Released 2020-05-26
0004225: [Bug] Configuration SQLite as master db - crashes after first fresh configuration (elong)
0004403: [Bug] Authentication interceptor out of memory (elong)
0004393: [Bug] Regression NPE in Postgres bulk loader factory (elong)
0004405: [Bug] Initial Load: Retrieve active trigger histories after retrieving Sync Trigger lock (pmarzullo)
0004374: [Bug] NClob support fails on Oracle (elong)
0004375: [Bug] GSON parsing fails for logging stack traces (josh-a-hicks)
0004376: [Bug] Monitor 'offlineNodes' does not capture offline nodes in detail (elong)
0004380: [Bug] Systemd installation: need to specify on command line in systemd control file (pmarzullo)
0004383: [Bug] Initd installation: need to specify on command line in initd file (pmarzullo)
0004386: [Improvement] Better logging of max outgoing and pending loads (elong)
0004390: [Improvement] Upgrade commons-codec (elong)
0004397: [Bug] Bit Support for Postgresql (jvanmeter)
0004354: [Bug] MsSql - create trigger query fails when keys contain spaces (elong)
0004358: [Bug] JNA error from systemd on RHEL (pmarzullo)
0004369: [Bug] SQL Server 2000 gets Invalid object name 'sys.triggers'. (elong)
0004371: [Improvement] Kafka properties from engine pass through to producer (elong)
0004395: [Bug] Extract statistics can be overwritten and inaccurate (elong)
0004404: [Bug] Initial load leaves batch in RQ status with message "batch not ready for delivery" (elong)
18 issues View Issues