View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002248SymmetricDSBugpublic2025-03-26 17:19
Reportermoizhb Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.7.11 
Summary0002248: Syncing H2 and postgres creates problem when source schema is given (case sensitivity)
DescriptionWe have all the sym_* tables created in the default schema in both H2(client) and PGSQL(server). And the data that needs to be syncing between these two databases are stored in a different schema.

Steps To ReproduceBelow two scenarios occurs when the schema name is not quoted during creation of data tables and they are in lower case. EG: CREATE TABLE

-- When the source_schema in sym_trigger is given in lower case on the server, it causes issues and does not create the triggers on H2 because it does not find the schema.

-- When the source_schema in sym_trigger is given in upper case on the server, it will create the triggers but fails during data push. It won't find the target table on the server (PGSQL).
Additional InformationWe fixed it by capitalizing the schema name everywhere. Eg: DDL
create schema 'TARGET';
create table "TARGET".docs ....

Tagsconfiguration, data sync, dialect: h2, dialect: postgresql


related to 0000710 new sym_trigger.source_catalog_name and sym_trigger.source_schema_name should respect 
related to 0003479 acknowledgedelong Locate the catalog/schema regardless of the case when data loading 
related to 0004524 acknowledged Add support for PostgreSQL search_path instead of target schema name 



2025-03-26 17:19

developer   ~0002742

Could be related to 0004524

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-03-31 21:23 moizhb New Issue
2015-03-31 21:23 moizhb Tag Attached: postgres
2015-03-31 21:23 moizhb Tag Attached: postgresql
2015-04-09 17:38 moizhb Tag Attached: h2
2019-04-12 12:48 admin Tag Detached: postgres
2019-04-23 12:22 elong Tag Attached: data sync
2019-04-23 16:59 elong Tag Attached: configuration
2019-04-23 20:48 admin Tag Renamed h2 => dialect: h2
2019-04-23 20:50 admin Tag Renamed postgresql => dialect: postgresql
2019-04-26 17:44 elong Relationship added related to 0000710
2022-08-05 16:20 elong Relationship added related to 0003479
2025-03-26 17:18 emiller Status new => acknowledged
2025-03-26 17:18 emiller Relationship added related to 0004524
2025-03-26 17:19 emiller Note Added: 0002742