refresh button in browser (elong)
0006123: [New Feature] Add Unknown Certificate Authority insight (emiller)
0006120: [Bug] JsonIOException fails to deserialize log summary event (elong)
0006114: [Improvement] Add process info to support snapshot (elong)
0006111: [New Feature] Make it possible to log in via SAML without having a corresponding console user (emiller)
0006109: [Bug] Web console is unresponsive after logging in via SAML (emiller)
0006110: [Bug] Logging in via SAML results in the web console repeatedly reloading itself (emiller)
0006108: [New Feature] Make it possible to log in via LDAP without having a corresponding console user (emiller)
17 issues View Issues
0006118: [Bug] The logminer fails to serialize/deserialize timestamps (jvanmeter)
0006151: [Bug] StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when switching screens when the web console's URL doesn't end with "/app" (emiller)
0006141: [Bug] Postgres log miner parsing exception with NULL value (elong)
0006117: [Bug] Save As Copy in GUI always keeps saved object as selected (pmarzullo)
0006119: [Bug] JsonIOException fails to deserialize log summary event (elong)
0006113: [Improvement] Add process info to support snapshot (elong)
0006067: [Improvement] Windows service fails to start when desktop is slow to initialize (elong)
0006101: [Improvement] Add more details to the Rest Keys section of the User Guide (emiller)
0006092: [Bug] Add Table(s) Wizard should not specify the catalog/schema name for a new trigger if it is the default catalog/schema (emiller)
0006084: [Bug] ElasticSearch Data Writer should use upsert functionality when updating records (pmarzullo)
0006065: [Improvement] "Open Web Console" button in SymmetricDS Pro Control Center should get the hostname from the property (emiller)
0006062: [Improvement] Add Table(s) Wizard should not query for metadata when filtering table names (emiller)
12 issues View Issues
0005950: [Bug] Allowance of blank passwords (JishLong)
0005946: [Bug] Onprem to cloud infrastructure script makes routers in same direction (pmarzullo)
2 issues View Issues
0006077: [Bug] Protect against exceptions in CPU monitor (emiller)
0006027: [Bug] SQL Server Bulk issue when batch column count is different than target table column count (pmarzullo)
0006068: [Improvement] Windows service fails to start when desktop is slow to initialize (elong)
0006090: [Bug] Log off not closing session (elong)
0006105: [Bug] Setting up a new log based or extract only node via the Add Database Wizard causes a JdbcSQLFeatureNotSupportedException (emiller)
0006102: [Improvement] Add more details to the Rest Keys section of the User Guide (emiller)
0006093: [Bug] Add Table(s) Wizard should not specify the catalog/schema name for a new trigger if it is the default catalog/schema (emiller)
0006089: [Bug] Elastic Search module needs httpclient from apache to be installed (pmarzullo)
0006088: [Bug] Spring Boot builds unnecessary ElasticsearchRestClientAutoConfiguration bean when elastic search module jars are installed (pmarzullo)
0006075: [New Feature] Add stranded data insight (emiller)
0006085: [Bug] ElasticSearch Data Writer should use upsert functionality when updating records (pmarzullo)
0006078: [Bug] db.init.sql parsing needs to allow values to contain semicolons, specified as 2 semicolons in the value (pmarzullo)
0006070: [Bug] Compare and repair table using Sybase reserved keyword (elong)
0005882: [Improvement] Postgres Log Mining Enhancements (emiller)
0006066: [Improvement] "Open Web Console" button in SymmetricDS Pro Control Center should get the hostname from the property (emiller)
0006060: [Bug] Sybase ASE generated column query fails on versions older than 16 (elong)
0006061: [Improvement] Add Table(s) Wizard should not query for metadata when filtering table names (emiller)
0006058: [Improvement] Dashboard Health panel should have a separate message for system batches (emiller)
0006056: [New Feature] Add priority column and Control -> Toggle Priority button to Manage Nodes screen (emiller)
0006054: [Improvement] Move Unlock feature of Manage Nodes screen back to the Control dropdown (emiller)
0006053: [Bug] List of table names in Add Table(s) Wizard can extend below the bottom edge of the layout (emiller)
0006049: [New Feature] Add connection pool insight (emiller)
0006048: [Bug] Oracle statement parser does not handle the case when the column names in the where clause are prefixed with the table name (emiller)
0006045: [Improvement] Improve details of CPU and memory monitor events (emiller)
0006042: [New Feature] Add Registration -> Show Rejected menu option to Manage Nodes screen (emiller)
0006038: [Improvement] Upgrade to Vaadin 24.2 and use the new SvgIcon class (emiller)
0006037: [New Feature] Add LOB insight (emiller)
0006031: [New Feature] Add connection reset insight (emiller)
0006029: [Bug] LogMinerService debug log issue when logging close of miner and start and end SCN ids (pmarzullo)
0006024: [Bug] JsonSyntaxException when deserializing monitor event details (emiller)
0006022: [Improvement] Oracle log miner should skip the SQL statement instead of throwing an exception when the SQL is empty or the schema is null (emiller)
0006020: [Bug] Oracle log miner stuck on resetting SCN number ORA-01281 (elong)
0006009: [Improvement] Connect Database Wizard should prevent the user from using the Microsoft driver for SQL Server 2005 or older (emiller)
0006000: [New Feature] Add import-cert subcommand to symadmin (emiller)
0005998: [Bug] Error viewing job history on Manage -> Jobs screen (elong)
0005997: [Improvement] Selecting a multi-node row on the Manage Nodes screen should select all of the child rows (emiller)
