SymmetricDS Pro - Change Log
Released 2025-03-14
0006444: [Improvement] Improve how bulk loader flag is set and how bulk loaded percentage is calculated (mdrouard) 0006543: [New Feature] Add a Configure Canvas to replace the Design tab (emiller) 0006551: [Improvement] Bulk export for SQL Server and Sybase ASE (elong) 0006544: [New Feature] Bulk loader for Sybase ASE (elong) 0006688: [New Feature] Dynamic reload queue to scale initial load (elong) 0002338: [Improvement] Bulk Extract for MSSQL (elong) 0006736: [New Feature] Documentation for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (cquamme) 0006234: [New Feature] Web console logins with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (cquamme) 0006436: [Improvement] Change how bulk loaders determine when to flush their data (emiller) 0006466: [Improvement] Adding File Sync Service for Azure Blob Storage (mdrouard) 0006549: [Improvement] Process panel able to interrupt if thread is available (elong) 0006650: [New Feature] Add a way to add a prefix or suffix to transforms when doing auto-create (cquamme) 0006696: [Improvement] Max Batch Size insight shouldn't check reload channels (emiller) 0006714: [New Feature] Package Microsoft's bcp utility into setup program (elong) 0006715: [New Feature] Package Oracle's SQL*Loader utility into a module (elong) 0006745: [Bug] RabbitMQ Errors when "data_loader_type" is bulk (cquamme) 0006750: [New Feature] Exasol Support as a Target Platform (josh-a-hicks)
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