View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006786SymmetricDS ProBugpublic2025-03-28 17:44
Reportercquamme Assigned Tocquamme  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.16.0 
Target Version3.16.1Fixed in Version3.16.1 
Summary0006786: On Outgoing loads screen, when sorting by Extract, Transfer, and Load when populated with millis, it doesn’t sort anything
DescriptionWhen you are on the Outgoing loads screen and you try to sort by extract, transfer, and/or load, nothing changes and the table does not sort them by the column.


related to 0006444 closedmdrouard Improve how bulk loader flag is set and how bulk loaded percentage is calculated 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-26 13:06 cquamme New Issue
2025-03-26 13:06 cquamme Status new => assigned
2025-03-26 13:06 cquamme Assigned To => cquamme
2025-03-26 13:29 cquamme Tag Attached: ui
2025-03-28 14:19 cquamme Relationship added related to 0006444
2025-03-28 17:44 cquamme Status assigned => resolved
2025-03-28 17:44 cquamme Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-28 17:44 cquamme Fixed in Version => 3.16.1