View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006281SymmetricDSBugpublic2024-06-24 15:24
Reporteremiller Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version3.15.0 
Summary0006281: Trigger creation fails when Progress OpenEdge table has hundreds of columns
DescriptionWhen a Progress OpenEdge table has a very high number of columns, trigger creation fails with a message like this one:

java.sql.SQLException: [DataDirect][OpenEdge JDBC Driver][OpenEdge] Error from Java compiler. Compiler messages follow.(10727)
C:\OpenEdge\WRK\SQL_11992_1192\ error: unclosed string literal
          "case when ? is null threturn 0;

It appears that there is a length limit for the Java code contained within a Progress OpenEdge trigger. It may be possible to work around this issue by enabling Stream Row for the trigger.
Steps To ReproduceI was able to reproduce it by configuring a trigger for a Progress OpenEdge table with 345 columns.


related to 0006280 new Trigger creation fails when Progress OpenEdge table has hundreds of columns 



2024-06-24 15:24

developer   ~0002469

Instead of running SQL to format the values, it could format the values in Java.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-11 11:54 emiller New Issue
2024-03-11 11:54 emiller Tag Attached: trigger
2024-03-11 11:54 emiller Issue generated from: 0006280
2024-03-11 11:54 emiller Relationship added related to 0006280
2024-06-24 15:24 elong Note Added: 0002469