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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006700SymmetricDSBugpublic2025-01-13 21:33 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version3.15.12 
Summary0006700: boolean constants in csv row data are not converted correctly on Postgres
DescriptionAfter upgrading to 3.15.12, I discovered that all boolean columns on my Postgres host node are set to FALSE when the client node is Derby. The method DerbyFunctions.escape inserts the string literal of the column value into CSV data, ie. "true" or "false". It appears that this is no longer mapped correctly in the Postgres nodes that receive this data. The outcome is always FALSE. Part of my trouble shooting, I intercepted a CSV file and changed the values to "0" or "1". This appeared to work, ie. "1" was mapped to TRUE on the Postgres.
Additional InformationThis is an extract from the CSV DATA. The column RESULT is of type boolean in Derby client nodes and Postgres host nodes. In this example, the value of the column RESULT is "true", however when this is processed it maps to FALSE on the database.

insert,"42694d1c-4e00-4bd8-bedd-0cd93b55abf0","2025-01-13 22:09:17.303","za.drt.ambium.service.impl.EmployerService:updateEmployer","malachor","localhost","admin",,"employer= 1a79aa44119e; name= ACTIVE 10:09",,"true","9","app"
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-13 21:33 New Issue