0005995: [Improvement] Load screens should not reset their sort order on refresh (emiller)
37 issues View Issues
0006019: [Bug] Oracle log miner stuck on resetting SCN number ORA-01281 (elong)
0006026: [Bug] SQL Server Bulk issue when batch column count is different than target table column count (pmarzullo)
0006059: [Bug] Sybase ASE generated column query fails on versions older than 16 (elong)
0006047: [Bug] Oracle statement parser does not handle the case when the column names in the where clause are prefixed with the table name (emiller)
0005989: [Bug] Details in Load Screen can contain information for the incorrect load (cquamme)
0006028: [Bug] LogMinerService debug log issue when logging close of miner and start and end SCN ids (pmarzullo)
0006018: [Improvement] Oracle log miner should skip the SQL statement instead of throwing an exception when the SQL is empty or the schema is null (emiller)
0006008: [Improvement] Connect Database Wizard should prevent the user from using the Microsoft driver for SQL Server 2005 or older (emiller)
0005999: [New Feature] Add import-cert subcommand to symadmin (emiller)
0005975: [Bug] Upgrading from open source to pro is missing pro tables (elong)
0005996: [Improvement] Selecting a multi-node row on the Manage Nodes screen should select all of the child rows (emiller)
0005994: [Improvement] Load screens should not reset their sort order on refresh (emiller)
0005993: [Improvement] Make columns on Manage Nodes screen sortable (emiller)
0005990: [Improvement] Silent uninstall (elong)
0005988: [Bug] OracleStatementParser should not throw exception for empty sql or sql that is a comment (cquamme)
0005987: [Improvement] Enhance logging for JSQLParserException in OracleStatementParser (cquamme)
0005979: [Bug] Load Data Wizard doesn't show multiple different table routers as options. (jvanmeter)
0005973: [Bug] DB2 iSeries journal based capture support when old data is not present on updates (josh-a-hicks)
0005978: [Improvement] Console event for cancel load include load ID (elong)
0005977: [Bug] Database performance test broken on SQL-Server and others (elong)
0005974: [Bug] DB2 iSeries log miner connection leak (josh-a-hicks)
0005968: [Bug] Microsoft MsSQL jdbc driver does not handle synchronization of uniqueidentifiers correctly. (jvanmeter)
0005967: [Bug] Unable to select a different runtime database than the same one used for application tables (log based setups) (josh-a-hicks)
23 issues View Issues
0005962: [Bug] Manage->Outgoing Batches, selecting channel, moving away from screen and coming back loses previous selection (pmarzullo)
0005959: [Bug] Error when replicating DDL for table with SQL Server smallmoney column (emiller)
0005958: [Bug] SQLServerException when using the SQL Server Azure bulk loader with Azure cloud storage (emiller)
0005956: [Bug] Displays "logging off" forever if an engine doesn't start (elong)
0005951: [Bug] "Edit privileges" button in web console's Configure->Roles tab grayed out at wrong times (JishLong)
0005920: [Improvement] Snowflake Reload Duplicate Prevention (jvanmeter)
0005947: [Bug] Onprem to cloud infrastructure script makes routers in same direction (pmarzullo)
0005939: [Improvement] Upgrade S3 functionality and add JSON output (JishLong)
0005929: [Improvement] Remove use of javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter in (JishLong)
9 issues View Issues
0006235: [Bug] Linking table is failing to replicate with error "There is 1 table without a primary key, which can cause slow replication." (pmarzullo)
0005928: [Improvement] Use sym_outgoing_error table to ignore a row in outgoing batch (cquamme)
0005796: [Improvement] MongoDB bidirectional nested data sync (cquamme)
0005972: [Improvement] Unlock feature of Nodes Panel should be in Registration dropdown (cquamme)
0005830: [New Feature] Allow console users to login using SAML authentication (emiller)
0005758: [New Feature] Add break glass users (emiller)
0005589: [Improvement] Move REST API to SymmetricDS Pro (emiller)
0005637: [Improvement] Set SET MODE LEGACY in db.init.sql for H2 databases in engines, remove DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT from db URL if AUTO_SERVER also set (pmarzullo)
0005789: [Improvement] Move and enhance monitors and notifications for SymmetricDS Pro (emiller)
0005838: [New Feature] Log miner for MariaDB database (emiller)
0005917: [New Feature] Add insight manager to dashboard and replace integrity checks with insights (emiller)
0005941: [Improvement] Enhance User Roles with Hierarchy (JishLong)
0005945: [New Feature] Compare and repair with remote nodes (elong)
0005952: [New Feature] Add job trending insight (emiller)
0005953: [New Feature] Replace unsent batch monitor with one for online nodes and another for offline nodes (emiller)
0001613: [New Feature] Add the ability to resend a batch by reload that has been ignored or has had a row ignored (cquamme)
0004968: [Bug] Oracle log miner SQL parser exception from backslash value (emiller)
0005137: [Improvement] Upgrade to Vaadin 24 (emiller)
0005591: [New Feature] Add symconsole subcommands to REST API (emiller)
0005769: [Improvement] Optimize startup of all screens by waiting until they're opened to query and populate data (emiller)
0005861: [Improvement] Improve accuracy of CPU monitor (elong)
0005963: [Improvement] License key command line operations (emiller)
22 issues View Issues
0005900: [Improvement] Upgrade BigQuery functionality to work with current BigQuery version (JishLong)
0005924: [Bug] When you select "Sent Data" for an ignored batch it incorrectly says it "Failed to Parse Batch" (cquamme)
0005923: [Bug] Grid on Manage Nodes screen has no items selected but its select all checkbox is not unchecked (emiller)
