0006679: [Bug] Oracle bulk loader fails to parse database URLs that use TNS format and contain spaces before the equals signs (elong)
0006694: [Bug] Insight count doesn't update when approving or dismissing an insight and then collapsing the insight manager (emiller)
0006698: [Bug] Wizard automatically opens without verifying that the console user has write permission (emiller)
0006699: [Bug] Logging Set Levels Advanced throws exception when running in servlet container (not standalone) (pmarzullo)
0006711: [Bug] MSSql bulk loader using bcp fails to load some special characters when bcp is running on Windows (pmarzullo)
0006719: [Improvement] The database performance test dialog initially displays a rating of 0.0, causing confusion (emiller)
0006720: [Improvement] The connection test dialog's error message should appear at the top of the dialog (emiller)
0006723: [Bug] The Add Tables Wizard allows duplicate triggers to be added when the source database doesn't support both catalog and schema (emiller)
0006724: [Bug] SQL Server windows authentication is missing DLL (elong)
9 issues View Issues