0006463: [Improvement] RabbitMQ support for username and password (josh-a-hicks)
0006455: [Improvement] Conflict detection newer wins for log miners (elong)
0006472: [Improvement] Move REST API parameters to Pro (emiller)
0006464: [Bug] SQL-Server bcp error datetime fractional second precision exceeded (elong)
0006451: [Bug] The logminer fails to serialize/deserialize timestamps (jvanmeter)
0006450: [Bug] Oracle log miner stuck on resetting SCN number ORA-01281 (elong)
0006432: [Improvement] Fixed issue causing auto refresh to uncheck on scroll (mdrouard)
0006443: [Bug] Control -> Toggle Priority button on Manage Nodes screen is only enabled if the current node and selected node are multi-homed (emiller)
0006440: [Improvement] Repair script that handles different table case by using batch CSV (elong)
0006439: [Improvement] Add -b option to SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0006426: [Improvement] The batch window should ignore a row in the same way the batch panel ignores a row (cquamme)
0006437: [Improvement] Batch Panels in the UI should show when a batch has rows that were ignored (cquamme)
0006431: [Improvement] Allow disabling the ordering of SQL Server log mining output by transaction ID, allowing ordering by foreign key constraints (pmarzullo)
0006428: [Bug] Compare request may not complete when non-initiating node is the target (elong)
0006427: [Improvement] User feedback on Comparison panel when request is cancelled (elong)
0006425: [Improvement] If a user ignores a row via the "Resolve Data" panel, no console event is logged (cquamme)
0006423: [Bug] Send Table Schema does not list the tables correctly when trigger is defined with wildcard characters for the table name (pmarzullo)
0006422: [Bug] Incorrect console event logging when ignoring a row from Outgoing Batch Panel (cquamme)
0006421: [Improvement] Added auto selection for load data if only one node exists (mdrouard)
0006417: [New Feature] Log miner support for update loop prevention and sync on incoming (elong)
0006418: [Improvement] SQL Server bcp trust server certificate parameter (elong)
0006416: [Bug] MySQL log-based permission check failure can exhaust connection pool (elong)
0006405: [Improvement] On the Manage Nodes screen, move the Sync URL column's copy button to the left of the text (emiller)
0006403: [Bug] Transform column editor on Configure Transforms screen can get into a state where a column cannot be deselected (emiller)
0006399: [Improvement] Auto Create Transforms dialog should notify the user if it fails to auto create column mappings (emiller)
0006396: [Improvement] Move bulk loader parameters from symmetric-ds to symmetric-pro (emiller)
0006398: [Improvement] Allow multi-line editing of delete first parameter (elong)
0006392: [Improvement] Add parameter to allow null values to remain null when loading into columns with default values using SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0006390: [Bug] Bi-directional log-based intermittent unrouted batches that should have routed (elong)
29 issues View Issues