0005918: [Bug] Cannot rebuild multiple missing triggers via the Rebuild button on the Manage Installed Triggers screen (emiller)
0005911: [Improvement] Add documentation for web console timezone setting (emiller)
0005910: [New Feature] Add option for the web console to display dates and times in the browser's timezone (emiller)
0005908: [Improvement] Improve debug logging for Oracle log miner (emiller)
0005888: [Bug] MSSQL log based support for wildcard triggers (josh-a-hicks)
0005887: [Improvement] Monitor enhancements for centralized support (josh-a-hicks)
0005905: [Improvement] Oracle log miner should reset the SCN when it encounters error ORA-01281 (emiller)
0005902: [Bug] The BCP writer for MsSql is not able to parse db urls with backslashes (cquamme)
0005899: [Bug] FileSync tries to process a file change if the Source Directory doesn't exist on a node in a cluster (jvanmeter)
0005891: [Improvement] Adding "Date Time Format" Option for DbCompare in the UI (cquamme)
0005890: [Improvement] Automatically install azurekv module when adding a new SQL Server Azure node with authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword (emiller)
0005889: [Bug] NullPointerException when saving a new load profile for the first time (emiller)
0005876: [New Feature] Manage Jobs screen with run history and error status (emiller)
0005874: [Bug] Updated Snowflake Builder to handle Bit Type (jvanmeter)
0005881: [Bug] Snowflake DML Statement does not get the column name before trying to convert. (jvanmeter)
0005879: [Improvement] Email validation when configuring new notifications (JishLong)
0005878: [Improvement] Integrity check for high number of unique channel queue names (JishLong)
0005872: [New Feature] Add integrity checks for configuration, heartbeat, and user data loops (emiller)
0005875: [Improvement] Shutdown Hook is causing OutOfMemoryError for some users (cquamme)
0005859: [Bug] Some privileges not getting hidden from UI even when set as "Hidden" (cquamme)
0005866: [Bug] Batch ID in Sync Errors section of Active Errors dialog links to incorrect batch screen (emiller)
0005864: [Improvement] Make it possible to set a monitor's expression via the Configure Monitors screen (emiller)
0005862: [Bug] File Sync Activity Dashboard panel displays activity for all channels when file sync is disabled (emiller)
0005856: [Improvement] "Ignore Row" in Outgoing and Incoming Batch Panels should have an associated permission (cquamme)
0005841: [Improvement] Adding "Wizards" Tab in Console Role Edit Panel (cquamme)
0005844: [Improvement] Vaadin warning in logs about vaadin license checking and live reload not being enabled (pmarzullo)
0005804: [Bug] Deactivated table (dropped trigger) is allowed to be requested for a partial load (pmarzullo)
30 issues View Issues
0005795: [Bug] SQL Server log miner skips over changes on a busy system (emiller)
0004179: [Bug] After cancelling an initial load in Interbase received a Data Type Unknown exception. (pmarzullo)
0005777: [New Feature] Outgoing and incoming batch screens to show file names for summary on file sync channels (josh-a-hicks)
0005776: [New Feature] DB2 iSeries AS400 support for RRN (row identifier column) to be captured and sent during CDC and initial load. (josh-a-hicks)
0005785: [Bug] DBCompare fixes (cquamme)
0005821: [Bug] DB Compare "use config" option not working as expected (cquamme)
0005829: [Bug] When connecting to Redshift a "Driver Not Found" popup will occur even when the driver is available (cquamme)
0005756: [Bug] Snowflake Bulk Loader fails to load values with special characters (pmarzullo)
0005819: [Improvement] OutgoingBatchService loadPendingBatches should use read uncommitted to minimize deadlocking possibilities (pmarzullo)
0005816: [Improvement] Control setting snapshot isolation on MSSQL through a parameter (josh-a-hicks)
0005813: [Bug] DB Compare dialog lists tables from the wrong database on a log-based node (emiller)
0005808: [Bug] SQL Explorer DB Compare does not refresh schemas when changing catalog selection (pmarzullo)
0005806: [Bug] Cloud bulk load fails when source and target table columns do not match (pmarzullo)
0005735: [Bug] Some Downloads Not Working on Firefox Browser (cquamme)
0005798: [Improvement] Order the batches on the Manage Outgoing Batches screen by both batch ID and node ID (emiller)
0005797: [New Feature] Make it possible to view the details of a registration request by double-clicking it on the Manage Nodes screen (emiller)
0005786: [Bug] Grid on Manage Nodes screen is empty when viewing the web console on a 3rd-tier (or lower) node (emiller)
0005771: [New Feature] Add File Sync Activity panel to Dashboard (emiller)
0005741: [Improvement] Java router code assistance (cquamme)
0005772: [Improvement] Add cluster information to info URI (elong)
0005773: [Bug] Login dialog should check if engine is initialized (cquamme)
0005768: [Improvement] Add schema names to where clause of Oracle log miner query (emiller)
0005764: [Improvement] Manage Outgoing/Incoming Loads screens should not query sym_table_reload_request once per load (emiller)
0005763: [New Feature] Add license and load subcommands to symconsole command (emiller)
0005761: [Bug] Validation fails for valid users on Windows when you try to setup "Install service to run automatically" (cquamme)
0005760: [Improvement] Conflict screen current detection should be based on parameter (cquamme)
0005759: [Bug] Oracle Log Mining should consume unknown DML type when reading transaction log (pmarzullo)
0005755: [Improvement] Next button on Connect Database Wizard's Registration URL screen should always be enabled (emiller)
0005748: [Improvement] License check should use cached call for find all nodes (cquamme)
29 issues View Issues
