0003613: [Improvement] Web Console logging - user create, delete, logout, and change password events (elong)
0003614: [Bug] Websocket errors when using HTTPS/SSL/TLS (elong)
0003615: [Bug] NullPointerException during RemoteStatus message reply (mmichalek)
0003618: [Improvement] If you access the web ux from two different symds instances on the same host with different ports the web ux becomes confused (chenson)
0003619: [Bug] Fix error during demo initialization (mmichalek)
0003629: [New Feature] New file conflict resolvers (newer and older wins). (josh-a-hicks)
0003638: [Bug] Throughput calculations were miscalculating (josh-a-hicks)
0003642: [Bug] Monitor exceptions when there is a dash in the node name (mmichalek)
0003653: [Bug] Oracle RAC using sequence noorder can expire last gaps (elong)
9 issues View Issues