0006077: [Bug] Protect against exceptions in CPU monitor (emiller)
0006027: [Bug] SQL Server Bulk issue when batch column count is different than target table column count (pmarzullo)
0006068: [Improvement] Windows service fails to start when desktop is slow to initialize (elong)
0006090: [Bug] Log off not closing session (elong)
0006105: [Bug] Setting up a new log based or extract only node via the Add Database Wizard causes a JdbcSQLFeatureNotSupportedException (emiller)
0006102: [Improvement] Add more details to the Rest Keys section of the User Guide (emiller)
0006093: [Bug] Add Table(s) Wizard should not specify the catalog/schema name for a new trigger if it is the default catalog/schema (emiller)
0006089: [Bug] Elastic Search module needs httpclient from apache to be installed (pmarzullo)
0006088: [Bug] Spring Boot builds unnecessary ElasticsearchRestClientAutoConfiguration bean when elastic search module jars are installed (pmarzullo)
0006075: [New Feature] Add stranded data insight (emiller)
0006085: [Bug] ElasticSearch Data Writer should use upsert functionality when updating records (pmarzullo)
0006078: [Bug] db.init.sql parsing needs to allow values to contain semicolons, specified as 2 semicolons in the value (pmarzullo)
0006070: [Bug] Compare and repair table using Sybase reserved keyword (elong)
0005882: [Improvement] Postgres Log Mining Enhancements (emiller)
0006066: [Improvement] "Open Web Console" button in SymmetricDS Pro Control Center should get the hostname from the host.bind.name property (emiller)
0006060: [Bug] Sybase ASE generated column query fails on versions older than 16 (elong)
0006061: [Improvement] Add Table(s) Wizard should not query for metadata when filtering table names (emiller)
0006058: [Improvement] Dashboard Health panel should have a separate message for system batches (emiller)
0006056: [New Feature] Add priority column and Control -> Toggle Priority button to Manage Nodes screen (emiller)
0006054: [Improvement] Move Unlock feature of Manage Nodes screen back to the Control dropdown (emiller)
0006053: [Bug] List of table names in Add Table(s) Wizard can extend below the bottom edge of the layout (emiller)
0006049: [New Feature] Add connection pool insight (emiller)
0006048: [Bug] Oracle statement parser does not handle the case when the column names in the where clause are prefixed with the table name (emiller)
0006045: [Improvement] Improve details of CPU and memory monitor events (emiller)
0006042: [New Feature] Add Registration -> Show Rejected menu option to Manage Nodes screen (emiller)
0006038: [Improvement] Upgrade to Vaadin 24.2 and use the new SvgIcon class (emiller)
0006037: [New Feature] Add LOB insight (emiller)
0006031: [New Feature] Add connection reset insight (emiller)
0006029: [Bug] LogMinerService debug log issue when logging close of miner and start and end SCN ids (pmarzullo)
0006024: [Bug] JsonSyntaxException when deserializing monitor event details (emiller)
0006022: [Improvement] Oracle log miner should skip the SQL statement instead of throwing an exception when the SQL is empty or the schema is null (emiller)
0006020: [Bug] Oracle log miner stuck on resetting SCN number ORA-01281 (elong)
0006009: [Improvement] Connect Database Wizard should prevent the user from using the Microsoft driver for SQL Server 2005 or older (emiller)
0006000: [New Feature] Add import-cert subcommand to symadmin (emiller)
0005998: [Bug] Error viewing job history on Manage -> Jobs screen (elong)
0005997: [Improvement] Selecting a multi-node row on the Manage Nodes screen should select all of the child rows (emiller)
0005995: [Improvement] Load screens should not reset their sort order on refresh (emiller)
37 issues View Issues