SymmetricDS - Change Log
Released 2020-03-17
0004300: [Bug] Oracle Bulk Loader: Fails to parse dbUrl parameter when using service names for sqlldr connect string (pmarzullo) 0004304: [Bug] MySql and MariaDB: Streaming row mode does not call concat() on primary keys for insert and update reload triggers (pmarzullo) 0004305: [Bug] File sync null pointer exception reading acks (elong) 0004307: [Bug] Upgrade libraries with known vulnerabilities (elong) 0004308: [Improvement] Lazy load bouncy castle (elong) 0004309: [Bug] batchError incorrectly checks create time (elong) 0004311: [Bug] DataExtractorService: Stream row query with null values does not deal with the null values correctly (pmarzullo) 0004312: [Improvement] Routing data gap detection option for Postgres to use earliest transaction time (elong) 0004313: [Bug] MySQL and MariaDB: Streaming row mode does not capture updates correctly (pmarzullo) 0004320: [Bug] MySQL upgrade gets sym_transaction_id_pre_5_7_6 does not exist (elong)
10 issues View Issues