SymmetricDS Pro - Change Log
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0006760: [Bug] Postgres binary bulk loader fails to parse times with 4+ digits of precision and timestamps with 4, 5, or 7+ digits of precision (emiller) 0006776: [New Feature] Add functionality to have the purge job automatically rotate the SAML SP x509 certificate when it's near expiration (emiller) 0006748: [Bug] RabbitMQ should make "username" and "password" required fields (cquamme) 0006771: [Bug] RabbitMQ fails to connect when using the Connect Database wizard (emiller) 0006770: [New Feature] Add a parameter to allow specification of OneLogin SAML properties via a properties file (emiller) 0006765: [New Feature] Add functionality to read the SAML IdP certificate from the IdP metadata URL (emiller) 0006759: [New Feature] Add support for timestamp with time zone data type to Postgres binary bulk loader (emiller) 0006767: [Improvement] Sign SAML requests with SHA-256 instead of SHA-1 (emiller)
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