0005814: [Bug] DB Compare dialog lists tables from the wrong database on a log-based node (emiller)
0005794: [Bug] SQL Server log miner skips over changes on a busy system (emiller)
0005787: [Bug] Grid on Manage Nodes screen is empty when viewing the web console on a 3rd-tier (or lower) node (emiller)
0005751: [Bug] Downloading Incoming/Outgoing batches does not Decrypt (jvanmeter)
0005750: [Bug] Conflict Strategy column on Configure File Routing screen shows incorrect value for OLDER_WINS and NEWER_WINS (emiller)
0005744: [Bug] Edit Script button on Configure Extensions screen has confusing behavior when multiple extensions are selected (emiller)
0005739: [Bug] Background refresher threads left behind on logout (elong)
0005733: [Bug] Images do not show up when deploying SymmetricDS Pro to Tomcat as a WAR file (emiller)
0005716: [Bug] IllegalArgumentException when editing a custom transform column (emiller)
9 issues View Issues
0005730: [Bug] Downloading Incoming/Outgoing batches does not Decrypt (jvanmeter)
0005703: [New Feature] Log based setups can now choose another platform for runtime tables other than H2 (josh-a-hicks)
0005749: [Bug] Conflict Strategy column on Configure File Routing screen shows incorrect value for OLDER_WINS and NEWER_WINS (emiller)
0005743: [Bug] Edit Script button on Configure Extensions screen has confusing behavior when multiple extensions are selected (emiller)
0005704: [New Feature] DB2 iSeries AS400 support for log / journal based capture (josh-a-hicks)
0005738: [Bug] OracleStatementParser fails to parse lob write when lob contains semicolon newline (cquamme)
0005734: [Bug] Load Data Wizard prevents the user from continuing when file triggers are configured but no table triggers are configured (emiller)
0005726: [New Feature] Add support for Progress OpenEdge databases (emiller)
0005732: [Bug] Images do not show up when deploying SymmetricDS Pro to Tomcat as a WAR file (emiller)
0005727: [Bug] IllegalArgumentException on Manage Incoming/Outgoing Loads screens (emiller)
0005725: [Improvement] SetupDatabaseScreen Database Type drop down sorting change (pmarzullo)
0005715: [Bug] IllegalArgumentException when editing a custom transform column (emiller)
0005713: [Bug] Outgoing/Incoming Batch Panels fail when sorting grid by Bulk Loader Flag (pmarzullo)
0005701: [Bug] Processing of all event types except insert, update and delete are skipped in cloud bulk database writer (pmarzullo)
14 issues View Issues
0005694: [New Feature] Pre-populate extension script based on interface name and extension type (emiller)
0005660: [Bug] On prem to cloud profile not correct (josh-a-hicks)
0005661: [New Feature] Load Data Wizard default setting for send or receive check box (josh-a-hicks)
0005666: [Improvement] Azure Managed Instance Bulk Loading hash azure tokens for blob storage and credentials recreation (josh-a-hicks)
0005674: [Bug] MongoDB fixes for bidirectional sync (cquamme)
0005689: [Bug] Logging out of UI after running a job like sync triggers can interrupt job (elong)
0005684: [Improvement] Allow interface name to be specified when creating/editing a Java extension (emiller)
0005683: [Bug] Script editor doesn't always show error message when validation fails for Java code (emiller)
0005681: [Bug] Edit Script button on Configure Extensions screen gets disabled unnecessarily (emiller)
0005670: [Bug] Incorrect logic in MongoDB DDL Reader causes alter SQL to try and drop primary key (cquamme)
0005669: [Bug] A trigger's sync on insert/update/delete conditions can get set to "1=1" when editing table routing (emiller)
0005668: [Bug] Prevent Add Tables Wizard from asking the user if triggers should be bidirectional when the source & target groups are the same (emiller)
0005643: [New Feature] Requesting a full load in load wizard will not cancel existing loads to same target node if reload select is populated (josh-a-hicks)
0005665: [Bug] Cloud bulk loader fails when create tables are requested (josh-a-hicks)
14 issues View Issues
0005688: [Bug] Logging out of UI after running a job like sync triggers can interrupt job (elong)
0005682: [Bug] Script editor doesn't always show error message when validation fails for Java code (emiller)
0005680: [Bug] Edit Script button on Configure Extensions screen gets disabled unnecessarily (emiller)
3 issues View Issues
0005639: [Bug] Background refresher threads left behind on logout (elong)
0005647: [Bug] Appearance setting (light/dark mode) does not get correctly applied when page is refreshed (emiller)
0005642: [Bug] Console Table Stats inserts do not take into account a clustered environment (pmarzullo)
0005634: [Improvement] Ensure that SQL Server log miner always captures deletes in foreign key order (emiller)
0005626: [Bug] Editing transform columns (add/edit/delete) does not specify the column transform order (pmarzullo)
0005620: [Improvement] Warning from attempting to access user guide (elong)
0005618: [Bug] Allow user to unlock locked out remote node (pmarzullo)
0005616: [Bug] Pro Docker image contains unwanted files in tmp and logs directories (emiller)
0005614: [Bug] Router Form issue with router expression validator (pmarzullo)
9 issues View Issues
0005633: [Improvement] Ensure that SQL Server log miner always captures deletes in foreign key order (emiller)
0005627: [Bug] Editing transform columns (add/edit/delete) does not specify the column transform order (pmarzullo)
2 issues View Issues
0005533: [Bug] Sync Errors table in Active Errors dialog contains incorrect data when node IDs contain hyphens (emiller)
0005549: [Bug] Leaving table selection screen of Load Data Wizard while editing a where clause causes unexpected behavior (emiller)
0005600: [Bug] Upgrade Jetty, PostgreSQL driver, Vaadin (elong)
