SymmetricDS - Change Log
Released 2022-07-27
0005269: [Improvement] Variables of source catalog/schema names for use in target catalog/schema fields in routing (elong) 0002254: [Bug] sym_outgoing_batch and sym_incoming_batch should both use the same time for last_update_time and create_time (emiller) 0005157: [Improvement] Sybase and SQL Server update trigger should be made more efficient generating sym_data records when primary keys are changed (pmarzullo) 0005198: [Improvement] Clean up the consistent use of table constants for registration, trigger installation, extract, and export (elong) 0003724: [Bug] Conflict detection with Timestamps between DB2 and Derby (elong) 0005239: [Bug] Conflict resolution doesn't work if timestamp is in PK and different fractional second precision between databases (elong) 0004525: [Bug] Database name with special character like minus sign, fails to create trigger (emiller) 0002180: [Bug] H2 timestamp format creates conflict against ORACLE timestamp format (elong) 0003941: [Improvement] Data gap route reader could use multiple queries when exceeding max gaps (elong) 0005210: [Improvement] Routing reader may use multiple queries for a large number of gaps (elong) 0002972: [Improvement] Registration order of nodes should not matter (elong) 0005138: [Improvement] Build a cache manager to centralize the handling of data caches (pmarzullo) 0002261: [Bug] Schema from Postgres outputs TIMESTAMPTZ that is not compatible with other databases (elong) 0003778: [Bug] Send table fails when sending H2 Timestamp to MySQL (elong) 0003962: [Bug] Oracle's TIMESTAMP with Time Zone doesn't map to MariaDB (elong) 0003963: [Bug] char(n) and nchar(n) where n>255 is valid in oracle but maps to invalid types in MariaDB (elong) 0004298: [Bug] Sycing schemas from MSSQL with column type CHAR(400) to MySQL fails (elong) 0004723: [Improvement] Send column with Oracle DATE type to PostgreSQL (elong) 0004724: [Improvement] Send column with timestamp datatype from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL (elong) 0005122: [Bug] Wrong conversion from mssql datetime(7) to mysql/mariadb (elong) 0005140: [Task] Upgrade to gradle version 7.4.2 (pmarzullo) 0005178: [New Feature] Push registration to nodes when group links indicate push (elong) 0005180: [New Feature] Schedule registration of a node for a window of time (elong) 0005203: [Improvement] Sync incoming load details to target node (table_reload_status, extract_request) (elong) 0005238: [Improvement] Bulk loaders should report missing table (elong) 0005243: [Bug] Change documentation on outgoing batch errors to set the status to 'IG' instead of 'OK' so target will get notified (pmarzullo) 0005265: [Improvement] Update drivers, modules, and libraries (emiller) 0005278: [Improvement] Alphabetize list of tables in user guide (emiller) 0005280: [Improvement] Table DDL with timestamp and fractional second precision (elong) 0005304: [Bug] Snapshot Fails to Find SingleStore Enum (cquamme) 0005305: [Bug] SingleStore Snapshot: Failed to execute SQL Error (cquamme) 0005306: [Bug] SingleStore Snapshot: 'Table 'sym_outgoing_batch' doesn't exist' (cquamme) 0005308: [Bug] Unable to Retrieve Database Time for Load-Only and Log-Based (cquamme) 0005309: [Improvement] Prepare for Gradle upgrade to version 8 (pmarzullo) 0005351: [Improvement] Use PKCS12 for keystore by default (elong) 0005353: [Improvement] Add gpg code signing to jar files (emiller) 0005364: [Improvement] Always execute shutdown hooks, even for embedded and war deployments (pmarzullo) 0005376: [Improvement] Parameter to disable logging of application data from a batch error (elong)
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