View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005916SymmetricDSNew Featurepublic2024-12-31 18:08
Reporterjosh-a-hicks Assigned Tojosh-a-hicks  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.14.8 
Target Version3.14.8Fixed in Version3.14.8 
Summary0005916: New parameter to allow automatic loads to be sent based on configuration rather than just to and from registration server
DescriptionDefault behavior for the auto.reload and auto.reload.reverse flags that cause initial loads to run during registration were designed to load to or from the registration server to the node that is registering. These automatic loads flip appropriate flags on sym_node_security which is the driving force to start a load by the initial load service.

A new parameter is now available to run along with the auto.reload and auto.reload.reverse to cause the loads to run based on configuration.

New parameter : auto.reload.use.config=false

When this auto.reload.use.config=true it will look at all the nodes that the registering node is configured to send data to or from to send the load.

1. auto.reload (or sym_node_security.initial_load_enabled = 1) AND auto.reload.use.config= true ==> Will load data to the registering node from ALL nodes that sync to the newly registering node based on configuration (not just registration node).

2. auto.reload.reverse (or sym_node_security.rev_initial_load_enabled = 1) AND auto.reload.use.config= true ==> Will load data from the registering node to ALL nodes that it syncs with based on configuration (not just registration node).
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Related Changesets

SymmetricDS: 3.14 f7364180

2023-07-06 14:00:42


Details Diff
0005916: New parameter to allow automatic loads to be sent based on
configuration rather than just to and from registration server
Affected Issues
mod - symmetric-core/src/main/java/org/jumpmind/symmetric/common/ Diff File
mod - symmetric-core/src/main/java/org/jumpmind/symmetric/service/impl/ Diff File
mod - symmetric-core/src/main/resources/ Diff File

SymmetricDS: 3.14 f35df478

2023-07-13 14:12:16


Details Diff
0005916: New parameter to allow automatic loads to be sent based on
configuration rather than just to and from registration server
Affected Issues
mod - symmetric-core/src/main/java/org/jumpmind/symmetric/service/impl/ Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-07-06 13:59 josh-a-hicks New Issue
2023-07-06 13:59 josh-a-hicks Status new => assigned
2023-07-06 13:59 josh-a-hicks Assigned To => josh-a-hicks
2023-07-13 15:00 Changeset attached => SymmetricDS 3.14 f35df478
2023-07-13 15:00 Changeset attached => SymmetricDS 3.14 f7364180
2024-12-31 18:08 emiller Status assigned => closed
2024-12-31 18:08 emiller Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-31 18:08 emiller Fixed in Version => 3.14.8