0005608: [Improvement] Replace deprecated cacls command with icacls command (emiller)
4 issues View Issues
0005555: [New Feature] Adding Console Event for Ignoring Incoming/Outgoing Rows in Batch (cquamme)
0005568: [Bug] Azure BCP Bulk Loading Fails (cquamme)
0003939: [Improvement] During Uninstall add option to remove nodes in database (emiller)
0003570: [New Feature] Allow create of SymmetricDS console users through either symadmin or rest service (emiller)
0005482: [Improvement] Adding Ability to Set Privileges To Determine Which Type of Roles Can Choose Specific Criteria in Data Load Wizard (cquamme)
0005516: [New Feature] Add parameter and add associated screen to Load Data Wizard (emiller)
0005534: [Bug] Sync Errors table in Active Errors dialog contains incorrect data when node IDs contain hyphens (emiller)
0005537: [Bug] Checkbox on Configure Parameters screen hides parameters that aren't set at the selected level (emiller)
0005538: [New Feature] Integrity test that checks configuration and environment (elong)
0005548: [Improvement] Get rid of "<Not Specified>" option when selecting tables in the Load Data Wizard (emiller)
0005550: [Bug] Leaving where clause screen of Load Data Wizard while editing a where clause causes unexpected behavior (emiller)
0005552: [Improvement] Prevent adding same node multiple times locally hosted (elong)
0005561: [Bug] IndexOutOfBoundsException when opening missing primary key dialog (emiller)
0005562: [Bug] MsSQL BCP fails if the target node is Load-Only (jvanmeter)
0005564: [New Feature] Clustered custom job (elong)
0005566: [Bug] Default template does not appear in email notification template editor (emiller)
0005567: [New Feature] Add Import URL button to the Authorities tab of the Manage Security screen (emiller)
0005569: [Bug] Filter dropdowns on Configure Table Triggers screen can be blank (emiller)
0005572: [Improvement] Oracle Log Miner to omit changes for the 'APPLSYS' user (josh-a-hicks)
0005575: [Bug] Various bugs with editing and deleting jobs on the Configure Jobs screen (emiller)
0005576: [Improvement] Clear grid selection when switching to a different Configure screen (emiller)
0005590: [Bug] Cannot change a built-in cron job into a periodic job via the Configure Jobs screen (emiller)
0005601: [Bug] Upgrade Jetty, PostgreSQL driver, Vaadin (elong)
0005609: [Improvement] Replace deprecated cacls command with icacls command (emiller)
24 issues View Issues
0005432: [Bug] Users With Read-Only Role Get NullPointerException When Accessing Parameters Screen (cquamme)
0005443: [Bug] Tables can be in wrong order in Auto Create Table Triggers dialog (emiller)
0005444: [Bug] Routers unexpectedly pre-selected in Auto Create Table Routing dialog (emiller)
0005446: [Bug] Pressing the escape key to exit a form while a select box is open results in the options remaining focused on the screen (emiller)
0005461: [Bug] Startup parameter is not functioning properly (pmarzullo)
0005470: [Bug] UI can become unstable when viewing batch screens (elong)
6 issues View Issues
0005474: [Bug] Load filters do not work when using bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0005454: [Improvement] Connect Database Wizard Registration URL Screen Fixes (cquamme)
0005458: [Improvement] Router Expressions Now A Required Field for Routers That Won't Work Without Them (cquamme)
0005434: [Bug] Users with Read-Only Role Getting Exception When Logging In and Table Triggers Editable (cquamme)
0005442: [Bug] Unexpected behavior in Auto Create Table Triggers dialog (emiller)
0005445: [Bug] Routers unexpectedly pre-selected in Auto Create Table Routing dialog (emiller)
0005447: [Bug] Pressing the escape key to exit a form while a select box is open results in the options remaining focused on the screen (emiller)
0005448: [New Feature] Add Auto Create Group dialog (emiller)
0005451: [Improvement] Always create a default router after creating a new group link (emiller)
0005462: [Improvement] Adding Command and Variable Dropdowns To "Enter SQL to Send" Screen and Parameter Editing Screens With SQL (cquamme)
0005465: [Bug] UI can become unstable when viewing batch screens (emiller)
0005466: [Improvement] Push registration, when sync URL is empty for registering node, should allow Pull registration to recover from empty sync URL (pmarzullo)
0005467: [Improvement] Failed login notifications should close by themselves (emiller)
0005469: [Improvement] Adding Built-in Variables and Data Variables Dropdowns on "Enter BSH Script to Send" Screen (cquamme)
0005471: [Bug] Images fail to load on the Design tab for some database types (emiller)
0005473: [Improvement] Wizard screens with TwinColSelect components should have scrollbars on the components instead of the window (emiller)
0005475: [Improvement] Outgoing and incoming load screens are slow (elong)
0005478: [New Feature] Add "Send -> Send ..." option to Manage Nodes screen (emiller)
0005479: [Improvement] Installer should make control center exit (elong)
0005480: [Improvement] If installer stops service, then installer should start service when done (elong)
0005498: [Bug] UI detached error during registration (elong)
21 issues View Issues
0004008: [Improvement] Web console "signing out" forever when database not available (cquamme)
0004406: [Bug] Logging in says "Logging Off" after selecting Clear Error then restarting instance (cquamme)
0005428: [Improvement] SQL Server Azure Managed Instance Detection while setting up bulk loading (josh-a-hicks)
0003554: [Improvement] Postgres bulk loader throws error if more columns in source than target (emiller)
0003947: [Bug] Dashboard configure is inaccurate for multiple views of same view (emiller)
