View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006481SymmetricDS ProBugpublic2024-06-10 11:53
Reporterpmarzullo Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version3.14.15 
Target Version3.14.16 
Summary0006481: New Database Schemas Only Showing up in "Add Table(s) Wizard" After Service Restart
DescriptionWhen new database schemas/catalogs are added to the database while a user is logged into the SymmetricDS user interface, those catalogs/schemas are not made available to the user for configuration in SymmetricDS until the SymmetricDS instance is restarted. Even logging out and back in does not make the catalogs/schemas available to the user.
Steps To Reproduce1. Log into the SymmetricDS and configure a node fully. Note the catalogs/schemas that are available for configuration.
2. Using another database tool, create a new catalog/schema and add some tables to the database.
3. Using the same SymmetricDS login as before, attempt to configure the new tables in the new catalogs/schemas.
4. The catalogs/schemas are not available to the user.
5. Log out and back in to the SymmetricDS user interface.
6. Attempt to configure the new tables in the new catalogs/schemas.
7. The catalogs/schemas are not available to the user.
Tagsconfiguration, ui


related to 0006480 new New Database Schemas Only Showing up in "Add Table(s) Wizard" After Service Restart 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-10 11:51 pmarzullo New Issue
2024-06-10 11:51 pmarzullo Tag Attached: configuration
2024-06-10 11:51 pmarzullo Tag Attached: ui
2024-06-10 11:53 pmarzullo Relationship added related to 0006480