View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005928SymmetricDS ProImprovementpublic2024-05-16 14:58
Reportercquamme Assigned Tocquamme  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Target Version3.15.0Fixed in Version3.15.0 
Summary0005928: Use sym_outgoing_error table to ignore a row in outgoing batch
DescriptionPreviously we used a ProConsoleService method to ignore a row in an outgoing batch. Now, in 3.15 we have a sym_outgoing_error table that syncs to sym_incoming_error, so we can leverage this table and use it to ignore a row in an outgoing batch.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0005927 closedcquamme SymmetricDS Use sym_outgoing_error table to ignore a row in outgoing batch 
related to 0006426 closedcquamme SymmetricDS Pro The batch window should ignore a row in the same way the batch panel ignores a row 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-07-18 16:26 cquamme New Issue
2023-07-18 16:26 cquamme Status new => assigned
2023-07-18 16:26 cquamme Assigned To => cquamme
2023-07-18 16:26 cquamme Relationship added related to 0005927
2023-07-18 16:28 cquamme Status assigned => resolved
2023-07-18 16:28 cquamme Resolution open => fixed
2023-07-18 16:28 cquamme Fixed in Version => 3.15.0
2023-10-01 23:46 admin Status resolved => closed
2024-05-16 14:58 cquamme Relationship added related to 0006426