0005391: [Bug] Settings missing from console-service-settings.json can cause NPEs (emiller)
0005396: [Bug] Postgres bulk loader skips SQL event if table is missing (elong)
0005377: [Improvement] Manage Load Screens Show When Batch Is In Error and Ignoring A Row Directly From Manage Batch Screens (cquamme)
0003490: [Improvement] Change sym_channel.reload_flag to 0/1 when its used by sym_trigger.channel_id/reload_channel_id (emiller)
0003702: [Bug] Dashboard Setting's Preview pane doesn't correctly refresh when you add components that cause a new row (emiller)
0005402: [Improvement] Improved support for MSSQL Azure Managed Instance (josh-a-hicks)
0005403: [Bug] Missing PK warning doesn't go away if the related trigger is deleted (emiller)
0005408: [Bug] Interrupt button disables and selection doesn't persist on Manage Processes screen (emiller)
0005407: [Bug] UniqueKeyException when bulk editing trigger routers (emiller)
0005409: [Bug] NPE on Bulk Loader screen of Connect Database Wizard when setting up a SQL Server node (emiller)
0005410: [Bug] Cancel load and some batches continue to load (elong)
0005411: [Bug] After installing SwaggerUI, engine won't start (elong)
0005420: [New Feature] In the Auto Create Transforms dialog, let the user choose whether all columns should be mapped for them (emiller)
0005426: [Improvement] Allow multi-selection when editing transform columns (emiller)
0005429: [Bug] Node registering over push is not sent config for professional tables (elong)
20 issues View Issues
0005394: [Bug] An NPE can occur when editing or deleting transforms (emiller)
0005397: [Bug] Grid on Manage Installed Triggers screen maintains selection when it shouldn't (emiller)
0005379: [Bug] Options in change dropdown on outgoing batch screen get disabled when auto refresh is on (emiller)
0005367: [Bug] IllegalArgumentException prevents user from viewing batch data (emiller)
0005372: [Bug] Cursor skips to end of editor when entering a period into an Ace Editor (emiller)
0005373: [Bug] NPE when Choose Admin User screen of Node Setup Wizard updates its properties (emiller)
0005382: [Improvement] Improve appearance/behavior of batch window (emiller)
0005399: [Bug] Grid on Configure Jobs screen doesn't update automatically when a job is created or deleted (emiller)
8 issues View Issues
0005338: [New Feature] Flag for If Batch Was Bulk Loaded and Showing Percentage of Batches Bulk Loaded in a Load (cquamme)
0005222: [Improvement] Improve quick config wizard when opened from Configure Table Triggers screen (emiller)
0005226: [Improvement] Improve how the router form handles Target Table, Target Catalog, and Target Schema fields (emiller)
0004795: [Improvement] Improve router expression editor (emiller)
0005344: [Improvement] Documentation for Bulk Loading (cquamme)
0005241: [Improvement] Log license validation error when license error occurs (pmarzullo)
0005076: [New Feature] S3 Dialect Implementation (jvanmeter)
0005311: [Bug] SingleStore Gives Trigger-Based as a Configuration Mode, But Does Not Currently Support Trigger-Based (cquamme)
0005336: [Bug] Snowflake Databases Fail to Bulk Load (cquamme)
0005348: [Bug] MySQL Fails to Bulk Load on Windows (cquamme)
0005352: [Bug] collectionSchema cannot be null -- while parsing sql insert Issue With Oracle Log Mining and Oracle Permissions (cquamme)
0005365: [Bug] Trigger Router Screen in Add Table(s) Wizard Fallbacks to Default Node (cquamme)
0005139: [Bug] Reconnecting node missing registration URL (elong)
0005142: [Improvement] Delete router from Configure -> Router screen is slow (elong)
0005143: [Bug] On refresh of nodes panel, expand/collapse indicator is wrong (emiller)
0005148: [Improvement] Faster save performance for Configure -> Table Triggers and Routing screens (elong)
0005149: [Improvement] Improve and add filters on Configure Table Triggers and Configure Table Routing screens (emiller)
0005281: [Improvement] Snowflake Log Mining Functionality (pmarzullo)
0003946: [Improvement] Update Load Data wizard to be like the Auto Create Table Triggers wizard (emiller)
0005283: [Improvement] Add tables from console-schema.xml to pro user guide (emiller)
0003805: [Improvement] Allow Notification Email Template to be Modified Through User Interface (emiller)
0004665: [Bug] On configure screens, add "Save as Copy" button and allow editing of ID (emiller)
0005112: [Improvement] Kafka Advanced Settings to include ability to specify kafkaclient properties (emiller)
0005161: [Improvement] Labels on Health panel should link to the relevant screens (emiller)
0005163: [New Feature] Add Test Database button and Database Performance dialog to Manage Nodes screen (emiller)
0005172: [New Feature] Add push registration screens (emiller)
0005174: [New Feature] Add TLS certificate expiration reminder (emiller)
0005176: [New Feature] Add monitor types for license expiration, certificate expiration and license usage (emiller)
0005182: [Improvement] Improve grid on Manage Nodes screen (emiller)
0005183: [Improvement] Improve node registration panel (emiller)
0005184: [Improvement] Include tables in side-by-side documentation (emiller)
0005186: [Improvement] Add Spotless plugin to SymmetricDS Pro (emiller)
0005187: [Improvement] Add Overrides column to Configure Parameters grid (emiller)
0005188: [New Feature] Settings button with display options (emiller)
0005189: [Improvement] Improve TriggerRouterScreen in quick config wizard (emiller)
0005197: [New Feature] Add warning and dialog for tables that lack a primary key (emiller)
0005202: [New Feature] Add Manage Incoming Loads screen (emiller)
0005206: [New Feature] Add SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0005212: [New Feature] Improve how node setup wizard handles load only nodes and bulk loaders (emiller)
