Released 2023-10-27
0006055: [Improvement] Multi-threaded routing by channel (elong)
0005992: [Bug] Conflict resolver does not handle unique index violations correctly when a unique index ignores null values (emiller)
0005965: [Bug] Conflict Detection Fixes for Unique Keys (cquamme)
0006051: [Bug] Sybase ASE result set has already been closed during trigger exists check (elong)
0006043: [Bug] ConcurrentConnectionManager expects nodeId-channel in the white list, but only the nodeId is put in the white list (pmarzullo)
0006034: [Improvement] Use the value of as the truststore type if specified (emiller)
0006021: [Bug] SQLException when updating a non-OK outgoing batch on some database platforms (emiller)
0006013: [New Feature] Add :SOURCE_NODE_ID, :SOURCE_EXTERNAL_ID, and :SOURCE_NODE_GROUP_ID variables to column match routers (emiller)
0005788: [Bug] The source_table_name wildcard behavior does not match the documentation on the website (emiller)
0006011: [Bug] Do not attempt to "create or alter" triggers on SQL Server 2016 RTM (emiller)
0006010: [Improvement] Add exception message to logging when bulk loader fails and falls back to default loading (pmarzullo)
0006006: [Improvement] Prevent node from starting up if the sync.url is invalid (emiller)
0005976: [Bug] User is incorrectly warned that table is missing primary key (elong)
0005986: [Bug] Method that selects from sym_node_security is not synchronized (emiller)
0005984: [Bug] Fixed compatibility for other databases to insert/update into Sybase ASE Unitypes (jvanmeter)
0005983: [Improvement] Improve accuracy of CPU monitor (emiller)
0005980: [Improvement] MonitorService should use the dirty SQL template when selecting from sym_monitor_event (emiller)
0005971: [Bug] Loads fail when they include a table with a SQL Server uniqueidentifier column (emiller)
0005966: [Improvement] SQLAnywhere support for stream row (pmarzullo)
19 issues View Issues