View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006774SymmetricDSBugpublic2025-03-20 17:50
Reporterelong Assigned Toelong  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.15.0 
Target Version3.15.15 
Summary0006774: Sybase ASE unitext error when exceeding 8192 characters
DescriptionOn Sybase ASE, when a table is using a UNITEXT data type, if the value for an insert or update using more than 8192 characters AND it contains characters not valid in the server's character set, the following error is received:

"A wrong datastream has been sent to the server. The server was expecting token 1 but got the token 0."

A reported fix is to convert the characters to bytes representing UTF-16LE (little endian) and send in the byte array as a BLOB data type. Fix is reported to work with JTDS as well as Sybase drivers.
Tagsdialect: sybase


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-20 17:50 elong New Issue
2025-03-20 17:50 elong Status new => assigned
2025-03-20 17:50 elong Assigned To => elong
2025-03-20 17:50 elong Tag Attached: dialect: sybase