0005218: [New Feature] Add console events for viewing batches (emiller)
0005228: [Improvement] Make snapshot age more apparent on the Help Support screen (emiller)
0005229: [New Feature] Log miner for MySQL database (emiller)
0005237: [Bug] SQL Explorer queries on SQLite get IllegalStateException (elong)
0005244: [Improvement] Hide "Setup bulk loading" checkbox if not on registration server (emiller)
0005247: [Bug] SQL Server Date columns are being converted to DateTime (elong)
0005270: [Improvement] Better descriptions of DB import options (elong)
0005276: [Improvement] Add option to Data Load Wizard to both create/alter tables and truncate tables (emiller)
0005284: [Improvement] Check the hostname and the local_infile variable when setting up a MySQL node with bulk loading enabled (emiller)
0005288: [Improvement] Make it possible to ignore a row from an outgoing batch that is part of a load (emiller)
0005292: [Improvement] Make error messages more obvious on Manage Installed Triggers screen (emiller)
0005293: [Improvement] Improve how metadata is fetched for engines that are on the same instance (emiller)
0005295: [New Feature] Relational to JSON writer with nesting using group of tables (emiller)
0005302: [Improvement] Improve first-time setup experience (emiller)
0005307: [Improvement] Add a warning to the Manage Outgoing Loads screen when a channel in use is disabled (emiller)
0005328: [Improvement] Add filters to Auto Create Table Routing and Auto Create File Routing dialogs (emiller)
0005363: [Improvement] Database test runs on controller node instead of node selected (elong)
0005369: [Improvement] Make failure message easier to read on failed engines screen (emiller)
0005374: [New Feature] Add more information and an option to take ownership when a node fails to claim exclusive ownership of a database (emiller)
58 issues View Issues
0005252: [Bug] Fix IllegalArgumentException on Manage Outgoing Batches screen (pmarzullo)
0005330: [Improvement] Improved Elasticsearch RestHighLevelClient Calling Method (jvanmeter)
0005331: [Bug] Elasticsearch Insert Appending Too Many Commas (jvanmeter)
0005332: [Improvement] Improved how the Mongo Client is Created and Used (jvanmeter)
0005337: [Bug] Oracle Log Mining of LOBs needs to handle lob writes across multiple result set records better (pmarzullo)
0005339: [Bug] NPE when rebuilding a trigger with a missing table (emiller)
0005342: [Bug] Group link names extend past layout boundaries on Design tab (emiller)
0005345: [Bug] Script editor validation doesn't work as intended (emiller)
0005346: [Bug] Update Script Not Properly Appending Semicolons (jvanmeter)
9 issues View Issues
0005361: [Bug] JDBC connection fails when using Oracle DB in cloud (josh-a-hicks)
0005266: [Bug] OnPrem to Cloud profile configuration not working (josh-a-hicks)
0005267: [New Feature] SingleStore log based support for non ANSI SQL statements (josh-a-hicks)
0005268: [Bug] Test Connection Button Not Working With Elasticsearch (jvanmeter)
0005275: [Improvement] Make "The background refresher service is shutting down" messages debug level (emiller)
0005277: [Bug] Fix phantom table issue in SQL Explorer database tree (emiller)
0005286: [Improvement] Rearrange lookup table layout on subset screen of Quick Config Wizard (emiller)
0005287: [Improvement] Add system memory and jvm bitness to snapshot (elong)
0005291: [Bug] Unable to Unregister 3rd Tier Node from Registration Server (jvanmeter)
0005294: [Improvement] Move images to src\main\resources\META-INF\resources (emiller)
0005296: [Bug] Elasticsearch getting java.lang.AbstractMethodError (jvanmeter)
0005297: [Improvement] Automatically set column width in SQL Explorer results grid (emiller)
0005298: [Improvement] Open Node Setup Wizard before Quick Config Wizard after initial setup (emiller)
0005299: [Improvement] Add current node to grid on Nodes dashboard panel (emiller)
0005300: [Bug] Oracle Log Mining issue with deletes when no primary keys defined (pmarzullo)
0005301: [Bug] Manage Logging panel opens log file and never closes when layout in log4j2.xml is different from original installed layout (pmarzullo)
0005303: [Bug] izpack failing to find release-notes.html file in stream (too far back) (pmarzullo)
0005310: [Bug] MSSQL log based replication support for database names that include a "-" (josh-a-hicks)
0005316: [Bug] Snapshot error on sym_outgoing_batch_summary for load-only node (elong)
0005317: [Bug] Transform Expression Window Sized Improperly (jvanmeter)
0005323: [Bug] Potential to get Infinite Recursive Loop when Downloading Module (jvanmeter)
0005324: [Bug] Fixed an issue with NoClassDefFoundError not being caught or thrown (jvanmeter)
0005325: [Bug] Added missing dependencies for MongoDB Atlas (jvanmeter)
0005326: [Bug] Use Mongo Id's Checkbox not Properly Saving to Parameters (jvanmeter)
24 issues View Issues
0005231: [Improvement] Support snapshot file improvements (elong)
0004348: [New Feature] Installer prompt for Windows logon as user
0005253: [Bug] Elasticsearch SSL Connection Issues (jvanmeter)
0005257: [Improvement] Rows in the SQL Explorer TreeGrid should only expand or collapse when the arrow is clicked (emiller)
0005259: [Bug] Log based configurations do not sort initial load properly by foreign keys (josh-a-hicks)
0005232: [Improvement] Oracle enhanced permission checks for log based replication (josh-a-hicks)
0005245: [Bug] Prevent duplicate Export button from appearing in DB Export dialog (emiller)
0005233: [New Feature] SingleStore dialect (josh-a-hicks)
0005201: [Bug] HSQLDB validation query results in "unexpected end of statement" error (emiller)
0005205: [Improvement] Azure managed instance support for bulk loading (josh-a-hicks)
