SymmetricDS Pro - Change Log
Released 2024-08-16
0006546: [Improvement] The add table wizard will not refresh the table list if the database does not support schemas (josh-a-hicks) 0006556: [Bug] CPU monitor is inaccurate for systems with a Mac or Linux OS and more than 1 core (emiller) 0006554: [Bug] Java validation pop-up on extensions screen (elong) 0006553: [Improvement] SQL Explorer privileges for read-only queries (elong) 0006548: [Improvement] Enhancing REST API logging and tracking (jvanmeter) 0006536: [Bug] When importing configuration via the "Connect Database Wizard", sym_console_role does not get populated (cquamme) 0006542: [Improvement] Removed parameter changes associated with Dashboard Layout changes (jvanmeter) 0006534: [New Feature] Added functionality to support Prometheus integration (jvanmeter) 0006527: [Improvement] Added File Sync to Azure Blob Storage (mdrouard) 0006525: [Bug] Creating an extension for IDatabaseWriterFilter prevents batches from loading (elong) 0006523: [Bug] Compare extract table query can fail if initial load select uses table alias (elong) 0006522: [Bug] Failed to compare request with IOException stream closed (elong) 0006519: [Improvement] Split violation screen into tabs. Added ability to delete groups in group violation screen (mdrouard) 0006518: [Bug] Compare missing t alias, cluster lock, support Boolean and LocalDateTime (elong) 0006457: [Bug] Configure -> Table Triggers screen stuck in bulk edit mode (mdrouard) 0006504: [Bug] Compare with CHAR columns with databases using different padding (elong) 0006499: [Improvement] Enhance REST API to allow users to select xml or json for the return type (jvanmeter) 0006501: [Bug] Batch error monitor fails to convert batch details to JSON when they contain a java.sql.Timestamp (emiller) 0006500: [Bug] Kafka throws "Could not find target table" error when "bulk" is used (cquamme) 0006498: [Improvement] Data refresh job defer constraints on table (elong) 0006495: [Improvement] Added on click icon in Node status when node registration is in error (mdrouard) 0006494: [New Feature] License key for jumpmind commerce (jmc) (elong) 0006493: [Improvement] RabbitMQ add content type to header for JSON XML etc (josh-a-hicks) 0006491: [Improvement] Compare support excluded/included column names (elong) 0006490: [Bug] Compare with level 2 statistics gets null pointer exception (elong) 0006479: [Bug] SQL Server log miner replicating bit as true/false instead of 1/0 causing it to load as false (elong)
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