View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003837SymmetricDSImprovementpublic2024-08-30 17:30
Reporterjosh-a-hicks Assigned Tojosh-a-hicks  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.9.0 
Target Version3.9.16Fixed in Version3.9.16 
Summary0003837: MSSQL Support for datetime2 values that are before January 1, 1753
DescriptionTimestamp from other dialects are mapped to datetime in MSSQL which will not accept dates before January 1, 1753. In order to support dates loading into MSSQL datetime2 which has a range of 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31 you need to turn on the following parameter at the MSSQL node.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0006572 closedelong SQL Server updates create duplicate rows with datetime2 in primary key 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Related Changesets

SymmetricDS: 3.10 b5a3c4c8

2018-12-19 14:50:16


Details Diff
0003837: MSSQL Support for datetime2 values that are before January 1,
Affected Issues
mod - symmetric-db/src/main/java/org/jumpmind/db/platform/mssql/ Diff File

SymmetricDS: 3.9 e25d597c

2018-12-19 15:00:32


Details Diff
0003837: MSSQL Support for datetime2 values that are before January 1,
Affected Issues
mod - symmetric-db/src/main/java/org/jumpmind/db/platform/mssql/ Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-12-19 19:49 josh-a-hicks New Issue
2018-12-19 19:49 josh-a-hicks Status new => assigned
2018-12-19 19:49 josh-a-hicks Assigned To => josh-a-hicks
2018-12-19 20:00 josh-a-hicks Changeset attached => SymmetricDS 3.10 b5a3c4c8
2018-12-19 21:00 josh-a-hicks Changeset attached => SymmetricDS 3.9 e25d597c
2018-12-27 15:08 josh-a-hicks Status assigned => resolved
2018-12-27 15:08 josh-a-hicks Resolution open => fixed
2018-12-27 15:08 josh-a-hicks Fixed in Version => 3.9.16
2024-08-30 17:30 elong Relationship added related to 0006572