0005208: [Bug] Design panel errors when transforms are not properly configured (josh-a-hicks)
0005209: [Bug] Auto.config.registration.svr.sql.script parameter doesn't get removed when setting up SymmetricDS with custom configuration (emiller)
0005215: [Bug] Test Connection button fails on Mail Server setup screen (emiller)
0005217: [Bug] Buttons in health panel on dashboard sometimes do nothing (emiller)
0005219: [Bug] On Login dialog, sort the nodes that are registration servers to the top safely (pmarzullo)
0005220: [Bug] Selecting multiple rows on a Configure screen and clicking the New button opens the wrong editor (emiller)
0005221: [Bug] Grid selection should not clear when filters change on Configure screens (emiller)
0005223: [Bug] Downloading snapshots doesn't always work in Firefox (emiller)
0005224: [Bug] Prevent triggers from being synced via the UI if they're already in the process of being synced (emiller)
0005225: [Improvement] Alphabetize items in catalog, schema, and table select fields in transform form (emiller)
0005230: [Bug] Transform form fields do not populate correctly (emiller)
0005234: [New Feature] SingleStore dialect (josh-a-hicks)
0005235: [Bug] Restarting engine from failed engine dialog not working (elong)
0005236: [Bug] Conflict winner can cause routing warning about mismatch table name (elong)
0005246: [Improvement] MSSQL auto create trigger options to exclude rowversion (elong)
0005249: [Improvement] Make it clear when links on Dashboard Shortcuts panel aren't working due to license violations (emiller)
0005250: [Bug] Fix database icons not always showing up in Design tab (emiller)
0005251: [Improvement] Suppress Vaadin's "Got an RPC for non-existent node" messages (emiller)
0005254: [Bug] Assigning a run period via the monitor form's "Customize" button doesn't work (emiller)
0005256: [Bug] Oracle log miner unsupported dmlType LOB_TRIM (elong)
0005258: [Bug] Catch exceptions when parsing an outgoing batch to view its sent data (emiller)
0005261: [Bug] Conflict form doesn't honor (emiller)
0005262: [Improvement] Make default node selection in Data Load Wizard less confusing (emiller)
33 issues View Issues
0003789: [Improvement] Sort SQL configuration export by primary key to make it easier to diff (elong)
0005170: [Bug] Typing a class name in the Advanced Set Logging Levels dialog doesn't work as expected (emiller)
0005173: [Bug] DB2 zOS support for clobs (josh-a-hicks)
0005181: [Bug] Misspelling in message about license maintenance date exceeded (pmarzullo)
0005185: [Improvement] Upgrade Vaadin to 14.8.1 (emiller)
0005193: [Bug] Can't reject a registration request in error (elong)
6 issues View Issues
0005165: [Bug] Selecting an engine that has failed to start doesn't open the Engine Startup Failure dialog (emiller)
0005154: [Bug] Detecting AS/400 as generic dialect instead of AS/400 dialect (elong)
0005084: [Improvement] Test Connection button on Manage Nodes screen should be disabled in some situations (emiller)
0005152: [Bug] Multiple license expiration reminder dialogs can open at the same time (emiller)
0005153: [Improvement] Improve appearance of reminder dialogs (emiller)
0005155: [Bug] Registration URL field in Node Setup Wizard does not keep its custom value when clicking Next (emiller)
0005156: [Bug] Grid on Configure Table Routing screen sometimes doesn't update after deleting all rows (emiller)
7 issues View Issues
0005126: [Bug] UI can get stuck on the "Starting SymmetricDS" screen when the server can't connect to a database but the client(s) can (emiller)
0005124: [Improvement] Add "enabled for initial load" checkbox to table routing form (emiller)
0005125: [Improvement] Improve appearance of "Starting SymmetricDS" screen (emiller)
0005127: [Bug] Editing staging files via the Manage Staging Area screen doesn't work if compression or encryption is enabled (emiller)
0005129: [New Feature] Import configuration in the background instead of hanging the UI (emiller)
0005130: [Bug] MongoDB quick config support for changing databases to view other collections (josh-a-hicks)
0005131: [Bug] OutgoingLoadPanel is calling a query for each table reload request (emiller)
0005132: [Improvement] List registration nodes first in the login dialog (emiller)
0005135: [Improvement] Improve appearance of sample subselect SQL on subset screen of quick config wizard (emiller)
0005136: [Improvement] Improve node setup wizard when creating an additional master node (emiller)
0005147: [Improvement] Improve appearance of group link screen in quick config wizard (emiller)
11 issues View Issues
0005119: [Improvement] Design Screen Permission Installation (jvanmeter)
0004943: [New Feature] Upgrade to Vaadin 14 user interface components (emiller)
0004953: [Bug] Switching nodes changes the column widths of the grids on the Dashboard screen (emiller)
0004954: [Improvement] Installer log which files modified (elong)
0004963: [Improvement] Console login is slow (elong)
0005044: [Improvement] Enhanced status in the node list (elong)
0005075: [New Feature] Elasticsearch Dialect Implementation (jvanmeter)
0005081: [New Feature] MongoDB change data capture or load-only node and upgraded driver to 4.3.1 (josh-a-hicks)
0005094: [New Feature] Log miner for Postgres database (elong)
0005096: [New Feature] Console event listener extension (elong)
0005100: [New Feature] OpenSearch Dialect Implementation (jvanmeter)
0005104: [Improvement] Uninstaller leaves folder and files behind (elong)
0005109: [New Feature] Microsoft Azure CosmosDB support (josh-a-hicks)
0005110: [New Feature] Add Engine Startup Failure Dialog (emiller)
0005111: [Improvement] Default parameter console.auth.config.client to true (elong)
15 issues View Issues