View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006496SymmetricDSImprovementpublic2025-03-17 17:10
Reporterjvanmeter Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version3.16.0 
Target Version3.16.1 
Summary0006496: Adding Indexes to Sym_ Tables
DescriptionLooking into adding a couple of indexes to help with the performance and speed.
Additional InformationList of indexes:

create index sym_extract_request_index_1
    on sym_extract_request (start_batch_id, end_batch_id, node_id, load_id);

create index sym_extract_request_index_2
    on sym_extract_request (status, start_batch_id, end_batch_id);

create index sym_extract_request_index_3
    on sym_extract_request (status, last_update_time);

create index sym_extract_request_index_4
    on sym_extract_request (last_transferred_batch_id);

create index sym_extract_request_index_5
    on sym_extract_request (request_id);

create index sym_extract_request_index_6
    on sym_extract_request (node_id,load_id);

create index sym_extract_request_index_7
    on sym_extract_request (load_id);

create index sym_outgoing_batch_index_1
    on sym_outgoing_batch (batch_id);

create index sym_data_index_1
    on sym_data (table_name);

create index sym_data_index_2
    on sym_data (event_type, create_time);

create index sym_table_reload_status_1
    on sym_table_reload_status(load_id);

create index sym_table_reload_status_2
    on sym_table_reload_status(target_node_id);


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-17 11:37 jvanmeter New Issue
2024-08-15 18:25 elong Product Version 3.15.0 => 3.16.0
2024-08-15 18:25 elong Target Version 3.15.8 => 3.16.0
2024-12-31 17:54 elong Tag Attached: performance
2025-03-17 17:10 pbelov Target Version 3.16.0 => 3.16.1