0006747: [Bug] RabbitMQ Errors when "data_loader_type" is bulk (cquamme)
0006743: [Improvement] Add SymmetricDS label as a Client Provided Name for new RabbitMQ connections (pbelov)
0006731: [Bug] Failed to capture change from binary DB2 log because of the 0x00 byte incompatible with runtime tables in Postgres (elong)
0006732: [Bug] Snowflake support for variant data type (josh-a-hicks)
0006733: [Bug] In the Connect Database Wizard, clicking the "Previous" button and switching from log-based capture causes unexpected behavior (emiller)
0006738: [Bug] Compare and Repair has issues requesting more than one node at a time to compare (pmarzullo)
0006740: [Bug] Compare Repair status should indicate when repair is needed but not attempted (pmarzullo)
0006746: [Bug] Compare request when load transform is using variable for target table (elong)
8 issues View Issues