Scheduled For Release 2024-06-14
0006430: [Improvement] Allow disabling the ordering of SQL Server log mining output by transaction ID, allowing ordering by foreign key constraints (pmarzullo)
0006404: [Improvement] On the Manage Nodes screen, move the Sync URL column's copy button to the left of the text (emiller)
0006402: [Bug] Transform column editor on Configure Transforms screen can get into a state where a column cannot be deselected (emiller)
0006397: [Improvement] Auto Create Transforms dialog should notify the user if it fails to auto create column mappings (emiller)
0006395: [Improvement] Move bulk loader parameters from symmetric-ds to symmetric-pro (emiller)
0006391: [Improvement] Add parameter to allow null values to remain null when loading into columns with default values using SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0006389: [Bug] Bi-directional log-based intermittent unrouted batches that should have routed (elong)
7 of 7 issue(s) resolved. Progress (100%). View Issues