Scheduled For Release 2025-04-04
0006134: [Improvement] DBCompare excluded/included columns require specified names to be lower case
0006496: [Improvement] Adding Indexes to Sym_ Tables
0006605: [New Feature] Support for cross platform BIT data type size > 1 (bit varying, varbit, bit string, bit array)
0006606: [Improvement] Update SymmetricDS documentation for system requirements and to clarify terminology
0006651: [Improvement] Insight to check if old data is needed during capture
0006678: [Improvement] Support INCLUDE non-key columns for indexes in Postgres (awebb)
0002655: [Improvement] Parameters and/or programmatic way to control type and size for sym_data, sym_trigger fields
0006751: [Task] Consolidate detection of Binary Encoding & Decoding for table in batch (pbelov)
0006779: [Bug] Postgresql DDL trigger fails when sym_trigger_hist is located in another schema (pbelov)
0004951: [Bug] Sybase: drop column needs to add "with no datacopy" clause to succeed (pmarzullo)
0006511: [Bug] Routing can include the same change in multiple batches with the same target node if an exception occurs (elong)
0006639: [New Feature] DuckDB Dialect (josh-a-hicks)
0006705: [Improvement] DataExtractorService.transferFromStaging should delete staged file if fails to decrypt staging file (pmarzullo)
0006752: [Improvement] Capture of DDL changes and delivery to the target should cause sync triggers at the target node after executing the SQL event (pmarzullo)
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