SymmetricDS - Change Log
Released 2018-01-22
0003366: [Improvement] Support transactional sync triggers (kstojanovska) 0003359: [Improvement] Safeguard against initial.load.delete being routed to the wrong node (mmichalek) 0003369: [Bug] Null pointer when using CSV Router (maxwellpettit) 0003370: [Improvement] Handle exceptions while trying to determine the database version (josh-a-hicks) 0003371: [New Feature] Raima Dialect (josh-a-hicks) 0003374: [Improvement] Load only db passwords not encrypted (josh-a-hicks) 0003380: [Bug] If sym_trigger_hist is missing symmetricds will attempt to recreate the row, but rebuild of triggers fails (kstojanovska) 0003383: [Improvement] IReloadGenerator is not used when node security flag is used for initial loads (josh-a-hicks) 0003385: [Bug] Creating a FULLTEXT index in MySQL or MariaDB is not supported (josh-a-hicks) 0003386: [Improvement] Populate deployment sub type on sym_node (josh-a-hicks) 0003348: [Improvement] Add prompt for password in encrypt-text (kstojanovska) 0003357: [Bug] Extract file lock can't be created when "common" directory doesn't exist yet (mmichalek)
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