View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006671SymmetricDSImprovementpublic2024-12-09 15:00
Reporteremiller Assigned Toemiller  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.15.0 
Target Version3.15.12Fixed in Version3.15.12 
Summary0006671: When SymmetricDS has to add a new column to a sym_ table in a Sybase ASE database, it can recreate the table unnecessarily
DescriptionWhen SymmetricDS has to add a new column to a sym_ table in a Sybase ASE database and the column isn't at the end of the table in symmetric-schema.xml, it recreates the table when it could just alter the table. This will add the column to the end of the table, but other platforms behave this way because the column order doesn't matter.
Tagsddl/schema, dialect: sybase


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Related Changesets

SymmetricDS: 3.15 d3ac3a28

2024-12-09 14:27:45


Details Diff
0006671: Prevented SymmetricDS from unnecessarily recreating a sym_ table in a Sybase ASE database when adding a new column Affected Issues
mod - symmetric-db/src/main/java/org/jumpmind/db/platform/ase/ Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-09 14:23 emiller New Issue
2024-12-09 14:23 emiller Status new => assigned
2024-12-09 14:23 emiller Assigned To => emiller
2024-12-09 14:23 emiller Tag Attached: ddl/schema
2024-12-09 14:23 emiller Tag Attached: dialect: sybase
2024-12-09 14:28 emiller Status assigned => resolved
2024-12-09 14:28 emiller Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-09 14:28 emiller Fixed in Version => 3.15.12
2024-12-09 15:00 Changeset attached => SymmetricDS 3.15 d3ac3a28